Violet and word Verification
So what is Word verification?
Yes all these dumb letters, that make no sense. How many of us type them wrong in the first place? A lot I am betting. And you know what that means sometimes? You lost your blogging friend who just typed their comment....typed the wrong letters in, and then they just leave. I have done it before...not many times, but I have! Then there are times you do not even realize you typed it wrong, and just leave, and your comment was never left. So for those of you wondering why SuzieQ never responded, there may be a reason.
I am doing this post per request from my dear friend Carol (Polka Dot closet). She has a way of planting a seed in my brain and I make it grow....kinda looks like word verification in my brain half the time:)!!~
Well gals I am here to tell you....YOU do not need it. You can moderate your comments if you like before they are posted on your blog. Or you can just have the comment posted immediately, as I do. Have I had spam? Just a couple of times to be honest, and you can remove it right away.
Well somehow I had to tie this post in with Miss Jenny's rainbow summer party....there I go again brown nosing away. VIOLET? is nearly as difficult as INDIGO...however, I managed to pull that one off pretty well. So now what to do for ....VIOLET?
How about a poem??? Roses are red violets are BLUE? NO that is Lame, Miss Jenny would give me an F. How about talk about those yummy candy VIOLETS...
Remember these? I love them.
But NO Miss Jenny will not approve of me eating candy in class either.
Perhaps if I bring her a bouquet of VIOLET flowers today...

She will forget all about it. I sure hope so, because that is all the Debbiedoos is gots today! So hey go take off word verification, I promise nothing green and scary will jump out at ya.
Well with that being said ladies, Debbiedoos has the COLD crud and will not be blogging for the rest of the week. It actually is killing my head to type and look at the monitor. NO partays, no nothin! You sure have enough to stick around and read for a while if you would like.
I reached 1,000 followers this week. I am humbled and ever so grateful for you participating, your comments, your advise, encouragement, you name it! Never dreamed this back in January when I started. I learned a lot from my last posting. And I read every word even in between. I took away a lot even for myself. If you missed the post, please it is worth your time to read it HERE! Sorry Miss Jenny, not only do I deserve an F for my lame violet post, my grammar was terrible.
See y'all next week!
Go visit Jenny Matlock this Thursday for her last series on the Rainbow Alphabet.
Labels: Alphabet Thursday
hahaha I have a blog post tomorrow about blog tips. I really can't stand the word verification! There is NO reason that anyone needs it on.
That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!
hope you're having a great week!
Word verification drives me crazy too! It took me awhile to start paying attention to whether or not someone had it. I'd just type up my comment, click submit and move on. I honestly think it's like jumping through hoops just to leave a nice comment for someone. So hats off to you for posting this! Hope you feel better soon!
~ The Speckled Dog
You would be so proud I poked around looking for that and discovered that my assistant ~lovely daughter-n-law~ had set me up so that doesn't happen, I think lol, let me know if it does. You are right so many times I can't even see those darn things right! Sorry your sick but bet the hubby is giving you all the right rx stuff, let him spoil you, you deserve it!
Word verification is one of my pet peeves. You know what is really weird is when someone has comment moderation turned on and they still require word verification!!!
I turned off word verification over a year ago and I moderate any comments over 1 day old. I rarely have spam.
BTW, I love violets.
I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope you get better soon! Speaking of green things jumping out at ya, you really need to see the post I just put up! LOL! I wanted to also thank you for your continous encouragement. I did also see your post. Lot's of great info there from your commentors. Part of why I posted what I did is I do think sometimes our followers can get the impression we are ignoring them if we don't get back to them often and are posting about our happy life day to day. But they may be forgeting that many of us have personal lives that are not on our blog because we keep them private but our personal lives take first priority. I also agree if I have been dropped by someone who is that fickle, it is their loss. However, sometimes people need reminders we are all human with a life outside of our blog. I did not mean to sound like I was apologizing for making my real life a priority. LOL! I meant to say I am sorry if I have left anyone feeling ignored. Anywho, I am sure this is how some of those larger bloggers must feel as well. You cannot possibly connect with everyone all of the time. I really enjoyed just lurking for a few days, catching up and resting up. Oh and yes, I really don't like word verification either and quite frankly have left many posts with people only to find out that I left before the word verification popped up all the way at the end of the comments where I never saw it. Took me awhile of wondering why some wern't publishing my comments to realize this. And having to retype a word verication over several times because I mispelled it is very annoying! Rest up and tell your hubby to give you some good stuff to help you get better soon! Take care!
