So, I have to be honest and tell you, turning 45 kinda put me in a funky, funk! I really have not expressed this to anyone else til now. Not sure what it is. Turning 40 never even phased me.
Well anyhow, if you have been reading you know all about my hair transitions in the past few years.
This past week or so, I really despised my hair days. Not sure if it is the weather change, but being I have fine hair to begin with, I was really having some BAD hair days.
So today I went to my usual hair dresser over at Great clips, yep you heard me, 13.00 hair cuts are the best. I tip well though, because I almost feel bad it is that cheap.
I told my gal Joy, I wanted fun and funky and I was tired of this boring, MOM look.
Ok see what I mean about the age thing..fuzzies on the chin, lines on the neck..this SUCKS!
FORGET a magazine calling me, how about a plastic surgeon..HELLO, I am right here for ya! Just make sure you are Board certified! |
This picture is ridiculously serious.
You know it is awkward taking a picture of yourself and smiling..a little odd I might say.
Have a great day GALS!
My Wonderful Chalk paint giveaway....
and Lucy's party going on....
Back to Smiles!
As always, I thank you for stopping by.
If you are interested in all the different hairdo's I have had,
check it out
Sharing with
Chic on a shoestring Labels: funk hair cut, great clips, hair
You are so freaking cute!!! I love this hairstyle and it suits your bubbly personality to a T!!!
LOVE IT Deb!! You look good girlfriend! Martina
That's a sassy new do you have there, Debbie. I love it!
Debbie-Do... what a fancy new DO you have this evening, my pretty. I love, love, love it. Can't believe it's a great clips Do... Perfect for summer. Perfect for painting. Perfect for partying. Perfect for...Blogging... Ok that's stretching it.... giggle-giggle...
You know what I mean...
That's Ta-ta for Now,
Kate The Garden Bell... and yes, I did get out in the garden today.
I love the new do! You look adorable! and young!
I hear you about getting older. For me it is not about the my age it is about how I look. And while I feel that is super shallow it still bugs me that I have droopy eyes and sagging cheeks. I have stopped looking a women's magazines because I don't to be reminded the new 50 is the old 20. We should be proud to be our age because with the wrinkles came wisdom and experiences that have made us who we are.
Love the new hair.
Thanks girls! Traci, I would rather be dumb LOL!!~ JK!!~
Well, I don't think it is funky at all- I think it is darling! A darling girl with darling hair!..oh and a pudgy dog (sorry) I have never minded aging until the last year when I see the looser skin..and the bit of achiness that has crept drives me nuts! xxoo Diana
The cut looks great. I know what you mean about looking in a mirror and wondering "what the heck happened and WHEN did THAT appear!!" I'm 47 and my brain is screaming..
NO FREAKIN WAY! That is WAY too close to 50!!!!"
I think you look great! And the age thing is why I sell Arbonne :-p
VERY VERY CUTE!! Love it. I wish I trusted Great Clips around here. You are very lucky to pay that little. Mine are $53.00 Ugh!
Darling cut dear!!! And hey about the age thing...I LOVE being old enough to be a grandma...hard to image right now but you have to be older to be one and trust me on this it is the BEST age ever!!!! I wouldn't go back 1 year, so hurry up and get a litle older you will be the best grandma I can just tell!
I like your new doo!I like it mostly because its so unstructured free and flippy, bouncy cute,, very young,,very fitting and you one beautiful smile,,
You're looking very cute in your new Hairdo. ANd don't worry about's just a number, so they say.
Marianne :)
I love the sassy new hair!
You are gorgeous! A total hottie! Don't worry about age, its really just a number. You can be sassy and super hot at any age!!!
Absolutely adorable! You have great hair too. I can't believe you get a cut like that at Great Clips. I LOVE the inexpensive hair cuts but haven't found anyone that good. Maybe I should get out there again, ya think? :-)
I understand that sometimes a "number" will affect us but you are NOT old in any form ~ body, mind or spirit. You are looking at a photo that's a close up and we don't even see what you're nit picking about yourself. :-) I think you look incredible!!
