Party on! Debbiedoos B & A
Please proceed reading this post with CAUTION. As we know this party is a broad range of before and afters, so let's get creative with WHATEVER! Have fun enjoying as many participants as you can. I have the greatest group of friends here. You really are thoughtful!
I decided for my first B & A, after some requests, I would show you my eye make up tutorial. was going to do a video, however, I am over that for awhile:) So here we go, the BEFOREwell, kinda blah for sure......but this is what I have been blessed with, so I work with it!
OK this is a serious matter here, nothing to smile about, I have some work ahead of me here, oh and obviously in need of a brow wax...going this week.....................Yabba Dabba Doo's get to work on Debbiedoo!!!
Ok one eye has some life in
Ok so it took this team to help, what can I say! I pay these Men well!~
Ok seriously, All I do is take my little shadow brush and apply it generously on half my lid. I like using the darker colors, as my eyes seem to pop out more, I think that would be the case for most of us, however, some are too afraid to try it. I am sure if a make up consultant or cosmetologist is looking at this, she is cringing at my advise. I also take my brush and lightly go underneath my eye and further out, the cat eye look, I know, all wrong, but that is the way I like it.
After I apply the cat eye underneath, I usually take a lighter color with a shimmer,color depends on what I am wearing, I then lightly brush that color underneath the lid as well....again probably not to make up standards, , but that is what I do.
As you can see this black smokey color has a sparkle to it, I love sparkle anything, I even wear sparkle lotion!
I am almost finished you can see, I trash the bathroom in this process! I really need my lipstick, never leave home without it. I use the cheap crap wet and wild, I love it, stays on, does not bleed, and they have some great colors. This is what I use for the summer. Now one thing I hear about women in their forties...we really should not use reds anymore, I would agree with that...
I love pinks, in all variations, this is my favorite one, again super cheap, go to your local drug store and check it out!
I am ready for the day! Total time from shower to make up to hair....40 minutes! Not too bad! When I had short, short hair, it was 30 minutes. The make up process takes me about 5 minutes!
Lancome eye shadow color design with the new metallic black. I know it looks dramatic when the lid is closed however it really does not look caked on when your eyes are open, and of course you do not have to cover as much of the lid, you can do a smooth thin line, which I have done that as well.
Blush: Estee Lauder Delux all over face compact you can see the color numbers in the picture above.
COVER GIRL shimmer shadows this one is #600 Sterling Blue...I also use the light pink one often, I am out of it so I do not have the # will be going to get some more today!
Linking up to: THANKS for hosting ladies!
I will have my link up Tuesday evening to start....thanks everyone, and I can't wait to have some more fun!~Hope you all join in!
This party will be every other Wednesday.
Labels: About Me, B and A party, Make up tutorial
You are to cute and to funny! It doesn't take me long to get dressed either.
Love smokey eyes!! Oh, and I did vote for your video, by the way! :)
Girl you are just too funny and cute...loved this post today...Thanks...Hope you have a GREAT day my silly friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Debbie, you have big beautiful eyes, you lucky girl .... I wish I had eyebrows that I had to pluck!
Not the before and after I was expecting. I was thinking, sining room, bedside table. How refreshing. Lovely eyes.
You do have beautiful eyes! Thanks for sharing your own transformation! You crack me up!! I voted for you as often as I could as well. LOVED your video!
Oh, Debbie.. you are so much fun! I'm having sort of a down morning, but when I read your post I was laughing out loud. I can hear you talking through your writing. That's an art, you know? Love all the makeup tips and you are so daring to do a before and after picture... but then you are YOUNG and really can do without makeup. I did a similar posting a few weeks back but removed it when I thought I was too old to be messing around with all my paints. Oh well...
Have a fabulous day. You sure turned my morning around.
Ladybug Creek
you go girl.......never a dull moment on your
Brave girl, posting before and after. But not scary at all and you look great. Of course, your eyes are already pretty and expressive!
You are so cute!!! Thanks for sharing your tutorial on MM. :)
HA! How cute are you!?! Love the tutorial! ;)
"Smoldering" wears you well!
I am SO looking forward to B and F Wednesday. The button is perfect! I can't wait to pin it on!
