Never sure if the correct verbiage is French Country or Country French. I guess it does not matter.
That is what my kitchen is and I am stickin to it.
I have tried to weed these little guys {roosters} out for years.
First, let me tell you a little story how a conversation went with my Mom.
So, I am on face book one day, and she instant messages me...
"Hi Deb" I need to talk to you.

{This was the look in the summer time}
UH OH, was my first thoughts, this sounds serious.
So, I call her...and this is how the story goes.....
"Deb, you know how sometimes we think alike"?
You know, like you think of an idea, and I had the same one?
We have done this before many times.
Yes, MOM...
well, this is nothing serious, so don't worry,
I got you and Mike your Christmas present.
You want to know what it is?
No not really, do I have to?
Yes, because I am afraid Mike may think and do the same thing.
WELL....{Keep in mind she built up this anticipation like nobody's business.}
Now I know in the back of my mind, this is no easy gig, not to mention how expensive something like this would cost.
I would HAVE never in a million years done this. Even though, yes it is a big deal to us, however, a simple magazine frame would have sufficed and that is what I was planning.
I suppose I made my Mom a little proud:)
My Mom has created a family heirloom for us. We cherish it, and love it, the colors, the frame, we seriously could not have done it any better. The size is perfect, I can't believe she did this all via long distance, no measuring, nothing, all done with her creative mind!
WOW, Mom!
I thank you Momma from the bottom of our hearts.
*Blogging 6 months or less and or less than 100 followers.
*Would love for you to become a new friend of mine as well on google friend connect.
*PLEASE turn off Word verification, makes commenting very difficult, and you do not need it.
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*PLEASE visit a few other participants, that is what you are here for!
*IF you find your link deleted, it is simply because you did not follow my simple guidelines.
*PLEASE add my link or button to your blog and/or post.
ONE more thing for today.
My friend Cindy Adkins is having a week of blessings on her blog starting Monday.
She is sending gals over to the newbie party to pick one or two new friends from the list to start following. I would appreciate you visiting them and doing the same if you so wish.
It is a very kind gesture and a wonderful way to form new friends.
Labels: country french, French country, roosters
WOW!!! What a fabulous thing she did!!! It is gorgeous and PERFECT where you put it! Fabulous early Christmas gift!!! I also want to know if those are real or faux lemon tree branches on your table???? Either way they look beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky
Good Mom! Way to go. The perfect gift, but it isn't Christmas yet. Did she ship it?
Oh Debbie- What a wonderful momento for you to have. I love it..and I KNOW you must have been just over-the-moon to get it! It is a perfect fit for that space! I would do the same for my daughter! xo Diana
I thought the photos looked fmiliar, I knew what you were going to say before you told us.
Now we all know where you got your decorating smarts from,, your mama, what a beautiful thing to do,, perfect;
Lovin the french country and God Bless Mom.. Not only is she proud, she does love you so dearly..
Thats a Christmas gift that will last a lifetime.
OH how VERY VERY Precious...What a wonderful keepsake...Have a wonderful week Debbie
That was so sweet of your mom to do that. Looks great.
That was such a loving thing that your mom did for you! I know how proud you must be of it. I would be too! It looks great hanging in your kitchen.
Oh that is just perfect! What a fabulous way to showcase your big moment in print. What a wonderful keepsake.
Aw that is the sweetest most thoughtful gift! How great!
Debbie how sweet of your Mom! What a beautiful Christmas gift that I know you will treasure for many years to come.
That is the sweetest thing that you Mom did for you! It is a really nice keepsake & memory in more ways than one!! I won't be part of your linky party because I have over 100 followers now! It took me awhile to get started in this blogging thing, but having a giveaway got me off & running, along with joining parties such as yours. Thank you so much for hosting this party & getting me started.
Wow! It fits perfectly there! What a terrific gift from your mom! Thanks for sharing.
Your mom totally rocks. She couldn't have done a better job. Perfect mat colors too. Any you have hung it in the perfect place. Yes, this will be cherished for a long time to come.
What a great mom you have Debbie!! That's a wonderful Christmas gift, and it looks beautiful in your kitchen! Martina
Your mom is so cute. You're a lucky girl!
Debbie, that is SO awesome!! She did perfect! I love how it turned out.
What a wonderful thing to do! It's perfect.
That's Great. What a loving and thoughtful Mom. Looks fantastic there.
Now Where did Mr. Roo go?
Debbie, what a sweet and thoughtful gift from your Mom!! And it fits the space perfectly! Just lovely!
It seems like forever since I have visited!! What a lovely and thoughtful gift from your Mother. I am sure you will treasure it always. It came out lovely too! Trying to get back to blogging....linking up!
Ok, I LOVE your Mom! What a wonderful gift. And I always also have a hard time deciding French Country or Country French.
Aww...Debbie Dear, how precious! Your mom is proud of you and that was a wonderful way to preserve your magazine shoot! It's beautiful and looks perfect hanging on your wall!
I'm proud of you too! You could be my daughter, although I'm quite a bit shorter! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Moms are the best! They do what you would never do yourself! Congrats on your feature, too! andrea@townandprairie
Debbie, what a wonderful and thoughtful gift! Aren't Moms the best? It looks beautiful and perfect in your kitchen.
Wow! What a sweet mom, not to mention an awesome gift! It looks great where you've hung it, too!
That was so awesome, to be featured in a Magazine! And your mom did a wonderful job preserving the memory! I bet she is pretty proud of you! :)
New to your party! Thanks for hosting!
