(clearing my throat first) ....I wOuld liKe to thank the Academy!!~
Now some of you may have recently received this award. If that is the case I ask that you give up your reign to another blogger you feel best. I know some of you are friends so if I did not include you, it is because I know you can pass it to your buddy! Now we are also suppose to include 7 things, I bet you did not know about me....here goes
1. I am super, duper crabby in the morning til I have my coffee
2. I am sensitive
3. I avoid driving on the highway at all costs
4. I like to be a homebody
5. I have learned not to take myself too seriously...I can laugh at myself and my kids have learned to do that at me well!
6. I lack patience at times, often times
7. I love cute, trendy clothes!
8. One for good luck....I love life!

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