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Labels: mammogram
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Labels: mammogram
The cartoons are funny! My thoughts will be with you today, Debbie. I keep having to go back every 6 months now because I have fibrous tissue that is not calcifications. It is making me a nervous wreck!
Girl you are to funny with the cartoons! Good LUCK today and I hope they don't squeeze to hard! OUCH!!! Hope the rest of your day will be pain free. Vicky
I just made may appointment yesterday for April. I am late, too because I had to find a new ob/gyn first and get that appointment made since they have to write an order for the mammo. I don't mind having it done. That first pic is soooo funny. That is what Mr. S will be doing with mine. They are almost there!!
LOL! Debbie, this was too funny! Love the cartoons! I hope all goes well today! I'll send you good (((vibes)))! Have a great weekend.
Those cartoon & pics are hysterical! I know it's no fun at all, but it's one of those things you just gotta do!
I'll have to start going here in c couple years when I turn 35 since my Grandma passed away due to breast cancer :(
Go do something fun afterwards like reward yourself with a fancy coffee or something!
I have fallen out of my chair, laughing! This is hilarious! I had just left visiting with Janette over @ Janette Sage & her post today was "in the same field".
Have a wonderful day & mine is coming up shortly (that is my ckup). :)))
I hear ya! I am over do, and need to get in there. Thanks for the reminder!
The cartoons are hilarious. Think of that when you are in that machine!
OMG Debbie, this made me day!!!!
And I'm SO glad you are going! You NEVER know!!
My step-mother is only 48 years old and just had her mammo a couple months ago because her doctor refused to refill her hormone prescription until she did.
Well, sure enough she had a lump! And it turned out to be stage 1 breast cancer. She is having it removed TODAY ironically. She should actually be in surgery as I type this.
She has no family history and is really still quite whether we like it or is SOOOO important to do.
Good luck today!!!
Ha! Oh, that cartoon is a hoot! Good for you, Debbie Dear, getting your mammogram! I get one each year, but I'm olden! :) Been called back just like you and that is scary!
I wish you the best!
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Oh Karen told me to come here....our post seem to go hand in hand...too funny!!! Those pictures are since I am 50 I need to go have this fun!
Have a great day and thanks for the much needed laugh!!!
The cartoons are a riot, Debbie. mammograms hurt!! I go for my yearly exam in April. I always dread it.
I will be thinking of you today.
Debbie I always enjoy the cartoons when its my time for the mammo! I sing to the girl, squish it, squish it good! Since I had a recall once for a unclear pic....worth the pain and I'm always positive because mammo's save lives! hugs!!
Yes Debbie it is VERY important to do and get a one, And sometimes I think woman don't know that if they can't pay for it, You can get one for free... Your cartoons are so funny love the Halloween costume. have a great day.
Hilarious! I needed this laugh this morning. Thank you for sharing.
Oh Debbie, you are hilarious. As a matter of fact I am about 4 months past due for mine. I have been called back for the same reason, but is always stressful, you just never know. My aunt died from breast cancer, so I try to be diligent.
Have a happy mammo day :)
I had my baseline at 30, as my son must have elbowed me in the boob in his sleep and it felt like it was on fire! Nothing wrong, but I do have fluid filled cysts, so I have gone every year since 30 and I am now 54. Everything is always ok, but it is nice to get that reassurance from the mamogram. Good girl for going!
LMAO!!! literally. I can't find my ass right now! Good luck on your exam!
Hello sweetie, I love your cartoons, I can relate and always put that dreaded scan off for later.
One advice I want to give you... remove those 3 hairs!
Ugh, I have to go for my very first one next week. Not looking forward to it. Thanks for the cartoons. I will think of them if I get too nervous!
My girlfriend has breast cancer in her late 30's and a childhood friend got it at 43! So scary.
But lets think healthy thoughts!!!
Pamela :)
Oh mY goodness those pix are hilarious!!!
Funny picutres girl!!! I'm later than that though.... (bad & I know better) thanks for the reminder!!!!!
The only part of going that bothers me is getting called back. Here's to hoping once is all you need:)
What a fun way to start your weekend. Thanks for the reminder. You have been up to tons of fun all week haven't you.