What a wonderful gift! It is an heirloom piece for sure. Mom done good ;)
Oh my gosh---this is amazing--I love your mom!!! She is awesome and your home is gorgeous!!! What a precious gift!!! "Let's get this party started!"
Oh Debbie, isn't that sweet, The colors are great! Now you have it forever!! I should do the same, Hey, I have an idea, let your Mom know I haven't framed mine!
what a wonderful keepsake from your mom!! i love reading your blog and checking in. always so full of wonderful stories and pictures!! you inspire me.
Your Mom is such a sweetheart, what a special gift. It looks wonderful. xoxo ~Liz
What a great mom!!
Thanks for hosting us newbies!
Awww, how sweet was that! What a great gift. I love how you have displayed it so proudly in your wonderful breakfast room!
Oh my goodness!! That is going to make me cry!! Your mom is awesome!! I have always thought she must be the coolest, sweetest lady anywhere, and now I know for sure she ie. I sure hope I get to meet you two someday:-)
Wow Debbie! What an awesome gift! It looks wonderful. Just perfect for you. Your mom is the best.
That is one of the sweetest most thoughtful gifts ever. She is a keeper!!
That is super special and goes perfectly....but the rooster (the same one I have) where is he roosting?
That is just the sweetest thing ever Debbie! It looks absolutely perfect there and that was incredibly thoughtful...she is definitely proud of you! :-)
What an awesome mom!
That is so sweet! Love, love your dining room Debbie, it's just perfect!
Oh wow Debbie what a sweetie mom! It looks great in your room and will be cherished for ever! I keep forgetting to say how much i love your blog's rooster background!! Thanks for having us again and have a great week.
You're thoughtfulness Debbie. Thanks for hosting.
What a wonderful gift! Not only is it awesome that you have a magazine feature but that your mom was kind and thoughtful to put that together for you. Congrats!
Wow, a wonderful party. Looking forward to visiting some new blogs. thanks for hosting.
Karen G
Awww! That was so sweet and thoughtful! Your Mom has such great ideas. She certainly did do a good job in picking out a great match to your kitchen too. It looks wonderful where you have it.
Now, what to do for her! :))
The blanket is very VERY easy to make and quick. Once you get on a roll the knots go fast. Cut your tassels about 3.5 to 4 inches long and they are easier to loop. I made my tassels more narrow then I've seen some others do them though they were still about 1 inch wide. I wanted to have more of them. It only took me two nights to make the whole thing because I did it after work. You could feasibly do this in one day in a few hours. You really should! There are so many gorgeous fleece fabrics at Hancocks!
What a wonderful thing for your Mom to do! It looks great. And, yeah. I think she's proud of you.
What a great mom you have!! The article is framed beautifully. That was soooo thoughtful.
My oldest daughter and I have that same "thing" between us. A couple of years we both purchased new wreaths for our Christmas front doors - her in CA and me in OR. They were the EXACT same wreaths. Seriously weird!
Thanks for your wishes about my "issue." I can't wait to get this day going and back to the doctor. I'm up early cuz I can't sleep and just want to be on the mend.
What an incredible Christmas gift and it looks beautiful where you have it displayed Debbie. Congrats on being published too. Your home and blog is beautiful and I've enjoyed my first visit. Thanks so much for allowing me to post my new blog, what a wonderful idea. I'm now a subscriber to your blog by email. I will also add you to my blog links. ♥
I thought I was already following you...oops. I am now. thanks for your rooster kitchen!
What a thoughtful gift from your mom. My mom and I think a lot alike as well. And, of course, I love French Country!
Debbie!!! It looks wonderful! your Mom is too sweet! Congrats on all your success !!!
deb its so wonderful to see it up on the wall the girls are right iam a very very proud Mom you are are lovely young women inside and out .Wow was it takeing a chance it fits perfect .Just sorry i had to tell before Christmas but we think to much alike .I love how it looks Love Mom
Absolutely perfect!! I can't believe she got all the measurements right on ~ very wise lady.
Hooray for mom! What a great gift that fits perfectly with your decor. Why don't we call your style "Debbie Country". It's so very you.
That is so awesome! How cool!
This is so fun meeting new people at the Newbie party!!! Thanks so much, Debbie!!!
I would definitely want that in a frame. She did an awesome job! What a keepsake.
That is such a sweet thing for your mom to do. I have conversations like that with my mom all the time. More times than not we show up to events wearing similar if not identical outfits. It is so great to have a relationship like that.
You have one of the sweetest mothers!!! The frame looks wonderful in your kitchen.
Debbie, today's post was great. I really enjoyed reading it. What a wonderful gift your Mom gave you. And such a great spot to hang it in. Something to treasure for sure! Thanks for sharing!
Wow Debbie, I love your french country look. What a great momento your mother had made for you. It is so good to be visiting everyone again and I think I am back to being a newbies?
Thanks for hosting the party!
Well of course she's proud! And what a lovely and thoughtful way of showing you! It looks beautiful. I love it.
Your mom has every reason to be proud! I love linking to this party & I cannot believe that I have 97 followers! This may be my last link up but definitely not my last visit :)
Aww what a nice gift!
Moms are wonderful. She did good!! hugs, Ginger
Hi Debbie - I just found your blog & I'm hooked! So many interesting ideas and good information here! I just became a new follower & joined your "newbie" party. Thank you for hosting!
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