I interrupt my regular scheduled break, which will resume btw, after this special announcement.
Today around 4:00 my phone rings, and it was not a familiar number. Assuming it was a solicitor I picked up anyhow. The conversation went something like this:
" Hello, is this Debbie"? in a very friendly, warm tone...
"Yes it is",( I am always polite even to solicitors)
Hi, my name is Lori such and such and such and such,
and I am calling from
Country Woman Magazine, and NO
I am not trying to sell you something"....
She then proceeds to tell me she has been browsing my blog and they are interested in my kitchen,
and would it be possible for them to come and do a photo shoot...
(Not exact word for word, she lost me at photo shoot and my kitchen and photo crew, and all that good stuff) You can only imagine my surprise..really you have no idea, my 13 year old was standing there, and I was jumping like a fool up and down..Of course Lori on the other end had no clue..
is this a joke?
NO way is this real, I said, really? That went of for a minute or two. Even at the end, I asked her if she was for real....
This is our kitchen last summer..some things have changed since. |
Well gals...it was real,
and YES, I graciously accepted.
Details to come soon.
Can you believe this?
You sure never know whom is looking at your blog girls..
I still can't..but boy am I sure happy they did:)
see you soon...
Cindy for Show and Tell Friday
...this is more of a tell post:)
I am just too excited...
Labels: country woman
Debbie that is awesome!! How exciting for you! You have to post about all the details. I want to know it all-how they staged it, what they added what they took away. Everything they said about your home, how many people were there, what they ate...!!! I couldn't be more excited! Well, maybe if it was me, but I am so excited for you!!!!
Debbie I am so happy for you that's fantastic news!! Keep us posted!! Martina
Debbie that is so exciting!!! I can't wait to hear more!! hugs, Linda
holy crap debbie!! this is fabulous!!!
Congratulations! This is such exciting news! It'll be so fun to see all the behind the scenes stuff that goes into a shoot.
omgosh my heart be still what a great Birthday presant this will be iam so so so happy i cant stand it did i say i was happy :)
Congrats! Thats exciting.
Hi Debbie Dear! Oh, my goodness! How exciting! I'm so proud for you and I know I would have peed my tiny pants right then and there! Woo Hoo! Can't wait to hear all about it much less see it in the magazine. You're gonna be famous!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Wow that's great! Keep us posted!
Oh my goodness, that is wonderful news! I'm so excited for you!
Whoot Whoot! And rightly so, they want to shoot you, er, I mean your kitchen. lol.
Way to go, well deserved.
Debbie that is so awesome!! I am so excited for you!! You have such a beautiful welcoming blog, I can definitely see why they have picked you! YAY!!! Congrats girl!
Yeah for you!!
Exciting! I would have not have believed her initially either. I am excited for you♥
Oh, sissy I am soo happy for you! Fill me in on all of the details. That's AMAZING! Next Better Homes and Gardens, Yeah!
How exciting! That is wonderful, Debbie! I'm SO happy for you!! Looking forward to seeing it all! :)
So excited for you!!
OMG, I am jumping up and down and it's not my kitchen being featured. Should I send over my tiara to the queen and her kitchen. LOL Can't wait to see it. I'm so happy for you:)
Shut-up! or Get-out!...that is sooo exciting,I knew you would be discovered! I had a feeling, and now so many people will get to enjoy your awesomeness!!!
Lazy on Loblolly
Wonderful news Debbie!! I know you are excited. Congratulations!
That is soooo exciting Debbie! I can't even imagine the joy- you're probably still dancing around. Your an inspiration!
Wow, Debbie, how exciting!! Can't wait to hear the details.
You so deserve it!
Way to go. girlie! This is a fantastic honor and it couldn't happen to a more deserving person.
Congrats!!! You deserve it! Can't wait to hear all the details :):)
This is awesome, how exciting for you! Your kitchen is beautiful ~ can't wait for the big reveal! ~Marcy
Wow! That is exciting! I cannot wait to hear how this turns out! Congrats! Now, I am thinking...should I be answering all these numbers that I ignore because I don't know who they are? There has been one that has been calling over and over and I can't ID them..Oh NO!!! haha! Yay Debbie! :)
How exciting I'm so happy for you!
AWESOME! I would have been doing the silent giddy jumping up and down all while listening too.
Your kitchen is beautiful and I cant wait to see the photos.
How exciting Debbie! So happy for you! Very cool! :)
OMG Debbie I'm not sure what I would do.. Yea I do but I can write it one here... Go girl..Congrats
Oh Debbie, this is soooooo exciting!!! I can;t wait! I just know you blab the whole scoop! I hear so many people say they just dropped in! That's what happened with me. I am just thrilled!
