Well we really didn't get kicked out, but we were made to feel a tad uncomfortable.
Mike was off one day and we decided we would run some errands, go to lunch, and stop at a Fresh Market to grab something nice for dinner.
You know, when leaving home, I tend to bring my camera along, because you just never know!
So our first stop into the fresh market, camera in hand, I see all these gorgeous Orchids, snap!
Within one second flat, here comes the Manager.
Before he even said a word, I told him I was a private blogger and love to take pictures of flowers and different elements, fruits, etc.....He pretty much told me to stop.
The entire time Mike was standing just a tad in front of me, I think a bit perplexed ( He thought the guy was trying to hit on me)
Needless to say, our trip there was short and sweet. So on the way home Mike said, let's check out this old church. We have driven by this before, but never actually got out of the car.
There was a landscape of Old cemetery stones. I know a very strange pit stop for us, but so surreal at the same time. It was cold ,windy a bit grey and a hint of blue sky. Not a soul around but he and I.
All so weathered and worn, some barely legible.
What is a cemetery without a big spooky tree?
Organized in 1792 this church is referred to as the mother church of Baptist in York County, SC and Mecklenburg County, NC.
The name was chosen because of a huge six foot flint rock outcropping located at the entrance to the church. From its founding until the 1820s the church extended its ministry to the Catawba Indian tribes located nearby. Until the end of the Civil War the congregation also included slaves.
The original church, as well as the second one built in 1811, was constructed of logs. In 1828 the church was enclosed in a frame construction. As the congregation grew a new church was built in 1855 and again replaced in 1908 by the present structure. The adjacent cemetery contains graves of over 200 soldiers from all wars with over half of these being veterans of the Civil War.
But to us the strangest part of the day.......
Why was there a basket ball hoop in the middle of nowhere, and no pavement?
Thanks for sharing Mike's day off with us!
I will be joining Kim for her WOW us Wednesday party. As you can see I really had fun taking some photo's!
Outdoor Wednesday

Labels: Flint Hill Baptist church
Hi Debbie Sweetie...
I love this share. Love those orchids, but I have got to tell you, these markets are always being price checked by competitors, so they are really picky when it comes to taking photos, and yes they will basically throw you right on out. If you go back to shop, they will always be watching you. Believe me they never forget a face. Been there, done that one. Yep, I sure have.
Love the visit to the cemetery. I thank you for sharing that with me. How beautiful it is. I love the old iron bars, and then of course the big tree. Such an element of surprise.
Love that basketball goal, now if only it could talk. Think of the stories it would tell.
I hope you will pop by, as I am having a CSN giveaway. Would love to have you sign up.
Country hugs sweetie...Sherry
February 15, 2011 9:27 PM
Blogger Betsy said...
Your pictures are gorgeous, I love those orchids. Too bad the manager didn't let you continue, he missed out on some free advertising. What's up with that?
Aren't tombstones interesting? Great pictures. Thanks for sharing your day;-)
February 15, 2011 9:29 PM
I had to repost this post...and I copied two of the comments I received. Something is seriously wrong with blogger tonight!
Nice photos Debbie. I like the different angles you got. Interesting about the market. didn't know they would do that.
Great shots, Debbie. That market manager was an old prune. Glad no one kicked you out of the graveyard...no loud managers there! ha! Susan
Hey again! Thanks for the nice birthday wishes, Sweet Pea. What happened to you and your camera is my biggest fear when taking random photos!!
Oh how I love cemeteries. I have visited many in NC and I do really enjoy walking around. Great photography. Pretty soon Mr. Grumpy will ask to hire you. ;)
LOL no kiiding... maybe blogger has the flu. A couple of people left messages (from the Newbie Party) telling me they are following me. Hmmmmmmmmmm they are not showing up in my count, but I went to their blogs and can see that they are following.
Anywho... Ihave never been kicked out because of taking pics, but then I take my little point and shoot. But , it is hard for me to take pics with hubby around. He hates any unwanted attention ...LOL.
Love the church and cemetery photos!
That is a bunch of crap at Fresh Market! It isn't like you are selling secrets to the competition! Jeeeeeezzzz! I love love old cemetaries. There is something so peaceful about them to me. Weird. I know! I think the shot of the top of the iron work fence with the grave in the background is fantastic!
What great shots. I had to go back and find the basketball hoop. That is weird. What did the Fresh Market guy think you were going to do with pictures of flowers and groceries? Just dumb.
Very cool shots Debbie! How annoying to get kicked out. Makes it awkward for everyone.