LOVE IT! How great are your eyes? I love makeup :)
Funny lady! I really enjoyed your before and afters. I love wet and wild lipstick too, but the darker plums. Your eyes are so pretty and you do a great job with your eyeshadow!
Thank you so much for sharing this Debbie, I love it!!! I'll have to attempt it when I'm not going anywhere in case I end up looking like a racoon!
My friend and I went yard sale-ing on Sat. and we didn't find ONE single yard sale!!! It was very strange, maybe cuz of the holiday. I was so hoping to come home with lots of treasures:(
Too funny! Lovely eyes...
You're stunning! Ok you know I love that lipstick color.I'm still trying to hunt it down. The wetn'wild section is always empty in parts!!!
I'm such a diehard for red lipstick. I've heard the red over 40 rule too...hehe..but every once in a while...I just gotta slap some on!!!! I Love it.
Love the eye makeup tutorial! Too cute! You are so are definitely one of my favorite bloggers! :o)
Fun post Miss Debbiedoo!!!
You are so smoking crack! You are beautiful without makeup! I too like makeup though, and it was cool to see the transformation. Great job:)
Debbie, you are c-r-a-z-y!!! You looked fine without and definitely transformed after. You have nice big pretty eyes. I wasn't scared at all.
Erin, ha, are ALL so sweet...!
You are great!!!!
You always make me smile! Super smokey eyes!!
You're gorgeous! What a perfect before & after idea. Thanks for the makeup tip - I'm going to try it!
You are off the chain and not scary at all! ~olive
Debbie, this a great tutorial! I love the shimmery look. I am doing a giveaway from CSN stores. Check it out if you get a moment.
Hey Doll! Thanks for stopping today...Your blog is too cute!
Ha I thought had gotten hurt, by the title of your post. I have such a vivid imagination! lol
Great makeup tips, Debbie! But you look good even without makeup. Thanks for sharing your secrets! :-) I shop at Walgreen's, so I bet I can find some of those products. :-) ~ Coreen
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I think you have beautiful skin and that the before looks just as nice as the after!
I guess I have told you before now- I love how comfortable you are with yourself! Love it!
Do more of this. Cute.
I love that you are not afraid to put yourself out there - real and genuine and all Debbie! So cute - wish we were neighbors!
Wonderful tutorial on your morning, get up and out the door process.
Debbie this was great i am with Pam i wish i had eyebrows to pluck lol your skin look glowing:)
Great post! I am sure I break all the makeup rules, too. But we girls gotta go with what looks good and what we like. You did great!
Hi Debbie, I would never be able to put that much dark eye shadow on my eyes and it look as good as yours... can you come give me a makeover please ;-)
Love your hair and pink lipstick in that one pic too - you look great.
come say hi
Love the smokey eye, enjoy the shimmer now,you can't wear it when your old....but then again I think you are probably a girl who doesn't follow rules!
Great look! And I love that you don't mind posting your "before" look....I'm too chicken for that! LOL
Tree (aka Mother of Pearl)
Mother of Pearl It Is
You have beautiful eyes, Debbie~ even without a bit of makeup!
I love smoky eyes. I smoke mine out everyday! You are so adorable and I love your humor! =) Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks, and girl, God has blessed you with some gorgeous eyes. XO ~Liz
You know, if I looked like you did without makeup, I'd never wear it! You're a natural beauty -and, no, I'm not just saying it.
I love that you did the tutorial. So many people are curious about new approaches to the whole beauty thing.
I don't think I will have a before or after for this time - but I am rather looking forward to doing one.
You're beautiful! Now I have to go out and buy make-up before I could look half way decent..
You are too cute.. And HOT!
You might really love MAC eyeshadow in Sketch. It is my alltime fave and PERFECT for doing a smoky eye that you can get away with day or night :) Actually, I pretty much love anything from MAC.
You look beautiful Debbie!!! :)
I've given you an award -- you're so deserving! You can get it here:
Love your eyes, Debby. Thnaks for showing us your make up process...Christine
What a fun way to start off a "B & A" party! You have gorgeous skin! Of course, I think you look just lovely without makeup. But, I totally get the need to be girly and that is one of the fun parts of being a girl...playing with makeup!
I got my post up to join the party! Yippee! I remembered!! LOL
I still cant get that smoldering eyes thing down! I just look like a mess after I try it. I have worn the same makeup for about 15 years now. Thanks for the inspiration to try it again!
