I never really pondered the thought, being a northerner and all.
I was way too far from the South.
I never even saw a Spanish Moss tree until I was in Savannah, GA of course now I wish I had one.
I was a Northerner most of my life.
Our first move out of the North was to Florida, the sunshine state, back in 1997.
Not sure if they really consider Florida southern?
Do they? I do know a lot of Northerners transplant there, and for good reasons I might add.
However, long term for us, I missed the four seasons.
So that brought us to
Since we have moved to South Carolina, we have been told often we are
"half backs", that term is fine by me, and I find it cute, and tell people often, I am a " half back".
We drink "pop", they drink "sweet tea"
So this brings me to the SOUTH...
Is it true what they say about Southern hospitality?
What is it about the South that defines the term, and the reputation it holds.
I did a little research for y'all..yes I even say y'all now.
Southern hospitality is a quality attributed to residents of the southern region of the United States. The term implies that in comparison to people living in other parts of the United States, Southerners are typically friendlier, more welcoming and generous to strangers or guests.
Southern hospitality focuses heavily on food and the role it plays in daily life and social systems in the South. It is customary for people to bring food to the home of a new neighbor, the ill and the bereaved. Southern hospitality dictates that even when visitors arrive without food to share at a gathering, they are included in the occasion with access to all food offerings.
(this info found on ehow.com)

This one being so true. I told you about my true blue Southern friend Laurian, calling all Southern belles
this is a really great post, one of my favs actually!
Now how about Southern style, what exactly does that mean?
Wide front porches with painted ceilings.
Wicker seating, I never knew that!
Salvaged rustic pieces, and run down churches...
old church here in the South, that I took my favorite photography pics.
So in closing, I would like to declare, we love the South, I love sweet tea, and I love the
Southern style and Southern hospitality that truly is embraced here.
I feel my boys are so lucky to grow up in such a wonderful culture and state.
They have great manners, and they too love Sweet tea and BBQ.
Jack is the only one though that is truly getting the Southern drawl as they say.
Have a wonderful day.
Today is Alex's birthday, so I am busy getting prepared for his DISCO partay!
Labels: Hospitality in the South, Southern hospitality, Southern style
Great post! I'm a southern gal from Texas. Since hubby is in the military we live in North Carolina....which funny enough to me they call it the south here LOL
I love all things southern...especially the food!
Happy Birthday Alex!
I hope his party goes smoothly.
Have a great weekend.
Happy birthday to Alex!! Your boys are so sweet and well mannered. Alex is handsome and Jack is a cutie! Have fun discoing!
Happy Birthday Alex..
I moved out in the country of NC straight from downtown manhatten, so I know:)
I love to visit my relatives and then I cant wait to get back home to the south.. I love it and never want to leave.
Ya'll enjoy your party.
Well, now. I am from the Heart of Dixie (Alabama) and have lived in Georgia, NC and now SC. The Southern way of life is alive and well and we embrace our transplanted "southerners".
Southern born,southern bred,and that ain't no bad thang,cuz!
Here's a note on my facebook:
I'm happy with who I am. Being country doesn't mean I'm not well educated or that I'm stupid. I say 'ain't' and 'y'all' and I 'reckon' and 'fixin to' and watch out cuz I may just 'knock the fire outta ya'. I 'bless a lot of hearts.' I might refer to my pants as 'britches'!
I'm proud to be a southern country girl.
This comment is from a note on my facebook page(with a photo of me fishing-a favorite)
I'm so happy you are proud southern gal too!,even if it's
So, glad to hear that you love the south! There is definitely something about its charm that makes you feel at home. :0)
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. It was greatly appreciated!
Haha, I love this! Glad you enjoy the south. :)
Happy B-day to Alex.... hope you all have fun...
I treasure all my new southern friends I just love the way you all talk.I'm live in Northern Canada and really enjoying reading all my southern friends blogs,, things are really done different in the south,, I love the south!Happy birthday to that boy of yours and what a great theme,, I see white suits,, (John Travolta) and flashing diso balls.Have a great day!
There is no where like the American South. It is like a whole new country and culture. Spanish Moss growing in trees, swinging in the wind, the water ways with there exotic looks and creatures. There is a slowness, peacefullnes,and the people are all so gracious and humble. And then there is that Southern Voice. When you go, you speak one way, when you leave it's the Southern way. Yallll come back now. I have always longed to live in the South. I sure can dream about it. Thanks for sharing. Richard at My Old Historic House.