Those cartoons are hilarious! I love the one with the flattened boobs!!! I don't get mammograms, I'm against much of what the medical community does. If I felt a lump or something weird I would probably go, otherwise I live under the English adage of "It'll either kill me or it'll go away". But good luck today!
Cute post. Especially the last picture. I can so relate to the "flat" cartoon. Yes, I've had mine. Thanks for the post.
Thank you for this post Debbie because I am two months past due for mine.I'm calling to schedule my appt right now! Martina
Oh my!!! Take care today. I have to get this done. I was supposed to get a baseline 2 (or maybe 3) years ago and never did! I am bad. I have to do it!
Great cartoons. I guess I need to bite the bullet and do this.. Yuck!
Hope it all went great for you.
Love this post.. I soo can relate. I have put my mammo off now for the last 2 yrs. Guess its time to suck it up and go. I hate them.
Ps. The cartoons were too funny.
Eeesh I hate it too! Really who doesn't? But it's a small price to pay for your health. And once a year if you have any history of cancer in your family. Better safe than sorry for sure. I wish I couldn't relate to that first one....but I can *sobs sniffle sniffle* Vanna
So funny, Debbie! Looking at the first cartoon I was wondering if you were heading for a mammogram or the plastic surgeon LOL! I'm due this month, too...important reminder!
Had mine back in November, usually it's October but I was late getting around to it too! Hope yours is over by now and you can enjoy the weekend.
I am so pleased to read your blog your pics are brilliant, and should be placed on the wall of all Mammogram suites. I have been a survivor of breast Cancer for ten years. I was 40 when I was diagnosed with Pacillary cancer. I tell my girlfriends who are scared it’s nothing to be scared of it’s a little uncomfortable for a few minuets in a year and could save a lifetime of pain and sorrow. I hope all went well for you today, Thinking of you
Thanks for piles of smiles, and a great reminder, yep I go every year.(Family Histories).I pray everything is "smashing" good news.Have a wonderful weekend.
And look forward to bloggin' & blabbin' Monday with us newbies,whoo hoo.
Love those cartoons and I am late this year, too. Hate that! Your post was the reminder I needed...Thanks :)
Funny Girl! ;-)
I've got to schedule mine too. I've been putting it off.
Hope all goes well. ~ Sarah
I realize how long I've been reading you because I remember your previous mammo post. :) Good luck!
I go next month. The tech that usually does mine is hilarious. She makes me laugh so it goes by pretty quickly. Good luck!
Sending up a prayer for a safe inspection! I had a scare myself earlier this year...but it was just a cyst..but scary enough. You are a lot like me-using humor to get you through something. Hugs-Diana
Yep went 2 weeks ago and as usual, got called back...PANICK! My breast are dense also, at least they are not hanging to my knees. Then after many more xrays I got sent to ultrasound.... double PANICK!! All is well, no problems!! This happens every year, so I am going to ask for a diagnostic mammogram next year, where the radiologist checks the films and does additional tests right on the spot, so when you leave you know, I was 2 months late this year also, because they always call me back and it always freaks me out. Here's the deal, better safe than sorry!
Thank you so much for making me laugh tonight, I love the halloween costume idea, that is TOO FUNNY!
Bahaha both of those cartoons made me literally laugh out loud. Thanks for a good laugh :)
Good for you! and a good tip from my sister's doctor. Because breast cancer does run in my family, he suggested having the mamomgram done 6 months after you annual check up. That way you are assured two good check a year. If your like me, I am not so good with the monthly self exam thing.
Love the cartoon! Hilarious.
Good for getting mamo! There is no age on cancer.
I was diagnosed with cervical cancer when I was 27, I'm 28 now. It is not fun.
Good luck!
Go every year! I've had one scare and it was enough to convince me that this is something NOT to avoid. My cousin worked with cancer patients for years and breast cancer has affected every age, from 15 - 82. Insurance companies are just trying to avoid the cost but it's not worth one's life.
Ok, I'm off my soapbox and yes, the cartoons are cute! :-)
you are so tacky
Very tacky cartoons.
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