Hope you are feeling better SOON, Debbie!! XO
Congratulations, Debbie! 1000 followers? That's awesome!...Christine
I am glad you posted about the work verification. It drives me insane. What on earth is it good for?? So sorry you feel so badly. Get better soon!
Get better soon! Nothing worse than a cold when it is warm out.
Hope you feel better ASAP! Congrats on the 1000! That is AHHsome!! One more note on verification:
For people like me (with RA) it is very frustrating. I love commenting but when my finger are swollen those extra key strokes really add up!
Thanks for "stirring Up the pot" on this:)
Congrats on 1000 followers!! :)
I hate word verification too! I had it on my blog for about a week when I first started until I saw how annoying it was...then that as the end of it!
I hope you feel better!
I have to admit I've gone back and forth with the word verification. I hate it, too. But was having trouble with STRANGE spam comments so I put it back on. But since you post, I've decided to try going without it again. It's just too annoying!
I totally agree with you and just recently realized that I never did disable word verification on my blog! So, now since all the cool kids are doing it I had to do it too! I'm glad I did and hope the word gets out to more blogging folks! Thanks for leading the crusade!
Feel better soon!
Word verification drives me nuts! I have maybe had 10 spammers in almost a year. I saw one blogger in her about section say "If I come to your blog and you have word verification, I will not comment - it is a waste of time."
I have a whole series of bloggy advice/comments prepared in various stages - this is one of them (I will link back to you too if that is OK).
I see you have comments off on the last post - I do not get it either - how some blogs have so many followers and continue to get/gain and huge linky' Maybe is is their SEO - which I have no time to figure out.
Amen to the word verification! Looks like blogger would remove it since they saw fit to remove my background! Just sayin. Hope you feel better. My oldest daughter has that crud too & feels lousy. Once school starts, look out! Get better soon!
Hope you feel better. I think I have the same thing as you do, so I'm going back to bed.
Good job on the Word Verification thing. Get the word out. It sucks and is loses people comments. Why don't you make a blog button for it. I'd put it on my sidebar.
Ok, really going back to bed now.
Yay, for doing away with the wiggly words. Blogger has been giving me a lot of error messages no matter what I try to do these last few days, so every bit of streamlining helps. Boo. for the cold. Hope you feel better soon.
I love the flowers! So fresh!! Hope your cold gets a lot of pampering from the family. :) :) A big bowl of war soup, sounds good to you? If not, add pasta to it & much. :) :)
I posted a real rant a few weeks ago about word verification.. I hoped I hadnt made folks mad at me but, my time is limited and I want to visit all the folks I can and praise them for their post and WV takes up so much time.. I wish blogger would just remove it all together..
Those are mighty pretty violets..
I agree with your thoughts on word verification ... what a pain. Hope you are feeling better soon!
lol wonder how many spelling errors i have made in comments but i always pass that *whatchamacalled*.....hope your feeling well soon.
Oh Debbie, I hope you're feeling better soon..
I don't mind word verification, but it really ticks me off when they moderate comments, and I still have to type in those letters! WTHeck?
I haven't even started my violet post yet..You're one step ahead of me already..Go rest..
I agree word verification is STUPID!! What took us so long to figure that one out...LOL?? Have a wonderful day my friend.
Thanks for spreading the word on word verification. Someone should design a flashing gadget that we can all put right under our header!
Sorry you aren't feeling well - hope you get better soon :)
Congratulations on reaching 1,000 followers !!!
Hope you get well soon, still thinking about you:) By the way, I went to turn off my word verif. yesterday, and was caught in a brain fart, when I realized that I turned mine off after getting frustrated at someone else's(I even remember which blog it was, and what I was commenting on) that caused me to lose my comment as well. I totally forgot until you reminded me. Congrats on the milestone!!!
Hi there - I agree with you. I don't have word verification - and I have never received spam..(although I have only been blogging for a couple months). It can be a pain in the neck when you mistype the word.
I just made a button for my blog that lets folks know as soon as they open it that i am a wv free blog..
feel free to come by and swipe it:)
Good Morning Dear Debbie,
Girl I never had the word verification I hate it and have left comments, think I did the word thing right and moved on Ha!!
