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Debbiedoo's: January 2010


Diy, thrifty home decor decorating ideas on a budget. Painting furniture, stenciling projects. Turning trash to treasure.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Blue By You~~Thanks Smiling sally!!:)


Monday's are a real party in blog land, so many to link up with, you just want to be a part of them all!!~ I just started incorporating more Blue In mY home...here is my Kitchen with some Blue!!
Please stop by Smiling  Sally's to see other beautiful blues....thank you. http://smilingsally.blogspot.com


Let ThE PArty begin....Mosaic Monday/Mellow Yellow too!!~

 These where flowers I had on my table and I thought this was a perfect mellow yellow Monday, and I would then in turn make a mosaic out of them.  I am really enjoying my new blogging venture, and meeting you all and learning so much along the way! Have a great day!!!~~Thanks for stopping by, please browse around:) ~~Please see the Mellow Yellow button and click on to view more!!~Also see  Mary at The little red house button, some great mosaics to be seen! Thanks to our hosts for this special day!

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Shopping, couPonS, saVing MoneY~~

This week, first time in a loNG time we decided to cut coupons and shop for all the best food dealS!!~ I don't want to say we did not care, but I guess I was too LaZy to cut couPons, and If I did I forGot them at home.  NoW that hubby is not getting as muCh OT we decided we wouLd be a little more FruGal, than Frivolous.  My Husband seems to thinK we can save about $150.00 a montH!!~ Please Share your thoughts and points of view.  Do yoU have a couPon organizer? http://wendyusuallywanders.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/coupons.jpg


Thursday, January 28, 2010

What exActly is a Pulpit?

 History of the pulpit...

Pulpits, which are associated with traditional churches today, haven't always been included in churches. In the earliest days of the church, Christians met in homes. In the Middle Ages, pulpits were installed in churches, but sermons rarely were preached out of them. More emphasis was given to the sacraments than to preaching.
The pulpit became more prominent during the Protestant Reformation, when the preaching of God's Word became the primary ingredient of worship. The pulpit became more than a place to stand or a structure on which to place notes and a Bible. It became a symbol of the authority of the Bible, the church, and the preacher.

Now that you know the history, let me tell you how we came to this wonderful piece.  My husband and I love to go antiquing, we are very drawn to things with meaning, and history.  Definitely seems we are drawn to things spiritual.  So one day along with our boys we ventured out for a hamburger, and came across this cute little town in Charlotte with some antique stores.  So of course, the boys where like "not again, do we have to go in"? YES come on....so we went in and browsed around and nothing really stood out, that was til my husband spotted this beat up pulpit.  It was in really bad shape and he thought it was beyond repair.  I of course saw past the damage and saw the true potential in it, nothing a little sanding and stain could not fix.  And for 40.00 how could you go wrong?  I have since then priced pulpits and they can be very expensive.  In the meantime the boys stood outside miserably and I went out with them while Mike still pondered it.  Next thing you know we see a priest and  nun walk in the store....I ran in and said to Mike buy it, this was a sign of goodness! Hence it sits in our home in a perfect corner, with my husbands Masonic bible on top. It is quite the conversation piece to say the least!!~ 



Mantel PaRty Friday~~~

I do not have a mantel this week to share as I have shown my Valentine display last week.  I thought with Spring right around the corner I would do my homework and share what is new, fresh and exciting for mantel displays.  Photo's are courtesy of Martha Stewart and BH&G.  It seems to all be about asymmetrical, layering, and repetition.  I seem to do all the wrongs of it LOL!!~ I truly believe your style should reflect you and what you like.  My Mantel has been difficult to work with because we have the opening in which a TV should be there......I personally do not like a TV above a main focal point!!~ These are beautiful ideas, and my favorite was the pops of yellow, I will do something like this in Spring to bring in a cheery color.  Hope this inspires you:)  Debbie
Please see BETH's Mantel party button on my task bar and view more lovely mantels



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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

TaBleScape ThUrsday~~

hosted by Susan, please stop by to see all the other pretty tablescape....

Dessert for two on the whimsy side~~ I used a red boa and X-mas tree for the centerpiece, decorated with strawberries and hearts, then I stuck some cute suckers in there. Enjoy~~Please click picture to enlarge.




No FusS no MusS.....


I thought I would get creative last night with some scrap paper.  I had purchased the wreath some time ago at Hobby Lobby for 5.00, I like the rustic look to it. I cut some hearts hole punched, tied some ribbon and hung them on there.  It was fun, easy, different and cheap!!!~~ I can change it out seasonally too:) 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sharing vignette TaBletops hosted by BarB over at Grits And Glamour

This is an entry table that is actually an outdoor garden table.  I liked it and thought it broke all the wood elements up and added a nice texture.  The mirror above it is a piece we bought in Arizona.  We collect old books as well and have them featured with some pretty christian book ends my husband bought me last year for Valentines day.  Enjoy!!~and please click pics to enlarge.  Don't forget to stop over at Barbs to view some more tabletops!!~


Monday, January 25, 2010

TeA for TwO anyone?~

Here is my BluE from Me to You!!~ How about some TEa for tWo??



Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mosaic Monday~~Hosted by Little Red House

Here is my Mosaic MondaY~~  This is my first participation.  My Mosaic is featuring my home all in one. Please click pic to enlarge, and thanks hosting the party Mary!!~I love parties:)  Debbie


Pet PeEve

O.K. Ladies there are no perfect husbands out there, although mine is about 90% perfect in my eyes! However, why after 15 years of marriage and me continuously asking him to wipe down the sink after he shaves and brushes his teeth......HE DOES not get it???? Ok vent..........what is your pet peeve?? I am linking up with Lee from http://www.headacheshormonesandhotflashes.com, and Debbie from http://menonewmom.blogspot.com.  Check out their blogs, they are awesome and entertaining to say the least!   I kept my story short and sweet...because that is all it is...yet very annoying.  Which by the way after I wrote this post several months back, my husband was good the next day.  That was it!~ Seems he has short term memory loss too.  I do call him the absent minded professor often.  He is a chief pharmacist and excellent at his job!~ However, I do think his career sucks all the brain cells out of him during the day.  I do believe I sound like the teacher From Charlie Brown.....Mrs. Donovan to be exact! WHA WHA WHA!~ Have a great day ladies. Hopefully this will be a continued linky party, because I do have more stories:)


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Self esteem IssUes~~

Every Friday night my girlfriends and I get together.  Girl time is much needed In my ever so humble opinion. It  keeps us grounded and SANE!!~ We certainly learn a lot from each other,and value and respect each others opinions.  One thing I see in general with Women is, sOme, a lot actually, suffer from LOW self-esteem!! WhY is this I ask? is it society, magazines, super Models looking ever so perFect and thin?? Movie stars Looking flawless at 50? I knOw women younger than myself, that already have had cosmetic surgery, whether it is their BOOBS, tummy tucks, lipo, Botox, which that is not cosmetic, but obviously a look younger quick Fix, I mean who doesn't want to have poison injected in their face to keep that ever so lasting shocked LOOK?? I will be the first to say, I do not want to get OLD Looking, however it beats the alternative so I do what I can to stay YouNg and fit! Of course I see the lines on my face, my neck starting to gobble, the cellulite growing in numbers (MEN do not notice Cellulite) just ask Dr. OZ!! With all this being said, I did tell the girls that I do not EVER FOCUS,  on what I do not like about myself....what I do everyday no Matter what, is looK in the Mirror and picK one thing I DO Like about myself for that day! Whether it be I am having a good hair day, my Shirt looks cuTe, I love my New necklace, whatever it is, I leave thinking a positive thought about myself! When I said focus what I mean is, of course as I mentioned above there are things I do not like, however, why dwell on it?  I thinK everday we should take the approach of telling ourselves what we DO like, it will Make You feel good, and yOu will inject that attitude  to Others.  Because all the surgery, BotoX , and whatever else they can suck you into, Will NOt change your Thought process, if you do not looK in the mirrOr and see something positive. In fact I thiNk plastic surgery becomes an addiction to a certain degree. Once you fix one thing, you thiNk well, maybe now I shouLd fix My eyelids, etc... WhaT are Your thoughtS on this?  Now for ThoSe of you reading, and you have had anY of the AbovE, I am certainly not Judging You, I am only staTing my OpioniOn here, bUt would Love for you to ShaRe wHy yOu maY have Done this if It where Not medically necessary?  I certaiNly do not want to go under a kNife unless I have to, and Let's face it, one time Or anOther we may have to..........
OPEN FORUM here, OPEN can of Worms here... LOL, LOL......OH I am nOt including Nose Jobs in my OpinioN, because some shnozzes jusT need to Be Fixed!!!!~~~ and No I have Not had a nose Job, have you seen My shnoz? It fits my face!!~

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Friday, January 22, 2010

OLD WorLd Mantel Party~~hosted by Beth with the Stories from A to Z.....please see her link:)

This is our fireplace mantel with some Valentine Decorations. You will see the nook where a TV was suppose to be. We added a candelier from Z-gallerie that was a 10 year anniversary gift. We have displayed a very old sessions clock from the 1930's and some old books. We love Old World Gothic style so I recently added the crosses where I purchased at Pier I. I love mixing old with new. Thanks for letting me participate and please see the link on my task bar to view more beautiful mantles.