Remember too that all the magazines, movies, TV ads, etc., have 17 year old models, some might be as old as 20. Airbrushing and digital "maneuvers" are the norm. You are not seeing the real person at all. This really worries me for our young children, grand children too. They are trying to compare themselves to a non-existent appearance. We would all look dynamite if we had the money, the time, the personal trainers and the make-up/hair personnel. Then go for the air brushing, etc., and yep ~ we are PERFECT too!
You are dynamite my friend ~
Stunning Debbie! You look beautiful!
Great haircut from a cheap!
I'm turning 45 this year too!!!
Oh Debbie Do Sweetie...
What a gorgeous cut. I love it, and it is just perfect for your little face. It frames it so beautifully. It is a cut made just for you.
I turned 54 a couple of weeks ago and I have really been feeling the age thing this year. Not sure why it made a difference.
Thanks for sharing the cut sweetie, you look SO sassy. You are young at heart, and that keeps you young.
Have a beautiful Friday sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry
Very fun hair!
It was my 30th birthday that depressed me.
Love the new DOO, all the looks have been great on you:)
Debbie, this cut looks great on you! I love your color as well. Wish mine looked that shiny! Since this is just between us "girls", do you mind sharing your color? I would love it for myself. Thanks!
Love your funky style. Suits you little lady. Ginger :)
Jill, the color is Loreal, Medium hair tends to pick up reds no matter what, so I try to go a little darker to tone it down. Thanks so much girls...feeling good about 45 after all!!
LOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!! You really stand out with short hair! It is so flattering on you even though I loved it longer too! I am proud of you for letting it grow and grow! I knew you could do it! You are fabulous!
You have beautiful hair! And look terrific!
45 isn't bad, or at least you'll agree with me when you do what I am doing on May 6....turning 50!
I can relate with the changes you are noticing...
Hi Debbie Dear and your new hair cute is darling! You'd be a doll if you had no hair! ;) You sell yourself short - 45 looks terrific on you!
Chloe Dawn loved Lucy's party.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
That hair style is so cute!
Ohhhhh Debbie, you could be bald and still just so cute! Your new haircut is gorgeous but I can't stop laughing about your fuzzies on the chin, lines on the neck comment!!! My friend is on disability cuz she had to have neck surgery, she turns 50 this year and the Dr. told her "Don't worry about the scar, we'll put in the natural folds of your neck", did that ever shake her up worse than a scar!!! Getting old is fun! I'm still waiting to lose my babyface and turned up nose and look like a real woman!!!!!!!!
Debbie I know what you mean. I'll be 42 this year and everything is going south! So depressing.I love the new haircut and I think you are beautiful.
just wait til you are facing 50 like I am in a few weeks
Love the new "do" You are just too adorable in any hairstyle
I like the cut! I won't laugh at your $13 cut - I go to Super cuts, because certain ones don't give me a "old person's cut". I have been known to walk out because certain ones were not working that day. I just wish I had more hair to work with - it is a "genetic thing". :(
Very cute haircut!!
Well, 40 bothered me, 50 didn't and when I tuned 60 I woke up and thought "I know some who were not lucky enough to make it to this age so I'm happy about it" of course waking up in Jamacia helped alot:)
I LOVE your new style of hair...really brings out those beautiful eyes you have. I'm to check out the HAIR LINK now!
Looking good girl! 45... I'll take it again! I turned 54 and I don't like that one!! Hugs..Liz
Your hair is great. Good for you!!!
I just gave you an award. Come check it out. Peace...Naila Moon
Fabulous darling...Just fabulous! The fuzzies on the chin....not so fabulous LOL!
Oh my gosh Debbie, I LOVE it!! You look great!! I am a year older than you and I can tell you I felt the same turning 46! I have been growing mine out and having some terrible hair days. I'm going Thursday, we'll see what happens. You look fabulous!!