Get better Debbie so you can ROCK again...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Word verification drives me to a terrible place in my mind. Maybe one half of your followers will take it off. Congrats on your 1000.Rest up and feel better. hugs♥olive
Congratulations on a 1000 followers. I am truly happy for you, because I see you commenting on everyone's blogs,not too important or busy to send some love to even newbies like me.
Keep up the good work!
Feel better.
There, loud and clear! Sorry your still sick! Hey, I thought I would plant another seed....Send Carol $1000 dollars, lets see how much you listen to me! LOL 1000 followers WOW congrats, the same number as the dollars you are sending me!
XXOO Carol
Congrats on 1000 followers. You did good,kid! I took that word verification thing off shortly after I started. I have only had one weirdo and I removed that and have not had another. I don't know how many times I have gone back to a blog and noticed that my comment didn't post...uh...maybe because I DO know how to spell and word verifier makes no sense to understand why some people do it..but I prefer not to anymore. Thanks for the lovely blog! Diana
I hope you feel better really soon. I did this for Red. I also posted a couple of these PSAs earlier on. Good for you for figuring out how to kiss up to Jenny and get the word out once again. So many have tried and sometimes folks actually make a change.
Now that Blogger has a new security feature, spam gets captured before it even publishes. Moderation is the best way to go.
I had to post my link twice at Mrs. Matlocks! It was broken but I may have fixed it now! I am so clueless on this technical stuff. I hate word verification too! Annoying. I can not gt into that spam folder. Guess that is good cause my blog says currently I do not have any! HeeHee! This was a terrific post and congrats on all those followers! Anne
Sorry you are not feeling well.
I have never had a candy violet. Hmm, I guess I missed out.
I really do not like that word verification mumbo jumbo! I agree with you!! Bloggers should just turn comment moderation on and save their visitors the pain of typing ridiculous letters that mean nothing and waste everyone's time. The other thing they can do is to set their blog not to accept comments unless the commenter is registered. And then you will very likely never get a single bad comment. At all.
Hopefully your post will educate a few newbies on how to make the blog world a more pleasant experience for everyone. Thanks for doing it!
I totally agree. Word Verification is annoying and not necessary. Thanks for the post, and I hope you feel better soon. ~ Sarah
Hi Debbie! I'm so glad you did a post on word verification. I just began my blog and was contemplating removing the feature for the same reasons you mentioned. Thanks for the reminder and tips.
oh, Jenny doesn't fail anyone! I have never seen those violet candies...and I hate hate hate word verifications!
I hope you feel better quickly, I remember when my kids started school, every year they brought something home within the first two weeks! Rest up! BTW I turned off word verification!! THX for the thoughts on that, I left if that way because others had it so I thought it was necessary.
I love that new spam feature on blogger. It's been catching a ton of mine. I get them often but just go in and delete. The bad thing is when I'm away from the computer for a day or two and a nasty comment is sitting there. I won't bother putting word verification on though, I can never make those stupid letters out.
Haha. I am not a fan of word verification either. Who wants to type in monkey ballz on their favorite blogger to make a comment. Not me. But I still do it bc it's there. Took it off my blog, however. And the spam thing is OK. Not catching everything. I have to mark them myself.
with that new spam feature on blogger you really dont need word verification ... i love not having it ... and hon, your post is not lame, you do not deserve and f (hello did you see my lame post, now thats f worthy) get some sleep, get better!!!
I hope you're soon feeling a whole lot better.
Word verification makes my wrists hurt!
I got rid of my word verification early on and I do hate it when I post a comment and the verification words are longer than my comment!!
I do this.. If I can not understand or it does not work the first time I leave.. whoops I thought it was my little secret....
Now i am going to make sure mines not on...
Love the violets as much as I hate word verification. People have no clue how much extra time it takes to read blogs when you multiply word verification by all the folks using it. Oy.
I loved those violet candies when I was in high school Debbie! I haven't seen them since.
Having 1,000 followers is amazing but so well deserved! Conrtats to you!
lol ...of course I mean to type "congrats"
I HATE the captchas. Drives me nuts. Half the time I mess it up and have to do it again. Lame. I don't have it on my blog- I just have a spam filter. All my spam goes to a folder and I can delete it. Simple as that!
Hooray for you and 1,000 followers. You have a lovely blog. Of course you have that many!
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I hope today is better!
This wasn't a lame post at all.
It was cool.
And I love the violet candybars and the flowers!
So there!
Get well.
Thanks for linking.
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