Anyone else an allergy sufferer come this time of year?
Let me tell you, we are not even in full force and I am a hot mess.
Itchy eyes, running nose, ya know the deal.
as Donna Sommers....
ooops I mean Gloria Gaynor would say/sing " I will survive"!
and it sure is lovely in spite of it!
We were in desperate need of some additional space, and organization around here..
We had some room on the side of our home for a shed. It has been wonderful to clean out the garage and make some room
It really was not a one man job, however my Husband managed. |
I may plant a little garden around it. |
In the meantime, I have been putting out all my Spring decor. Last year Mr. Doo's gave this to me for Mothers day. |
The year before he built me an arbor, and the vines are really taking off...more to come soon. |
Cherry blossoms in full bloom... |
And the rest of our hood is really starting to look gorgeous too. |
Reminder of the Color my world Party.. |
March 25th, Spray paint only.
Don't forget to get in on this pretty French table runner.
Now let's get this NEWBIE party started.
It has been a wonderful opportunity for others to see the new and upcoming blogs out there.
It is so hard when we first start off.
This party has given many exposure, and lots of new friendships are being formed because of it.
Blogging 6 months and/or less than 100 followers.
Please add my link or button to your post, that is what I prefer, otherwise this party gets unnoticed, and others lose out on participating.
I would love if you became a new friend of mine as well.
Have fun, visit who visits you,
now that is a nice thing to do.
If you see your link is GONE....
OOPS, you messed up, try again.
Labels: newbie party, Spring
Wishing you a wonderful day, Debbie! Thank you for hosting!
What a beautiful neighborhood view!
Your neighborhood is looking awesome! We've been busy planting all kinds of flowers here today! Too bad every season can't be Spring (minus the allergies)! Thanks for hosting!
So sorry you are having allergy problems, they can be miserable :(
Love the new shed, can't wait to see the garden. This will be my last week partying, I will have reached the quota for followers :( Will keep in touch anyway.
Hope you feel better soon:)
Oh such pretty pictures! I love seeing Spring in all its glory.
Wait a minute!!! spray paint only, oh no I missed that part. Well I am just telling you right now the bouncer is going to have to throw me out of the party, because my project is done and I did not use spray paint, but I used color!! Your hood looks great by the way and so does the new shed....Looked way to complicated for me. Sorry about the allergies...sniff, sniff!
Debbie - All great pictures in this post. Spring is coming! Love your color porch decor. Thanks for hosting, have a great week. :)
Debbie, that is an awesome looking shed. I love the style of it. We could use one too for extra stuff. We really need a large one for all the outdoor equipment. Maybe some day.
Thanks again Debbie! and I love the bird house! and the cherry blossoms... and the sunshiny pics. Can you tell I'm starved for Spring! Have a great week!
Debbie that looks great! What a beautiful neighborhood and home. I love the trees.
I really feel bad for allergy sufferers, must be a real drain on the energy. I can't believe how lush the foliage is at your house- we still have some snow! Thank you for supporting new bloggers with your newbie party. Happy Spring!
Oh how I feel your pain, Debbie! We were able to open the windows for a couple of days and now I've got a headache that won't go away. I love the smell of Spring, though! As always, thank you for hosting!
What a great man your hubby is putting up that shed! My hubby gets Spring time allergies, not started yet, but is terrible when it does!
Thanks for hosting again!
Hey Debbie everyone in my house suffers from allergies, so I know how you feel!! Pretty shed I love the doors! Doesn't it feel good to get everything organized. Your yard looks beautiful with everything in bloom I can't wait for things to start blooming here,a few more weeks. Thanks for hosting, Martina
I love birdhouses! Your yard sure is cute!
This time of year is looking so pretty! Spring is finally here today -- it's official! I can't believe it is Sunday night already, where did my weekend go? I love your bird house, so cute. Hope your allergies are feeling better soon! My husband suffers from allergies really bad in May.
Looks like Mr Doo's likes to work outside. Lovely yard and neighborhood.
How lovely to see spring somewhere!! Your home and your neighborhood look divine!!
Thanks for hosting the most awesome party!!
What a gorgeous neighborhood! Mr. Doo's has been a busy one man machine for you:) Everything looks so lovely and spring-y!
Yes, I do think I NEED to win that table runner:)
Wow! Your neighborhood is really in bloom. The tulips, daffodils, and crocus are starting to bloom here, but the trees and bushes are still bare. You can definitely feel a change in the air though.
I hope you can get some relief from your allergies. HAPPY SPRING! La
My allergies have been crazy this year! Lots of headaches and that is unusual for me! Your neighborhood is lovely.
Thanks for the party invitation! Hope y'all stop by Helen's Decor.
Hurray...if your Cherry Blossoms are blooming it means here in Pa warmer weather is on its way! Looks like a fun party..going to go visit!
Hope you have a great week.
You really do live in a beautiful neighborhood..and a beautiful part of the country! And YES...we have some allergies here, too! ♥
Would love to have room for a outdoor shed like that, but it is not gonna happen here. I am right there with you on the allergies ! It seems the older I get the worse they get. :( Nice neighborhood view.
It is looking grat around your place! Love that you got a shed. You will love it!!
I have one daughter who suffers with terrible allergies. I always feel so sorry for her! UGH...And now I feel sorry for you too~xxoo Diana
Your shed is great...I can't believe your husband put it all together on his own! Yes...plant a little garden around it!! :-)
Sorry about the sniffle, sniffle... but your hood is gorgeous! Wish mine was that far along. Still looks and feels like the dead of winter here. :(
Your shed is going to look great with a little garden around it! So sorry to hear you have allergies :(
I feel you with the allergies! We literally have pollen dust clouds gusting through town and I live in Vegas! Darn pine trees! Thanks so much for hosting!