Debbie! That is soooooo exciting! What an incredible honor and totally deserving....will you sign my autograph book? :-)
GIRL, that is so awesome!!
How exciting! So happy for you.
I double-dog DARE you to relax!
Well Debbie this is terrific and exciting news! You are a ball of energy and an enthusiastic person who deserves this! You sure have made a lot of progress with your blogging and it shows with your faithful followers! Congratulations!!
How exciting Debbie! Can't wait to hear and see all about it!
Thank you ladies...I sure do appreciate you all very much!~
Congratulations Debbie! What a well deserved honor! I cannot wait to see and hear all about it.
Enjoy the time with your family!
~ Tracy
That is wonderful and I know we'll be able to enjoy it with you. Great fun.
WOWZA!!! Debbie!!! This is FANTASTIC! I am THRILLED! My BEST friend is going to be in Country Woman! I am going to start bragging RIGHT now! Did you jump up and down...and dance all around? HUGS! ♥♥♥
Ooooo...EEMMMMM.....GEEEEEE Debbie! That is awesome! How exciting!!!!
Wow! that is so exciting. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
wow wow wow .. I am so dang happy for you Debi,,, this is gonna be great~!! wooohooooo
Oh how absolutely fantastic. This is going to be awesome! You'll need to keep us all up to date with ALL the specifics on this exciting adventure. Congratulations! Peggy
Absolutely outstanding!! Can't wait for the real thing to happen.
OMG!! That is amazing!!! Holy Crow! I wouldn't be able to believe it either!!!
I posted today, about being published in Altered Arts magazine, BUT YOU, get a photo shoot, and all of the AWESOMENESS that goes with it!! You are like famous!!! Tell me when it is out!! I want 10 copies, and one with your signature!!!
A BIG Congratulations to you Debbie!!
Wow! Wow! Wow! So happy for you Debbie and excited! I can't wait to read all of the details...and we will want lots of details! Congratulations! We can say "we knew you when..." grin!
You girls just make me giddy..so funny Daniella, sure I will sign a copy for you LOL!!~
YRRRRRR-HAWWWWWWW! You go girl!!! xxoo Diana
congratulations, that is just wonderful,Debbie,
hahahaha! see here you are posting and joking about having to get an agent and all to begin your modeling career :) well here ya go!
Congrats! I can't wait to here what happens :)
Wow! and not the wow you did commercials for. Congratulations! I would have flipped with a phone call like that. so excited for you.
Hi, Debbie! I'm new to blog land (I'm offically a whole day old to be exact!), but I love, love, love your blog! Congratulations on the magazine spread. I can see why they want to come to your house!! Wishing you all the best! I'm your newest follower. :)
*very cool* Congrats, Debbie :D
Congrats Debbie. I know how you'll be "eyed". Your blog posts always such amazing. Look forward to the feature.
I am not surprised, since it was your post about your kitchen that I first saw when I first came to your place and I loved you and your style way back then :)
S-H-U-T U-P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is soooo awesome and I am sooooo excited for you!!!!!!! Woooo hoooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Can't wait to find out all the juicy details! Do you need an assistant that day? I want to watch how they shoot!!!! Ha!!!
Excited for you!!!!!!!!
Well, that's exciting news!! Can't wait to hear more!
Ahhhhh!!!! That is SO exciting, Debbie! You deserve this and I am so excited that your talents and lovely kitchen will be seen by even more people! GO YOU!!! I am so, so happy for you!
Liesl :)
Congrats!!! how exciting. I'm sure you are over the roof. Enjoy it baby!
You go get'm Country girl! I am grinning from ear to ear! Can't wait for all the details and OMG you better get busy and finish that front porch project too! You know they will start shoot'en photos on the porch where you have your southern Ice tea and coffee! I bet your in-laws are really impressed with their famous daughter-in-law. Hugs, Vicky
That is so great! Good for you! Congrats! Can't wait to see/hear all the details!
I am so excited for you, girl!! Can I say I knew you when?
I have read that magazine, I thought those kitchens they featured were in the country,shows you what I know. Congratulations!!!!
That is STUPENDOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! (I had to use a word no one else had used yet LOL). I can't wait to hear about the shoot and all the details.
Wooooo Hooooo ... awesome !!!!!! *Becca*
So freaking exciting!!! Yay!!!
OMG!! This is so awesome. I can't wait. Geeze, now I have to go potty. You tickled the *** out of me.
This couldn't happen to a nicer gal. Whoo Woo, Yippee and Hooray. Love Ya Girl, Ginger
Orpah-Sham-Orpah...who needs her. You have CW now. Surprised, not one little I-O-TA, I adore your kitchen. You go girl.
