They say it's a wrap!
When I thought about doing the best of 2010 project post, I have to honestly say not one particular project or projects came to mind. Let me take you down memory lane, a few projects, a few disasters later....
January 2010, After two long years of being on the decorating site RMS,(Rate my space) I just about had it over there. It was very positive in the beginning, and I formed many friendships, most of whom I interact with still on a regular basis. Unfortunately, it went sour for me and some other gals....But I like to think of it as a major stepping stone for me. Because of RMS........
I started my blog and my first post was about ME, and my purpose January 7, 2010

February came quickly, and that is when I discovered all the fun Meme parties out there. I started to participate with Barb from Grits and Glamour in her weekly vignette party. I never even knew what a vignette was, sounded good though!
APRIL, well that's my Birthday! I have to say though, that month, I started to fizzle out here, feeling anxious about what I would do to keep everyone coming back and inspired. I only had 14 posts, I was losing my MOJO.
MAY, kicked into gear for me, and I believe that is when I may have started my Before and After party, I already had my Garage salen party, but hey add more to my plate.
This was my first lamp redo, and I could not get over the overwhelming comments on this post, I believe it was 90, for a lamp shade.
Tried out for OPRAH: FAIL

By the time September rolled around. THings were getting a little overwhelming for me out here in Blog land. I had now TWO parties, of course I brought that all on myself.....
By the time October came, I had forgotten about September and was quickly thinking about Halloween and parties. I do believe this is where the real slow down began for me.
November, December,
Time with family, friends and enjoying my life.
As we never know what tomorrow will bring.......Wishing you all Peace, Love and Happiness in the New Year.
Thank you so much for your friendships and encouragement. You sure know how to make a girl feel good.
I am joining Rhoda's party today. I think this entire blog has been one big project for me:)
Show and tell Friday with Cindy
Labels: wrapping up 2010
Your tablescapes and painting were what I originally remember about your blog... your personality is the best part though.
Happy New Year.
I'm so glad you left RMS to start your blog. It has been a blast and you are soooooo funny! Have enjoyed all of your post! Happy 2011!
Didn't that year go fast? It has been fun following along with you. I remember your post of running over the paint can! Something that could so happen here, too!
Happy New Year!
First of all, I love this post. Thank you for being so honest and real with your reasons for blogging and all the feelings that came along with it. Sometimes watching what is happening to some blogs I have read for a long while, I feel like I am in high school, watching the "in" crowd:-) I blog only for fun and to keep track of what we are up to for my faulty memory!
It has been a pleasure to discover your blog and I wish a very blessed 2011 to you and your family.
It's so fun to read your posts. Your personality really shines through in everything you're doing! Hugs. Happy New Year!
I love your blog Debbie and always come to get a smile.
Happy New Year!
Don't forget about the post you put up where you shocked everyone with the gross, rotting foot picture:) That was a good one. You always bring up good subjects too, like kids and drinking...that was one of my favorites.
Here's to 2011 and more blogging and blabbing from you:)
Oh yes Victoria, the foot one did not make some so happy you know lol!~ I had so much content on this blog to choose from, I just wrote more of my defining times that I recalled. The drinking one was very very good, I will have to touch on that subject again sometime.
I just love your blog and your wonderful posts. You go girl!
Debbie, I followed you from RMS. You and a couple of others are the reason I started blogging. I don't expect to be as successful as you but I love keeping in touch with the friends I have made.
I have already felt some of the stress. Christmas was hard for me because I wasn't as fast as everyone. I had to remember I was doing everything for myself and not for the blog. I will save the Christmas pics for next year's reprise.
I so enjoy your blog and your sweet family. You are my inspiration. I have laughed with you and at you. You are so funny and I LOVE funny. Keep being yourself, Love and Hugs, Ginger
it's been wonderful seeing your before and afters on your blog, and getting to know you. here's to a happy new year!
Looks like a great year to me...well maybe except for the paint can mishap.
You were my first follower and I love you for that. Your sense of humor is always a delight and I always have fun when I visit.
Happy New Year! La
Debbie, Congrats on your bloggy anniversary. I'm reading a bible study now on finding joy in our creativity. The book talks about how some people are "all 31 flavors" kind of people and some are "plain vanilla". I think that's why you've been so successful this year - you're a "31-girl" in a sea of vanilla. Looking forward to seeing what crazy things you are up to this year.
Well I think Oprah just missed out ! :>)
Debbie, I love your post! Congrats on your first year of blogging, it can become a huge thing in our lives, that is for sure. Slowing down is a good thing for families, we can all get so obsessed with this blogging thing. So, do what you want to do at your own pace! Happy New Year to you, so glad you linked up.
What a FABULOUS year you have had!
I always try to look at the bright side and you slowing down and just posting when you Really want to helps me not feel like such a slacker lol.... seriously I am glad you've reached a balance and will be enjoying your blog more without the stress and pressure.
Happy New Years~!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a note of encouragement on the "What I wore Wednesdays"!!
Oh..Jeez...I was SURE I was going to see those pumpkins again:>) I found you sometime in late August and have loved following you. It was fun to read this post because I had no idea you were involved in RMS. And, I hadn't even heard of THAT until I started blogging.
It has been fun getting to know you and I am so glad that you decided to ride out the rough patches and stick around. Hugs to you and Happy New Year! Diana
Hello Debbie,
I enjoyed going down memory lane with you today and look forward to another year with you! You have a fabulous personality and you always manage to bring a smile to my face whether it is from reading your posts or a comment you wrote on my blog.