Hi half back Debbie Dear. I don't think I've ever heard that term before. Well, I'm a true southern gal - born in Alabama and now transplanted to Texas. I've been blessed to have traveled all over the world and there is something special about the south! :)
Have a wonderful party and take lots of pictures for us!
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh yes, Florida can be very Southern. I live in the Panhandle and the leaves change and fall from the tree's in the Fall, it does get cold in the winter, the Summers are just a lot longer. The area we live in is even nicknamed 'Lower Alabama' because we are right below it. -Although I will admit, being a Massachusetts girl myself I really do miss 'home' :(
Happy Friday!
To say I am TRULY blessed to know you and your fantastic family is a huge understatement! As far as Im concerned.....you belong here. Your hospitality and spirit are the basics of true Southern hospitality, and let be honest.... you have enough sass to give AnYoNe a "run for their money" as my Momma would say! Enjoy those green tomato pickles!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX!! FREEAAAKK OOUUUTT!!!! WOOHOOO!!! Do the hustle...dududu du dududu du du!!!! heehee!!!!
My Mama is from East Texas. Southern cooking is the best!!
Happy Birthday to Alex :) Hope you have a fun party! Another thing I love about living in the South is that so many Southerners have big vegetable gardens and share their harvest. They are very generous people!
Debbie, terrific post. I love that the Internet has helped all of us understand each other in a way, we might not have before. BTW, I have found Buffalo to be very welcoming, whenever we were there, too. While in Rochester, I was told that I have an accent, and I laughed and told them, I didn't, that they did. Fun times learning about the areas of our great country. And there are wonderful people everywhere.
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I am Southern and proud of it! I am told I have a Southern drawl. Even though Florida is home to many transplants, it is still Southern. Although I love visiting the New England states, I am always anxious to get back home to my Southern climate. There is just no comparison to Southern charm and hospitality!
Happy Birthday to Alex! Cannot wait to see pictures from the party!
~ Tracy
This is a great post, Debbie...certainly after my own heart! You are American by birth, but you are now Southern by God's grace, you Southern Belle!
Ricki Jill
That is true Helen, Buffalo is known as the place of good neighbors. Great people, and great food as well. It will always be "home" for me, however, my boys will call Home South Carolina!
Deb, I'm home and missed the heck out of your posts...this one is great and by all accounts you are southern, I just know after 2 years that you my friend are the most gracious southern belle of them all!!! xxoo gotta go catch up on what you've been doing....
You know I love these Southern posts!!! I am a Southern Belle born and bred. I did a little bit of time in the North and loved it also, but my heart and my roots are Southern! T and I were talking the other day about possibly having to move back to Michigan, which is fine, but there is something about raising my child here in the South that I just love. Being 28 minutes from the beach isn't too bad either! Now, I have to say... porch ceilings aren't just painted. They are painted haint blue. Must be haint blue! Keeps the haints away!!! We are about to paint ours!
P.S. Get down with your bad self tonight at the disco and many happy wishes for Alex on his birthday!!!
Well first, a big happy birthday to Alex! Second as a "married into" Southerner, I LOVED this post! I hate when people assume southerners are backwards and "slow" because they have lovely drawls and like to live a slower pace. I EMBRACE Bama Boy's "Southernism" and am proud to be a part of a multi-generation Southern family..and I couldn't in good faith close this comment without offering a.."Roll Tide" in honor of one of the best things the south offers...College Football! oh and yes, the west side (at least) of Florida considers themselves Southern.
Great post! It's true about the friendliness and warmth of people in the south. Every day in GA, people would wave and smile and wish me a good morning on my morning run. That doesn't happen here at home in NY.
Love the southern style pics, too! Thanks for sharing.
Great post....I have to say now that I'm a northerner living close to where you grew up. People have been very friendly here but guarded. They talk to you if you talk to them, answer questions if asked but beyond that they keep to their friends. It's hard to make friends here especially when generation after generation has lived here everybody knows everybody and then there is me.
Have fun partying with the boys tonight! I've never heard or used the term half back before, that's a new one to me. LOL! I enjoyed your southern post from a northern perspective very much..now to check out your friends southern post. Have a great weekend!