You are seriously brave woman for putting your non made up face out there!
I nominated you for an award, see more here
This was the best before and after I have ever attended! So much fun!!
You have such pretty eyes, Debbie. My eyes are more deep set than your so I put the dark shadow on the crease of my eyelid and apply a lighter shimmer over my lashes and in the corner of my eyes. It opens them up a little more. I heard flase eyelashes make eyes look larger but I never tried them..I'd need a tutorial on how to put them on
Love the smokey eyes! Thanks for hosting this fun B & A party!
Mary Ellen
Hi Debbie, You are just beautiful without make up but VA VA VOOM you looks so gorgeous with your make up applied! I thought I was the only one that loved WET N WILD, it's my favorited. Can't wait to get back into posting and joining in your partay's. Probably won't be moving til the end of August as things stand...Can't wait! Miss you!
You sparkle no matter what! I love makeup and new ways to apply it...I may try your trick! I wear wet and wild too...the best for like what $2!
I will link up my kitchen when it is done! If I get a short post done, I will scoot over and do it.
This was too cute! I'm afraid my before and after in the morning is wet hair/dry hair lol. And girl, you have the most gorgeous eyes! I'm terrified that if I tried this I'd end up looking like Rocky Raccoon! And yes, do come down to Texas some day, I'd love to show you around :) Kat
Hi Debbie! Oh, look at you being all cute and stuff! I enjoyed seeing how you do your makeup! I may try your trick with the eye shadow!
Now, you're snapping in front of your bathroom mirror and I want to ask you something. I am the Queen of the Daring Darling Bathroom Beauty Snapping Divas and we do this - snap a photo of ourselves in fronts of mirrors! Could I use your snap for a future post on my Bathroom Divas? I would never do this without your permission. But I would love it!
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)
Debbie, thanks for visiting, I am going to link up to garage salen is that Ok, when I first saw your caution sign I thought OH LORD what has that girl done now!!
Sorry. I made a moron move while dancing with McKlinky, resulting in a double listing. Please feel to give one of my "feeds" the boot, if that's possible to do. Thanks, and sorry again.
Oh Debbie.Thanks for leaving comments and 9 of 'em.Oh my.:-)
Please don't think I will be mad if you don't visit often!You visit and that's good enough.
Also I love the tutorial.I have been trying to do smoky eyes for ages ,have looked at millions of youtube videos to learn how to do do it but I always end up looking as if somebody has punched me in the eye.Well,I guess some of us are not meant to be smoky eyed.sigh
You are beautiful inside and outside, Debbiedoos!! :-)
Hey Debbie you are just to cute and to funny! I wish we lived closer I know we would have a ball together!!
Really pretty eye makeup!! I need to try out the smokey eyes. Gorgeous.
I linked up, come check out my blog :)
dang... I don't have a b & a this week. Will have to try for one before the next party.
Just kidding... I DO have something! :)
You have the prettiest green eyes girl..don't need any make-up what so ever, but it is very pretty! Love your new B&A....I have to say I was able to do it all by my self this time, no assistant needed (don't tell anyone it took me days to create though!
Deb you always make me laugh (that's a good thing!!)
Have a wonderful day!!
Ok Deb, you are awsome! Artist in many ways! So whats one do with dark brown eyes and short lashes? I have tried so many so called miracle mascaras and yet still short! I never use shadows since I am afraid of it as i am not in tune with applying any suggestions?
Hi may want to try Latise for you eye it and check it out...I hear it works great.
You're a doll! I loved this fun post.
I, on the other hand, have realized I am an idiot! First I linked the wrong post and then I linked up the right post but to the wrong party! I wondered why you'd asked me to add your link...I was thinking it was already there and then realized what I'd done. Well, it's fixed...sort of. Like they say, third time is a charm...I finally got the right post linked to the right party (my bird cage to your B & A). Sorry!
p.s. I watched your video a couple of weeks ago to...cute, fun and entertaining! Best wishes!
Fun! Hm...I wish that I could do more with makeup...but only get as far as a little eyeliner and maybe some lip color. You have amazing eyes to begin with!
Blessings & Aloha!
(I really love your B & A meme...Now to figure out how to work it in with my one post a week that I barely manage to get posted! haha)
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