Love pictures of old cemeteries. There is something sad, but beautiful there at the same time.
Many places/people do not want pictures taken in their stores. have often wondered how so many get by with taking photos on their shopping trips. I took some pictures in some places a while back (with permission), but they still acted very iffy and cold about it all - even after I told them I would mention their business in my blog
Ended up deleting the pictures - their loss.
Hope you are having a great week.
I thought you were going to say you were kicked out of the cemetery too...
Well, at least you two didn't get kicked out of the cemetery! That guy was just too rude at the store! I had a similar experience, as a new blogger. I was anxious to take photos of a really neat shop, and asked the owner permission. Well, you would have thought that I'd asked to steal her first born child! She was extremely rude, so I vowed to myself never to buy anything from her shop again! hahaha! Great photos, btw!
That is pretty rude for the Fresh Market folks to do. They should be happy you would be giving their store nice coverage.
when I went to the southern xmas show we had a guy rip me and my friend a new one for taking photos! What pisses me off is his wife is a blogger and she has her pics on her blog of her stuff! He was such ass about it too.
Great photos, Debbie~ lots of great shots! The first headstone is so poignant...
Fabulous photos, Debbie. You are one talented photographer. Keep on snapping! ~ Sarah
I've tried take photos in several different stores but I am always made to feel weird, like I'm doing something wrong.
Love the orchid pic, though.
What was he going to do if you wouldn't stop?....Have you arrested for produce shot infringement?? Drag you kicking and screaming out of the store? He couldn't actually touch you soooo I'm curious! *winks* Love the visit to the cemetary. The old gravestones are soooo cool! Vanna
Crap....that should be" cemetery"! Lol!I got incensed for you and forgot how to spell *winks* Vanna
Beautiful cemetery pictures. People are funny about things though, aren't they? I got yelled at, YELLED at once b/c I was sketching an idea I saw at a craft sale onto a piece of paper: I didn't know that crafts could be copy-righted; I was about 15 and the woman could just as easily TOLD me as YELL at me!..as if my memory couldn't remember it if it was that big of a deal anyway!!! I think she scared away most of the customers within earshot. But your cemetery pictures were well worth it!
I really like the cemetery photos & that older grave stone.
Not surprised one bit about the fresh market. Many, many shops have no photo, no camera policy. I'm not sure what Fresh Market is, by the sounds of the anal manager it sounds like it would be a chain or corporate store.
Wow, those photos are gorgeous! I've taken photos in a grocery before and never been told to stop, guess they haven't caught me yet... I love old churches, even the cemetary part is neat because of the history. Thanks for sharing this!
I got kicked out of a fibromyalgia support group last year for asking the reason for another member being kicked out.
So you are not alone. It must be the rebel in us ladies.
I BET the guy was hitting on you! Beautiful orchids though. :)
What a GREAT post, loved all your photographs and the church history! Thanks so much for sharing!
Shame on him Debbie! Whenever I'm shopping for a client, I always take my camera. Before I take any pictures, I ask first but won't believe what I have to go through just to take a picture. It's almost not worth it.
Enjoy your day,
Great shots, Debbie!! I'm sorry the market manager was rude. Geesh! You have really learned your camera well...fabulous captures. XOXO ~Liz
What a fun day off. People have stopped me before too, from taking pictures. Geez, don't their wives blog?
Loved the photos!!!
When I first saw your comments I thought you'd developed a 2nd personality (it's only 4 a.m. here, I'm not fully awake). I had issues with blogger yesterday, some poor soul got about 4 copies of the same message cuz I didn't think it was posting.
That's why I get afraid of taking pics in stores, I don't want to get in trouble!!! That cemetary is amazing! I love seeing things like that, so much history. We're heading out there to my brothers in Sept., my husband wants to know all the good BBQ places!
Hey don't we love it when we are out and about,stealin' a shot or two, and people look at us like,"what the...".
You are so much fun!, I enjoyed this and WOW,GREAT PHOTO'S.
I am obsessed with The Fresh Market. It is near our daughters' barn, so I buy lots of our food there, but other stuff I buy at Target because they have the best prices near me. As a matter of fact, I am blogging about their Berry Inferno coffee today ;P
Sounds like a weird market, but you got some great photos of the cemetery!
Oh man sorry to hear about your uncomfortable venture at the Market. We have a Fresh Market locally and I feel so awkward going in there, it does feel like your being watched... although they do have some great items [and meats!] :)
Lovely pictures! have a great Wednesday!
