Well if this week has not been one of my most productive weeks in a while then I don't know what has!~ WOW, I really needed the break and still have more to do. However, I wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter, Happy Spring Happy Happy everything!~ First on my list has been nesting......

My Mom sent us this for Easter! It is from Williams Sonoma and it came with truffel eggs YUM!~

Don't be jealous, I know I have pretty feet!~ Ha, much needed pedicure done.
and a much needed eye brow wax...sheesh, I was looking like this......
But now I look like this
I have been busy Gardening this week as well, oh it has been so lovely...

And I have enjoyed cooking on the grill

This tomato and mozzarella salad is to die for!

And it is nice to report this week, my butt does not hurt!~ I have been moving it! Happy Easter friends, see you soon!I am linking up with Cindy from my Romantic home Show and tell Friday! Thanks Cindy:!)
Labels: Happy Easter
Oh my gosh.. You dont know how much I needed your post this afternoon.
I loved every minute of it. Thats a
beautiful floral your mom ent and its has Candy too-- ooooolala...
Your porch looks so pretty, I'm jealous :-) I need to work on mine this weekend. I've been mowing the Back 40:( whos idea was it to have to have all this LAND lol.. But its mowed and edged and I want to get on to the pretties , like you have. That cartoon is adorable and I really did laugh Out Loud..
thank you so much for this post and for visiting my Granny,,
hugs and Happy Easter
That salad does look good and bet it was great with the steaks. Like the nest (?) with the eggs.
Have a great weekend.
ps. your eyebrows look sooooooo much better lol..
Debbie! I do not know where to begin- all of those pictures look stunning! Your mum couldn't have sent in a better present, could she have?!
Those plants look gorgeous! How in the world did so many flowers spring out. I know i struggle for mine to bloom!
Your butt isn't hurting! I'm jealous- Yikes!
Food. Yumm food. I could eat up my screen. Invite me home. I promise i'll never leave!
Debbie, it's great that you took some time for yourself to primp and nest! Your porch looks great and the food yummy! Hope you have a Happy Easter. I am off to California with my girls on Sunday morning. I can't remember if I told you that already. LOL!
Your tootsies look gorgeous! And the same goes for your eyebrows:) It looks like you've been a busy gal this week! Have a happy Easter and enjoy those truffle eggs!
Cute little flowers from your pedicure. I love the cartoon with the chocolate bunnies.
You are adorable!! Glad you've been enjoying yourself. Tomorrow I sign off for a week! Cute toes by the way! ;)
Just love all these photos- everything (including you and your pretty toes) looks gorgeous! Have a great Easter- my children and grandchildren are all coming for breakfast Sunday, and I am looking forward to it!
That's Great! Thanks for sharing. I'm also having a giveaway for a super cute and trendy diaper changing pad if your interested. Come check it out
Debbie, everything looks so nice and summery. I need a pedi badly. That mozzarella dish looks really good. My hubby would love that because he loves olives. Love your black pots, very ornate. Have a Very Happy Easter, my friend!!
Looks like Easter is going to be a great time at your place. Have a good one!~
Grilling?? I am way too jealous. And your flowers are gorgeous. I'm a good month away from thinking about planting flowers. As you know, New Jersey is fickle that way - could still get a few frosty nights.
Thanks for the pics and have a wonderful Easter!
Beautiful photo of the Easter's nest! Toes and flowers too.
Happy Easter, Debbie!
oh debbie that chocolate bunny cartoon made me laugh out loud!! Have a nice easter....nice eyebrows too! :)
Hi Debbie, your pedicure looks so cute with the flowers,and your flowers are so pretty too!I sure would like to dig in that salad it looks good! I wish you and your family a very happy easter...Kathy
Great pictures! That salad looks sooooooooo good!! Have a wonderful weekend!!
Wonderful flower pics and great size, you are learning some tricks! Miss Debbidoo.
All your photos look beautiful and delicious!!!
Happy Spring!!!
What a fun post! Love that nest from your mom. Gorgeous! Your dinner looks quite tasty! I want that salad :)
Happy Easter to you!!
Your toenails have improved a lot since you last posted them. ;)
My husband is planning to fire up the grill this weekend! Yum!
Happy Easter!
wow you have been busy the out door pots looklovely and the peddie is so pretty i want one when i come iam so glad the nest is pretty it even looks better in your photos then it was on line wish we where together on easter
love moma
i voted but i dont know if it worked how do you know ?
Debbie, This post was a feast for the eyes and I loved that!
My favorite photos were the pots of annuals on your front porch! Gorgeous!!!!
Happy Easter! Have a glorious weekend!
Still a little early to plant pretties outside down here. Boo Hoo. The weather is always CrAzY here!! Your flowers definitely make me want to dig in the dirt. I have started pullin weeds and such. Hey! Where is my juicy MRare steak? Happy Easter!
BTW...cute toes!
You crack me up Debbie! Thanks for stopping by! Because of your last foot post, I was almost afraid to come by and see what was in store for me! I thought about taking a pic of my new pedi, but at the last minute changed my mind. Your pedi is cute, love the flowers! I love the WS truffle eggs. They are almost too pretty to eat. I received one last year and after eating the truffles, I picked up put some eggs at a craft store and put them in the nest. Your flowers look great.
Have a wonderful Easter!
~ Tracy
What a great post and you went to a lot of trouble so that we could enjoy it! Thanks so much! I'm a new follower at AGalNeedsAtLeast2Blogs!
So glad you're back! You sure have been busy! Have a wonderful Easter! ~Marcy
Me again. :) You asked about the butterfly. I did that in photobucket. In their editing section, there is a category of "animation". The selection is sorta limited, but I thought the butterflies were pretty.
oh my! Debbie you look so lovely! love the nails and eyebrows :) i am missing my eyebrow threading session for a week now as i have been busy.. now the malls are closed on Lenten season.. but ill defnitely have it by Monday! by hook or by crook hehehe
hope the blogger issue will all be fixed soon! its no fun!
Glad to know you are getting your "butt" in gear. LOL! Your mothers gift is so sweet, but where are the truffles girl??
Cute pedicure too! Glad you are keeping us posted, and we can wait on your timing! Always, your worth the wait!!!
Lovely Easter decoration, delicious food, colourful garden, and a gorgeous hostess, I am coming over your place darling. Luv, popped in to wish you and your family a joyous and blessed Easter.
Love & Hugs
OMG! Love, love the gift...beautiful. Love the feet, love the unibrow fix, you look gorgeous and you are putting me to shame with your gardening and cooking. Is there anything you can't do absolutely marvelously! You rock!
Hey Deb you've been busy and everything looks so pretty!!! That tomato and mozzarella made my mouth water(LOL)! Happy Easter to you and your family. Martina
I love that little nest and truffle eggs you mom sent...and that photo of you FABULOUS! Glad you are pooping in now and then and glad your butt does not hurt.
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