Shopping, couPonS, saVing MoneY~~
This week, first time in a loNG time we decided to cut coupons and shop for all the best food dealS!!~ I don't want to say we did not care, but I guess I was too LaZy to cut couPons, and If I did I forGot them at home. NoW that hubby is not getting as muCh OT we decided we wouLd be a little more FruGal, than Frivolous. My Husband seems to thinK we can save about $150.00 a montH!!~ Please Share your thoughts and points of view. Do yoU have a couPon organizer?

Labels: open forum topics
Dont forget to take da babies out for the first snow on 2010! I hope its not hard snow down here in Rock Hill!
P.S. Im in the process of house hunting. Hopefully I can share some potential homes with you!
Take care!
Hey Debbie, thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet note about my guest "loo" !! I love your blog ... your home is beautiful ... such lovely tablescapes !! And, let me say, that I NEED to get on the coupon cutting bandwagon, too. So true in that the savings are incredible if we'd just take the time to sit and cut. :) Where in SC are you? Take care, Becca (Adventures in Decorating)
Debbie, I don't use very many coupons for a variety of reasons. I shop at Trader Joe's a lot & they have their own brands, I try to buy as many unprocessed foods as I can & because the coupons I do clip, end up being forgotten or they get left in the car!
After seeing Coupon Mom on Oprah awhile back I use a few more & what really helps the budget is that if you organize your menu by what is on sale that week, you can save a lot more.
My oldest daughter is really good about checking online for coupons & coupon codes for clothing stores, etc. before she buys something. I especially love the coupon codes that are online at various websites for online purchases.
I must admit 'm not a coupon person but it's because I don't get the newspaper - except for the Wall Street Journal. My dry goods like Tide, Clorox, Pledge, etc. all come from Costco - so that's how I save.
Stay warm today - it looks crazy in NC and VA today - I hope it doesn't affect you too much in SC!
Hi Debbie, thanks for stopping by my blog, I love visiters as we all do. I'm a coupon cutter, it's just that I always forget to take them to the store with me.
I hope you guys didn't get to much snow, or maybe you wanted the snow. I just know I'm so glad we didn't get it up here in north central MD, It's been very cold and snowing on and off here since mid December.
I'm a horrible coupon clipper... I wish I was better. I'll cut them - then forget them. Plus a lot of the things we eat do not even have coupons... oh well... ~ kim
Hi Debbie! I have been an avid coupon clipper for many years, and I save probably 10-15% per week. I only use coupons for things we really need & use. I recently discovered a really great web site full of tons of useful coupons. It's really easy to use. You just sign up & you don't get alot of junk e-mail either, like you do on some coupons sites! Go to & check it out!
Thanks DOnna I will, I do want to become a better shopper...I recently changed grocery stores and that has helped!!~
Pam I love Trader Joes, it just is not around the corner from us....but I stock up when I go....their wine is awesome for 3.00 how can you beat it, and it seriously does not taste cheap!! Sorry off topic there!!~ LOL
I love Trader Joe's too! We have one about 45 minutes from here, so when I do go I really stock up! Can't beat their $3.00 buck Chuck! And they also have some really good Pinot Grigio for $4.00! I also love their bottles of roasted red peppers, as well as their tomato bruschetta! Yum! I always pick up goat cheese from T.J. They have the best prices around! Ok, I am drooling now.......
Hi Debbie, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. Yes..I do use coupons and it helps a lot!! esp, combining sales for the week in the ads. I use a small basket with organizers in them I have a post on it in my categories under food and drink, I think.
thanks for sharing for show and tell.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I like your valentine table I'm ready to come share a cupcake...
I do coupon shop, it helps a lot. I use a basket separated by categories, combining the coupon with the weekly ad sales is the best way..I think over in my categories I do a post on it under food and drink.
Sad to say that I do not have a coupon organizer, Debbie. I should....Christine
I always forget my coupons at home... and only "remember" them when the friendly cashier ask me if I have any today. :-D I should put them in the car... or in my purse. That would be tooo easy!!
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