And today's letter is H!~ Hosted by Jenny Matlock. I have decided to do a little lesson on Hugh Hefner!!~ I know, what am I thinking? How does a man come about to live such a life style?
I do believe some Men must have Hef envy! "OH that Hugh", he has hard life, having to live with all these beautiful women, having three girlfriends at the same time...
(oh my goodness these girls are so young and dumb or maybe not really that dumb)
I have to admit for a short time I watched that reality show, The girls next door...that was with Holly, Kendra and the other one I forget her name Bridgett maybe.....well it just was ridiculous to me. I just could not get over the fact that these three girls had to actually take turns to sleep with Hugh....seriously you want to? and seriously how where you raised?
He is like 180 years old now. There is a reason for his longevity....and thank god Viagra came out when it did....kept Hugh in business. I thought I would include some pics of his sad pitiful life LOL!!~

Then of course he has to live in this dump....
Of course he loves to throw his pool parties.....does he sink or swim??
He of course is known for wearing this red smokers jacket.....I wonder if he ever takes it off?
Always smiling though!
And I have to hand it to him...he leads a charmed life to some, ...and still going! I'm not judging you Hef or the girls that choose to live with you. Just having a little creative writing fun on your behalf.
For more on Hef click below, he actually had an interesting early life. What do you think of Hef?
Labels: Alphabet Thursday
yes Debbie, he's had a very hard life...literally! hehehe
lol Patti.
His house sure is something. Did the show take place in the home?
Yeah, but what about his moral standards. I don't envy him one bit.
Aw, poor Hugh. Struggling all the years to maintain such a lifestyle, but through it all he smiles.
Yes, KImberly the show was at his home. And Matty, you are absolutely right, no morals at ALL!!~ But then again either do those women.
When "H" is for Hef, then "E" is for Ewwwwwwwwww!
I'll never understand his moral compass......
Good Hef post Debbie! And I agree with you about the DUMB females..he must pay well..hehe..maybe they're not so dumb...
Everyone is free to do what they like, but it seems to me a trivial life.
As for the women, I think it's about getting their 15 minutes of fame. That and his money.
I agree with Matty and PJ above.
I seriously cannot get over some of the things he does BETTER yet the girls around him. He really is SO OLD! When we were in CA we saw the mansion. It's amazing! So pretty!
I love the part: "they are so young and dumb". Well, money talks, Debbie and he has plenty to go around the world hundreds of times..
I think he and the girls are disgusting!!
Can he still swim? I'm still laughing!! Fun post Debbie!
he is a showvenist PIG i use to watch when holly and the girls where on then he moved on to 18yr old twins i heard they moved out into the bunny house it amazies me he has all these bimbos he live with but if he married them he would be a bigamist and go to jail.and what really gets me is the girls mothers go along with it and you know its all for money kendras mother even got plastic surgary on the show iam sure they paid for it to me its like selling your daughter i would not go with him no matter how much money he gave me these girls just dont have any self worth oh i can go on and on i just cant stand the man
This was hilarious! It's got to be the money for those girls!! I loved the movie "House Bunny" though. He was in it and the mansion.
Hugh! I just wrote about him in my past posts.
Happy Thursday!
Pretty cool idea for your post about Horny Hef...Peace
and i think he is a pervert lol
Well.... all I can say is I feel sad for Hugh and those girls. I don't think money buys you happiness.
OMG, this was absolutely excellent. I'll have to come back later and read more about the old Hef LOL. Great job.
I'm with My Name is PJ .... ewwwww
I'm sure that old Hugh does not have much "going on" nowadays and is truly living a lonely life in his old age.
HUgh Hefner, wellknown man also over here.He is a pitifull man, those girls are just gready and see that they get as much out of this as possible. So not dumb but clever in my opinion. They all want to be in his will I am sure.
i think the girls that are with him are sad sad sad!!! :D
LOL Patti!!! he has made a lifestyle out of exploitation ... and he (meaning his editorial staff) have always found willing participants ... shame shame
Please take this comment with a grain of salt because I really don't know anything about Hugh Hefner, but when I think of him, "dirty old man" flashes across my brain!
Great post Debbie! Patti and PJ's comments also cracked me up! I find his lifestyle as well as that of his followers appalling. It is amazing what some people will do for money.
~ Tracy
I'm always amazed that he can find these young women who now must be much younger than his own daughter. I believe his daughter runs the empire now, but how much of the empire is left? I think all the Playboy Clubs are a thing of the past. With so many magazines folding let's hope his isn't far behind, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it will outlast all the others.
H is for hilarious! Double H. How clever of you to think about writing this post. I'll never understand this guy.
What a totally different H post!
I was surprised and then impressed with your creativity.
It always astonishes me the different direction we all head from the exact same starting point!
can I say P is for pathetic? oops, I just did...oh well...Happy H day!!! Melinda
I've never heard of this 'poor' man.....
Absolutely priceless...
You rock...
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