Sorry your having a miserable time with your allergies! In another couple of weeks all 3 boys in the house(CG + the 2 kids) will be right there with you.
Love the shed you picked out. Your husband is pretty awesome managing it on his own. Love that lantern. I've grown too big for your newbie party, but am going to have a good time hopping around finding the new blogs that link up. Thanks for hosting each week.
Blah! So not looking forward to allergies. I am, however, looking forward to SPRING weather! :)
I want to come live with you, your house and yard are so beautiful and so is your neighborhood.
Debbie, I loved seeing glimpses of your house and yard. Your neighborhood is just Beautiful!! I'm jealous of your blooming trees already.
hey Deb just came back for another look. That shed is so pretty is looks like a little cottage in the woods.
Everything is looking very colorful at your house. Thanks again for hosting.
You are not going to know what to do with all that extra storage space. But, I bet it will fill up fast.
That's one cute shed! Good job Debbie's hubby! *winks*
And YES!!! I'm dyin' here!! We don't even have any sun yet and my nose won't stop running, my throat is sore and my eyes are burning. It's a mixed bag because I'm sooo freakin' glad that Spring is coming, but it means allergy shots and pills every day. Vanna
Sorry your allergies are giving you fits! Everybody needs a shed in their yard and your husband was really handy to put it together himself. Thanks for hosting the newbie party.
We are dying here too with allergies and sinus problems. Tom can't even go outside. His eyes are swelling shut! I just have the nasty cough, chest congestion business. Is the yellow pollen horrible there? It is awful here! We have to sweep it off the porches and chairs. Nasty... Tom wants a shed like that but we have to follow code for our neighborhood and it has to match the house. One day! Your moroccan lamp is gorgeous! Girl... you need to get your 70's on... it was Gloria Gaynor who sang "I Will Survive"! Oh yeah, I can groove! :-) Have a great week!
I suffer with allergies year round :( had to have a nose op a couple of years ago to remove polyps, correct a deviated septum and 'clean' it all out. The mold is the worst for me, but I am allergic to grasses, dust, cats, you name it!!
Your neighborhood looks lovely, I wish we had mail boxes, we used to in MD, I miss them :)
The shed looks good, what a great addition. Your home surroundings are looking so springy and so beautiful, Debbie....Christine
Love that shed! Bet you will have it filled up in no time! Great photo shots too! Hope you will be feeling better very soon! Blessings, Vicky
Thanks for finding me Debbie!
I hope you feel better soon!!!!
m ^..^
Your neighborhood is so pretty! With two boys and all their sports equipment, etc, I'm sure that new shed will come in handy!
I'm right there with you on the allergy thing. It does make you feel miserable. Love the new shed!
Yayayayay! Spring is here! :) Your garden looks lovely, and your neighborhood is awesome! Cherry and almond trees are so beautiful in spring.
I wish you a great start to the week, and thank you for hosting! :)
Beautiful spring. Gorgeous blossoms. Sorry for your allergy.
My allergies usually visit at this time of year too. It is all those lovely blooming trees that get to me.
I hope you are feeling better soon.
Thanks for hosting, Debbie. It's always fun to meet new people. I am getting "short" on the 6 months. May first will be my 6 mo. cut off. Plus I will be away for 3 of those weeks...some vacation plans.
Sure looks like Spring has arrived in your neighborhood and it looks beautiful! Spring hasn't arrived here yet but hopefully in a few more weeks. Sorry to hear about your sniffle, sniffle. Hope you get some relief soon.
Enjoy your day,
Your neighborhood looks beautiful! Thanks again for hosting!
How lovely your neighborhood looks. So many trees and so much green. Can't wait for more pics this spring.
Looking like spring at your place! So pretty. Off to the party!
Thanks so much for hosting :)
What a fabulous shed. Your hubby is quite a guy. It's much prettier there than in Ohio, but our crocus flowers are blooming, and I've seen two robins in the front yard. Have a great week Debbie, and yes we have Spring allergies in Ohio too. Peggy
Thanks Debbie! Love the shed!
Love your shed, wow that would be awesome and those trees....ours are still bare, lucky you
Hi Debbie,
I love your blog. I'm such a newbie I'm not sure I'm doing this right :) This is my first linkie party and it's fun. Your neighborhood view is just what I need to see on a rainy day like today in Southern California.
Hey Debbie! You make Monday's so much fun! :) Hope your sniffles are better!
Bless you.... Loved the tree bloomn' lined street. Can't wait to start here.
Debbie, Thank you for hostessing the newbie link parties! I can't wait for the spray paint party either... which reminds me, I'd better get started today! Thanks, Michelle
Hi Debbie! Thanks so much for hosting the newbie party! I can't wait to plant some flowers. Your neighborhood looks great!
Debbie I love that shed! How charming! I'm jealous of your early spring. I don't suffer from allergies but my daughter does so I won't be looking forward to that part of spring. Love the pix, girl!
The shed looks great Debbie! We put one up at our old house (ok, my husband and son did!). When we had new siding put on, they had to disassemble the shed, then reassemble it! Glad they did it and I didn't have to. :)
Thanks for the Newbie party! It's always a great way to meet new bloggers. I appreciate it very much!
Love the spring pics. The cherry blossoms are beautiful...I love spring!
Just posted and am your newest follower!
Gorgeous hood! The shed is very nice, too! Happy Spring! XO ~Liz
Debbie: This looks like a very fun blog. Thanks for the help for us newbies.
Merci encore!! Always the hostess with the mostess....did I say that?
What a sweet idea! Thank you so much for the exposure: a priceless gift to newbs! :D Lovin' the blog too: going to browse around some more!
I'm drooling over your neighborhood. It’s so pretty!!!!
My family lives in New Bern NC and it's flat. Your area reminds me of Cary.
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