Now, as a friend for a while. You know I will not hold back on what I say. Put that can of paint down now. Don't go and over do it. Your kitchen is simply sweet as it is. Remember to breathe. Remember to get a good night sleep. Remember to hug all your boys everyday. And most importantly remember to give us all each and every little detail. I can't wait to see this all unfold.
Kate - The Garden Bell
So Cool!!!
I could not be more excited for you. Please keep us posted!
Debbie, I'm very excited for you too! Your kitchen is so beautiful, charming and welcoming and I'm not surprised Country Woman called you. Can't wait to here all about them coming and photographing you and your kitchen. Way to go, thank goodness you picked up that phone!
That is so AWESOME!! How exciting. Can't wait to hear all about it.
DEBBIE!!!! OMJaaaaay! Congratulations GF! You deserve it! Your home is BEAUTIFUL AND you are a good person, kind to everyone...THAT is what really matters! I am SO HAPPY for you! See...You are good to others and God Bleses you! WELL...You DO have to have a BEAUTIFUL kitchen in this case...LOL! SO thrilled for you! Cant wait to heR THE DEETS!
Congratulation Debb... Nothing surprising in it... you have an awesome blog and a very darling personality ... you really deserve it... My hearty congrats...
Yeah!!!!! That's amazing ! SOOo happy for you !
Congrats Debbie!!!! So Happy for you. Can't wait to buy my magazine and tell all my friends... I know her! Well at least in my bloggy world! lol
Great news!!!
Oh, how exciting! Congratulations!
Mary Ellen
How exciting !!! I am jumping up and down for you. :D Keep us posted.
How exciting, so happy for you!
Good luck,
Oh Debbie I am so so so Happy for you! You so deserve it girl, your house is beautiful, your kitchen is beautiful and you are such a beautiful gal inside and Out!!! :)
Thank you again girls...I received my confirmation and details today..I just can't wait!
Yay! So excited for you! Can't wait to get my copy of "your" issue :) Congrats!!!!
ahhh!!!!! Debbie, this is soooo exciting!! Of course I don't have to tell you that!!! Yayyy!!! Congratulations!!!!
xoxoxo Cat@BudgetBlonde
Hi lovely lady.
Im so Happy for you Debbie. Im also so excited for you.
Wow... That kitchen is truly beautiful. But kind of too beautiful to cook in and use like a regular kitchen. I adore your style. Good luck with the shoot.
Yippee for Debbie! Your kitchen is beautiful! I am so happy for you.
that's fantastic, i am so excited for you!
CONGRATULATIONS...and well deserved!!! Your kitchen is always beautiful and always sparkling clean (puts my kitchen to shame). By the way...I love the puppy picture you have at puppy height! What a fun idea!
Yay!! That is very exciting!
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!! What an amazing surprise....for You. I however am NOT surprised. You and your home are absolutely LOVELY!!!
Happy Thursday:}
Congratulations Deb. It should be so much fun and who knows where it may lead. Can't wait to hear more about it.
Caught you... You are cheating and looking. Now, go have entertain the in-laws....he-he....
Congratulations!!Your kitchen IS beautiful and definitely magazine worthy!
Congrats! I know how excited you are because this happened to me. Country Decorating Ideas magazine called me in 2005 and sent photographers from NY to shoot my home (in Illinois) in November. It finally made it in the mag in 2007! It was an experience for sure. But like I said, I know how you feel and I was grinning from ear to ear that day they called.
Sweet!! That is so awesome, jumping up and down is required when something this big happens! :)
Congrats!! I am so happy for you!!
I am also green with envy! LOL!!
You, your home, and your blog deserve to be in the spot light, Debbie.
Congratulation, and I can't wait to know more.
Now THAT'S a dream come true!!!!
congrats, Debbie!
Whoa, Debbie!!! Wowzy! Love it and can't wait to hear more details. Your kitchen is so beautiful, so they made a great choice to call you :)
Debbie, you are amazing and I'm not surprised at all. Your home is fabulous just like you. I can't wait to hear more details. Congrats!!! =)))
As I knew it would happen - good for you Debbie, congratulations. Like I said, your home belongs in a magazine.
Congrats! You have a beautiful kitchen, you did an amazing job. Diane
OMG, I know a celebrity!!!!
Well, I read her blog anyway...
That is too stinking cool, congratulations, and I'm unnaturally thrilled for you!!!
I'm so happy for you. WOW!!!
Your home shines and so do you!
Wow, how exciting!!
Oh Debbie, that is so AWESOME! I can't wait to see it. That is always my fave part of that magazine is looking at the kitchens! Congrats!
That's great! I can't wait to hear all about it and see you in print! You go girl!
Debbie I'm so excited for you!!! Your kitchen is definitely magazine worthy!!!! *squeals!*
Oh my goodness Debbie, this is just way too cool!!! How exciting!