I also got caught up on posts I have missed. You are a hoot - love the model shots! Great necklace! I love your snowflake glassware. Looks like you have been taking some great photos with your new camera! I love the shots of the boys, they are so handsome!
I cannot wait to see what you come up with in 2011!
Happy New Year and God Bless!
~ Tracy
Hi Debbie! I hope you had a great Christmas. I so remember when you ran over the red can. Its hard to beleieve that its been a year. It will be a year for me in Feb. Time goes by so fast doesnt it? I love your blog and I am so glad that I am following you!
Great post, Debbie. I know what you mean about it all. It is a job and sometimes it is a bit overwhelming. I am thankful for the friendships make through blogging though even though ours started before blogging. I need to do like you and not constantly think about the next post!!
Go you! Just toured your home and OMG your kitchen is lovely. I especially love your hanging clock, been searching for one of those for my kitchen actually! Have a fantastic New Year. Happy 2011!
Glad you slowed down and stuck around.
Happy New Year !
OK, the highlight for me was the red spray paint! Yep, she is my kind of gal!!
Happy New Years to you and Mr. Hottie!
I loved this recap!! Even the "bad" parts ;) I don't think I ever checked back- were you able to get the red paint off the garage floor? ;)
you are a hoot girl!!! I'm way behind on blogging! Here's to another year but without the red spray paint! lol!
Love ya girl!
Great post, Debbie! Blogging is great fun, but such a learning curve, too! Glad you figured out how to make it work in your life...pressure to perform just takes away the fun! Glad we are friends! XO
I am just so glad you didn't stop blogging. And if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have my Junkin Finds party which I really enjoy. Thanks!
I have been here following for almost 1 year and so glad I have been. Your blog is inspiring and FUN! Happy New Year to you and your family.
It's been a great year and fun to see your posts!
Best wishes for a Happy New Year to you and your family!
Wow that was a flashback for me as well cause I was there every step of the went by so fast this year didn't it? So glad you are part of my life Deb, and also your latest hair do is the best one so far! Happy New Year to you and so glad you found the right balance in your life!
It's all a learning experience and I am glad it all turned out ok at the end and everybody's happy which is important. Happy New Year to you all, Debbie!...Christine
Whoa! This post- I loved!! I loved it! I'd be scared to put my year down in one post. I'm impressed by your year though!
Have always loved visiting you, wishing you all the best for the New Year
Hi Debbie, I'm glad you are finding a balance -- the run-over paint can must have been a "sign"! Hugs, Kim
Oh no the red paint, I missed that!
It's been fun getting to know you this year, can't wait to see what you are up to in 2011!
Hey, Debbie! So fun to look back over your year. Glad you were able to find the balance. Didn't know about the spray paint! :) what a mess! Happy New Year!
You've been busy girl and accomplished a lot this past year-Best wishes for the Best to come in 2011~
wow we it sure has been fun all the great posts you have done.Iget tired just looking All the fun filled ideas you have shared .I cant wait to see it all in a book .I know you will come up with even more in the new year and it will have balance in your life .And thanks for all the great posts you did about me i loved them all xxoo love you Moma
I never knew you did parties, of coarse I didn't start blogging until the very end of October. I love coming over here because I never know what to expect-and I like that! I am not going to be posting as much after the first, because I have some pretty big projects to get done before summer. I know I won't be around much in the summer because we have a huge yard, two really large gardens, and of coarse the rest of my spare time is spent in the pool. Anyhoo, I am glad I found your blog because I really like it.
Wow! Debbie what a great year of blogging you have had. It's wonderful to know you.
Happy New Year! ~Melissa :)
Great recap! I love your blog and so glad I found your personality and use of color. You seem like such an involved and fun mom and I love that too.
Best wishes for a dynamite new year!
I guess you could say your biggest project this year was finding out more about yourself this year! Seriously! I bet I speak for everyone when I say we all have enjoyed getting to know "YOU" this year! Whatever you do we love, laugh, sympathize and reflect right along with you. You are a wonderful blogger girlfriend!
I agree, this was a Wonderful recab, Debbie!! I think I've been following most of this year, my first year too :-) & so happy for the 'honor' to get to know you & esp. for your friendship & loads of inspiration!!!!
Have a Very Happy & Safe New Years, Debbie!! Can't wait to see where our blogs lead us next year!!!
Love, Hugs & Many Blessings,
Coreen xoxoxoxo
So glad you came back to blogging Debbie and taking it a little easier this time around!
Hope you and your family have a happy and healthy new year! Looking forward to all your creativity and fun in 2011!
Just discovered your blog today and I agree with Lori, your personality is what it is all about! You are very fun, spunky and inspirational! Also,
love your candor.
Hey Deb,
So glad to see this post. I always look forward to popping in to see what you're up to and it never fails to make me smile! I just went back through to read why you started blogging and why its been a roller coaster at has been for me as well. At times I just have to put it aside until the mood strikes again, so thank you for sharing.
I loved the modeling shoot what a hoot but I just have to tell you, are beautiful girl and you have no idea what "thunder thighs" really are until you see mine...My thighs rub together so bad that when I try to jog, my underpants catch on fire!
Happy New year my friend!
PS I'll be taking a break from blogging for a while, I'm having a total hip replacement Jan. 10th...
Hey Deb!!
Great post!!
I am so glad that you started to blog, was sad that you were "taking a break" and was delighted to see that you were back "better than ever".
Happy New Year to you and yours!!
What a great year in review! I should do this!!
Happy New Year Debbie!
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