I too am a transplant to The South. I grew up in MN and lived all over the world (including The South) for 20+ years while I was in the military. I am now living the retired life in southern Georgia and loving every minute. Spanish moss, cicadas, sweet tea...oh yeah!
Being a Northerner myself, I had no idea. That being said, I feel the Southern Hospitality description would fit the NY Italians perfectly. Cute post!
Born and raised in southern VA, right on the NC line. Raised my kids and lived in NORTHERN VA for 30 years before moving to Roanoke, VA. Both my adult kids have noticed the difference in manners, gentility, etc.
Can't wait for birthday party pictures. hehehe
I've never been to either of the Carolina's so I'm really excited for our trip! My brothers girls don't seem to have any sort of an accent though. If I had small kids I'd probably want to move back there but Kyran and I really want to end up FL, that's our plan!
Happy birthday to Alex and a disco party sounds awesome!!!
I'm born & raised in Louisiana & I LOVE IT!!! Do Northerners not take food to new neighbors or the sick??
What a great post. Just to let you know Spanish moss grows in a tree, any tree. I just read the beat article about southern women in Garden & Gun magazine. You would love it. That magazine is the best in the south (and country for that matter) and just beat Martha Stewart in a national award.
I'm a native Texan and have lived in this great state all my life. I've traveled a lot and found many welcoming states/countries. Always love getting to know the people and their culture. That being said, Texans are a whole 'nother group. :-) We have so many characteristics of the South and proud of it! Lots of sugahs, darlin's, honeys, ya'll and fixin' to. We drink "coke" regardless of the drink's real name. We are known for lots of bar-b-que, mexican food...compliments of our neighbors, two-stepping and above all, having a great time!
Ya'll come on down anytime ~ :-)
P.S. Wishing Alex a very Happy Birthday!
Sweet tea, come on. I'm a "POP" gal for sure. But, than I'm from the midwest and was ween on soda in my bottle. What a charming post. Big B-day wishes and Happy Weekend Time, Kate
I love the South!
Love the blue porch with the wicker. When I think of the south I think of peaches, hot weather, beaches and no snow. Sounds good to me!
I moved south in 7th grade. So I say my formitvie years were in the south, Yes m'am. I dropped soda pop really fast and went straight to offering coke. Would you like a coke, Dr. Pepper or 7-up? I learned yes M'am and yes Sir before it was a law in Louisiana. I truly love the south and your are right people and food the best!
Hope y'all have a great time at the party. Here's a little South Carolina history. My husband opened the first disco in Columbia called the Diamond Disco in the late 1970s. It was a huge success! He would pack in about a thousand people nightly. I wasn't married to him then, but I went there a few times! Did I ever tell you that my step-son dated a girl from Buffalo that we absolutely adored. I was hoping she'd be our daughter-in-law, but it didn't turn out that way. Apparently Buffalo produces some sweet people.
Happy Birthday to Alex!
Love your southern post :o) Growing up military and marrying military has meant living here, there, and everywhere...lovin' every place. Now we are living in Savannah with the gorgeous Spanish moss hanging from the live oaks...I love how many of the streets with the old homes are lined with these trees gracefully providing an arch above. I love learning about the local slangs and terms from every region...My hubby is a "southern boy"... born and raised in the southern most state...Hawaii. :o)
Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you my dear blogger buddy for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment.
Happy birthday to Alex! I spent much of my childhood living in South Carolina and Georgia and have many happy memories of my years there...
I love being a Southern Girl, I treating people well and greeting all with a big Smile a hug!!!!
Happy Birthday to you son, he has the same birthday as my 23year old Daughter! 8-5!!! God Bless!!!
The South is quite a place, for sure. I am a Ga. native and have never lived anywhere else. Aside from the awful humidity, its pretty perfect!! I will say, that there are several types of Southern. There are those whose babies wear bows bigger than their heads, monogram everything, and act like they've known you forever. I am not that brand of Southern. ;)
I have a friend from Wisconsin who always says, "I may not have been born in the South, but I got here as quick as I could."
Oh, being blog friends with a Californian, it has been brought to my attention that I say funny things. I say they're the funny ones...
Happy Birthday to your sweet Little Alex and may his day be wrapped in smiles.
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