You go girl!
ps....love your header..so colorful.
That is fabulous news Debbie!! I know you must be thrilled.
OMGoodness Debbie, I'm so excited for you!!!!! Congratulations! You kitchen will be a well deserved magazine spread.
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your family.
I'm laughing right now because I though your page said "11 Comments" and so I sit there scrolling and scrolling and finally I said, "How can I still keep scrolling for only 11 comments?" I looked at it again and realized it said "116" comments! Holy schnikey! There are a lot of people out there who adore you, not the least of which are the people at Country Woman! I was so excited when I read that they phoned you. I had to show my husband the photos of your kitchen, and whole house, and he said it was no wonder that a magazine wanted to take pictures because your house already looks like it IS in a magazine! Congratulations! You will have to let us know when THE issue comes out.
WHOO HOOO!!! WHOOT WHOOT!!! That's soooo exciting girlfriend!! I think I probably would've hung up thinking it was a crank call or somethin' Glad you didn't....Could I get my copy signed by vous? *winks*...Oh and I'm not really a bit surprised Debbie....You kitchen IS gorgeous after all. Vanna
OH Debbie! I am so thrilled for you...you SO deserve this, girl! I can say I knew you when! Enjoy it all!!
Hurray! I am so very very happy and excited for you :)
WOW! That is so exciting. Congrats! Can't wait to find out more about this adventure!!!!
Hooray for you!! That's wonderful news. Can't wait to go on the journey with you!
I have always thought it was only a matter of time before they all come calling! I am so happy for you and can't wait to see you in print!
Oh wow Debbie, that is so fantastic! I am so excited for you. Well deserved too! Maybe I should start answering those 800 and private caller numbers! Can't wait to hear more about it. Have a great weekend!
Cool Beans, Deb!!! I haven't heard of the magazine before- I'll check it out at my bookstore tomorrow. Congrats, my friend... Sue
Thanks for coming by! Glad to meet you and add your adventures to my reading list.
I'm so happy for you...thrilling to have a magazine editor on your trail!!! Hope everything turns out as you hope. :)
Thanks for you for your nice comment on Poppies and Play!!
I forgot to allow comments on my home tour page...it's fixed now. New blogger mistake!! Thanks for letting me know!!! :)
and CONGRATS!! so awesome!!
OH. MY. GOSH!!!! Debbie how EXCITING!!! Oh I am so happy for you and can't wait to hear more about it!! :)
Congrats! Your kitchen is gorgeous!
Debbie that is awesome! Congrats!
I think this is the third time this same post has popped up in my google reader. What is going on?
Warmly, ~Melissa
Congratulations! You deserve this and so does your kitchen! It couldn't have happened to a nicer person. :)
I absolutely believe that! Can't wait to see. :)
EXCITING!!!!!! I bet you are still pinching yourself Your kitchen truly is lovely. Congratulations on your exciting news!! :)
Oh my word Debbie, I am so thrilled for you and I think I would have fainted. Your kitchen is gorgeous, so no wonder they wanted to come and do a photo shoot. What fun and how exciting. I can't wait to hear all about it and I definitely want the magazine. Congratulations. Hugs, Marty
Congrats Debbie! That is awesome!!
WOW!!! Thanks for the breaking news! I can't wait to hear ALL the details! Enjoy the rest of your break!
The most important thing is to say you A BIG HEARTY CONGRATS... You deserved it Debb..I have no doubt in it ... and will wait for that photo session and for that issue... love to you...
I would love if you please peek a little at
Sure you will find a crafty project of your choice from my library…
Oh, Debbie, that is so wonderful. I'm sorry I missed this sooner, but I am truly excited for you. You deserve accolades for all that you do to help those of us who are new (or not so new but still stumbling along) to blogland. You can't see me, but I'm jumping up and down & giving you a rousing round of applause! Can't wait to hear the details. I'm so proud for you.
All I can say is "it's about time" I keep telling you, you need your own show..Congrats my sweet friend..You are so talented...Hugs and smiles love ya, Gloria
I'm so happy for you! What fun! I love the picture you posted too...great shot! Your star is shining brightly!
Oh Debbie how exciting! What an honor! I am very happy for you..
This is so incredibly exciting and yes I am sooo excited for you!!!
Yah Debbie!!! How cool I would have passed out!!!!
Oh i can't wait ...i love this magazine!! I can show all my friends and say...This is my blogging friend!!!
Cograts big time!!!
Pamela xo
Fabulous news!! Your kitchen is awesome and it's so wonderful that so many people are going to get to enjoy it! Have a great week :D
Woo Hoo!! Now how fun is that going to be!!! Will be excited to hear all about it!!!
bee blessed
How absolutely spectacular AND well-deserved.
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