Grrrrr....Wassup with this?
How about you? You feel since blogging, you have evolved?

Labels: color my world, Krylon, spray paint party
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Grrrrr....Wassup with this?Sorry for inconvenience...
Redirection provided by Blogger to WordPress Migration ServiceDiy, thrifty home decor decorating ideas on a budget. Painting furniture, stenciling projects. Turning trash to treasure.
Labels: color my world, Krylon, spray paint party
I have some spray painting projects but you said no Black- so- sniff sniff, I wont be able to participate..
My projects will all be ORB lol..
cant wait to see all the pretty colors other folks post..sounds like fun..
Sorry your having problems. So irritating! Looking forward to the color party!
I love spray paint, use it in every project!
This will be FUN!
Hey Debbie, I was featured @ Truimp and Tears(it ain't all purty but has a happy ending)
ps...Thanks again for "all" the newbie stuff, when(if) I get 200 followers, will you help me do a giveaway???huh,cause I don't know how to do the linky thinky.
Debbie I saw this last night, didn't have time to comment but it was there! I can vouch for it. I had quite a time loading photos today. It would only let me add one photo at a time. Very frustrating! As for this party, I may try to make it we will see, I've got a purple can of paint I've been wanting to use on a certain piece and this may just be the inspiration I need to just "do it!" Will be fun to see the others projects!
Hey, that sounds like the problem I had a couple weeks ago. I lost my blog title! I tried everything, and everything other friends had offered. Nothing! Then a couple days later, it was back!!!!!! I thought I was fallin' off my rocker! It might be that blogger is the problem. I am at a loss, too! Good luck, you might wanna bring your rocker over by
Don't you hate that - sometimes Blogger is so frustrating.
Sounds like a fun party! Hopefully it'll warm up enough where I can take the spray painting outside. Even tenting off my spray area doesn't capture it all.
Sounds like a fun party, Debbie!...Christine
Well, I read your post last night, it was there... I was going to give it some thought before commenting, BUT I do have some fun colors in spray paint. This may be the perfect time to haul them out & experiment... : )
( There were some other problems with blogger last night... possibly the fault is on thier end)
I love this project....Looks like I better get some spray paint!!! Happy Tuesday.
I will be joining in. And I hope you do another pet party again soon. That was one of the best!! Loved it.
this sounds like fun..Im sure I can find something to paint in that huge pile of stuff that my husband keeps threatening to haul Count me in.
Hey Debbie sorry to hear your having blog problems, but you know I'm in looking forward to the color party! Martina
You post still existed about three hours ago, but it's gone now. What the heck? I love the idea for the party. Count me in.
Hi Debbie, I'm so ready for spray painting weather! Count me in! ~Marcy
I had to laugh when I read this post. I have been concerned that a neighbor might call the EPA and complain about the fumes fom spray paint hanging over our cottage! A painting party sounds like fun.
Susan and Bentley
Love this idea. I discovered spray painting after getting into the blog world, but long before I actually had my own blog. I think I love spray painting because it's fast & I tend to get impatient. Bad me! Will have to rummage around for some past pics.
What a great party idea! Love it, count me in!
Hi Debbie!
Well i hope to join in the party but, I need to spray paintoutside and we are stil covered in snow so, I am not sure if I will get any spray painting done by then. I hope so because i have a serious line up of projects to be painted!
Hello Debb... sure it will be a great party... I will try to spray something:)... may be I can get anything...
I am going to paste your party button too...
You had me at the word "color". You know I will be around. I love you close-ups today. Great prospective. Take a deep breathe, take your time, remember in blogland there should be no rush and we make no mistakes.
Girlfriend, you are rocking it out this year! I love this party and got all excited as I am about to spray paint a bench for the front porch, but alas... I am painting it black! It is hard having a red house! It is bold enough so I can do a lot of competing with it! I know, I know... you would say go for it, but I am a big ol' chicken sometimes!
I cracked up at your collection of spray paint cans! I love it and adore you!! Have a great week, friend!
I have so mant projects to paint some big some small! Lets see what I come up with!
I heart spray paint!! Blogger has been acting so weird lately.. Maybe someone will figure it out.. My blog seems to be stuck on military time its annoying me!!
Hi Debbie, I had the same thing happen to me last year. I had worked until the wee hours on a post and poof... gone, just like that. I so understand how you are feeling so frustrating. Hope you have fun with your spray painting and Krylon, are you listening you should have Debbie endorsing your product!
Great idea for a party. Krylon is always my go to spray paint brand of choice. I have noticed they have lots of great colors. I used their orange last fall to bring life back to a faded faux jack-o-lantern. I also painted frames some fabulous colors. But would love an excuse to paint something else a great color.
As wonderful as I think you are(you know I do), I think you did this party as a way of torture to me. See, if you remember how my blogging problem all started(YOU MADE ME do the bird house-I spray painted it red...)and you know I love spray paint, errrrrgh. I am trying to pace myself, but how is that even remotely possible if you are doing AWESOME parties like this????AGH!!! Ok, you quit blogging and I will too, deal?LOLOLOL! Just kidding, but I will look forward to checking your party out, you know I love me some spray paint! Thanks for the smile:D
Computer troubles are the most frustrating to deal with. Ugh!
I'll have to see if I can join the party. Winter will not go away around here, so all spray painting is on hold.
Bummer, I immediately thought of something I wanted to paint when I read this, but it' Not to fear, though. I'll think of something else. I can't miss a party!! Sorry about the computer trouble. I had my bout with it today as well. All my gadgets were at the bottom. So weird. I need to update my blog sometime soon. This stuff is so time consuming, especially when I spend my time reading everyone else's blogs. I'm addicted. Sorry for rambling! Back to spray-painting ideas. Hmmm.
I could BE your party, and I just loaded up on Krylon for my vacation (weird, right?).
I just spray-painted my very first item EVER this morning! (Dang, I should've taken a before pic...!) I painted an ugly fake wood mirror frame with a cream texture and can't wait to hang it back up tomorrow. So now I'm hooked -- just got back from the store with a half dozen cans of very colorful paint and scoping out the house to decide on my next projects!
Awesome! I'll join in.
I'm not sure how to use this link.
I'd like to link this to your spray paint party.
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