At least you got to snap that beautiful photo before they chased you away!
What? Did the manager think you were a terrorist-maybe you were going to make a bomb with the lemons or something? You shoulg go back and tell him that instead of some nice publicity he is now getting some really bad press!Well you know I love an old cemetary better than anything- I loved the photos!
Hi Debbie- That's weird that they would be so uptight about a picture- especially if you tried to explain. I love small stores like that, we have a local meat market that has served our community for many many years. They will even carry your grocery bag to your car if you want. Something a big box store can never offer is the quaintness and personal attention you can get at a small market. The store owner should remember that's what it's all about!
The cemetery photos are quite interesting- such old headstones and they are always interesting to read. Great shots!
The basketball hoop standing alone almost seems like a tribute to someone. Conjurs up lots of ideas!
Thanks for sharing,
Loved the cemetery photos, Debbie. The stained glass windows in the church must be really beautiful on the inside on a sunny day! The history of the church was interesting. I hadn't ever heard of that church.
I think my husband would have died. I'm sure he would have started running if he saw the manager coming our way. Thats too bad he was a grouch. I guess they have their reasons. They sure were beautiful orchids!
Love the pics of the cemetary. You really got some great shots. I'd say a fun day with the hubs!
So weird about the manager. ??
The orchids are pretty though.
You got some more great pictures too. I like the wrought iron gate.
I like to walk around cemeteries. It's very peaceful!
Glad you had a nice time even though you got kicked out of the market. :)
Too funny Debbie! Love the orchids! I used to love to visit old churches and cemeteries. Some of the tombstones are so fascinating. I love the photos and the angles you used. That is really strange about the basket ball hoop. So far I have not been kicked out of any establishment for taking photos, but I usually ask before I take them just to be on the safe side. I have had a few tell me no, but they did so in a nice way.
Sounds like you had a fun and interesting day with your hubby! Thanks for sharing it with us as well as the history of the church.
~ Tracy
Wow, I didn't realize that was a no-no!! Too funny. Beautiful orchids!
I did not realize you could not take pictures like that wow better watch my self as well as I love to take pictures on my daily outings
I loved reading about the history of the church but wonder like you what the basketball hoop was all about
Beautiful church photos!
Sorry about your market/camera experience. I've had that happen too and it's so disappointing.
Have a great rest of the week!
I love old churches like that. You can almost feel the soul.
Love your cemetery pics. Old cemeteries are always interesting places to photograph with all the awesome stones and old architectural elements.
i love the market oics you did get oh the tree in the grave yard is awsome what a cool pic i would have climbed up on that big limb and got my pic taken lol:)
Hi Debbie, thanks for visiting, Lovely photos especially the cemetery pics. That is really interesting history too.
Great photos Debbie! Churchs can be the most interesting places.
Just take you anywhere, Debbie! Ha Ha. You really are getting good with that NEW camera of yours.
I had to scroll back a couple of times to find that basketball hoop...lol...Great photo's and I'll remember that about Fresh Market.
Cemeteries are great places for some wonderful shots. Yours turned out great. I had to really hunt for that basketball goal! But that is sort of a creepy thing. Perhaps there are some ghostly players late at night ;)
The Fresh Market? Seriously? I see your comment about price comparison and that makes a bit more sense. Well anyway, your photography looks great Debbie.
Hello Debbie,
I didn't realize you lived in South Carolina.... I saw all that historic stuff dating way back and started to wonder and then spotted that distinctive blue flag with the palm tree and sliver of a moon on it and BINGO, I knew. My son and DIL lived in Charleston for several years and I ADORE South Carolina.
Oh, how I know that feeling. I have been kicked out by the seat of my pants, given every dirty look in the book, and eye-balled up and down. You know what I do....protest....I have a garden center that now has lost my huge summer floral budget, all over a silly little picture. I do like to keep it light, until principal comes into play. And you know we don't mess with the principal.
Any how, loved all your pics today. I must get back out now that the snow is melting and see what I can see. As you can tell, I'm going a little house nuts of things to blog about and keeping my mouth and mind from wandering to dangerously crazy places.
So weird they would have a problem with you taking pictures. I have taken SO many pictures at all the store we shop at and I have never been asked to stop. Beautiful Orchids anyway!
Also, the graveyard pictures are fascinating. I love pictures of old tombstones! I need to get out and take some of those myself! :)
I always wondered how bloggers took pictures in stores? Everyone seems to be able to? Maybe the small stores don't mind?
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