Debbie, this hair cut looks like your spunky personality. I love it.
Happy Mother's Day! ~ Sarah
I love it! It's super cute and you are so adorable!
CUTE! I got a different haircut about a year ago at my husband's request. He told me that I needed something funkier "because I was starting to look like Betty Crocker!"
Gotta love honesty! So I completely understand and I think you look great!
Really cute cut! I love the short and funky on you!!
It's really pointless getting upset about turning older coz there is nothing we can do! But a great new style like yours makes getting older more fun. Loving the colour too!
i love the hair! i go to great clips too. there's nothing wrong with saving your money for other things (like redecorating in my case :P) andie @
You are so cute and I think very young looking. Love how your lipstick and top match.
Debbie I mean this in the kindest way possible so I hope I don't offend when I say....."Put down that crack pipe!!" You girlfriend have NEVER had "MOM" hair! No freakin' way! You have always had HIP hair.....And it's THICK HIP hair at that (I might just hate you the tinniest bit for that *winks*) Debbiedoo I love your Debbie-doos! So consider yourself doused with a glass of cold water...... And you'll STILL have great hair! ....Harrumphhh.... Vanna
Your new do is adorable. Very sassy! Just like you! Don't fret about 45. You look amazing, and if you feel good, then what difference does the age make. Wear it well my friend!
Cute, Debbie! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! You are too, too adorable!!!!!!
I love it! I think it's very chic & seems to suit you to a "T".
And about the getting older thing...I completely understand. I've been upset since the day I turned 40 (2 years ago). Someone older & wiser recently told me when I complained about getting older, "Well, what's the alternative?" That shut me up fast! LOL
Your hair looks awesome, it is so YOU! I love it! I wish I could pull off fun funky hairstyles.
So cute Debbie!You are looking good~ ya know we don't see your imperfections, but a great smile and sparkling eyes! Both my daughter's were receptionists at Great Clips(youngest daughter still works there) and all of those ladies work hard!
Fabulous hair. I really like this a lot.
You are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!! Love the hair and your lipstick is gorgeous. You should post your favorite beauty products ;)
Love the new cut! It's so sassy, just like you! I wish I had a face that could rock a shorter cut, but it's always been a miserable failure. Yours is just right, though. Thanks for sharing.
this new cut is adorable~! suits you way better than the longer versions for sure.
you still look like a kid, Kid:)
Debbie, you are to cute for words! You are 45, such a baby! :) You know why I'm sayin' know why...birthdays these days...YUCK! Love you new doo DebbieDoo...the perfect doo for you!
A baby (spring chicken) commpared to us "older" folks! :)
GOSH! don't look 45! the new doo,Debbiedoo!
Great photo's.
I really like the hair color,mine also wants to have red,no matter what I do it will turn red in a few washings,never ending struggle,I think I'm just going to go gray gracefully!teehee
oh shushhhh! you look stunning! 45 and fabolous :)
Thank you for the info, Debbie. My hair does the same thing! It picks up so much red...drives me crazy. I will purchase Loreal medium brown today! Have a good weekend.
I love your new do Debbie doos! lol
You’re too cute!
I looks great!! It also looks quick & easy to fix which is awesome!
i call myself a "short hair advocate." i love your new funky cut! i sported that short in the back mussied up look and i loved it! you can totally rock this look!
How did I miss this??? You look amazing! Love, love love it!
You're completely adorable!! LOVIN' the new Do!
That funky hair style is perfectly fitted you. You look very beautiful!
You scored big on that little table, Debbie! Thrift stores around here seemed to jack-up their price lately..
You look amazing!!! You always look stunning! I think we are very critical of ourselves. I do the same...Like today.
Happy week end!!
Oh Debbie, you really crack me up! Love the new haircut, but then I've loved all your "dos". You look great - don't worry about the chin fuzzies! Happy Mothers' Day, Peggy
Oh Debbie, your new DO is adorable, just like YOU!!!!! It looks terrific! PLEASE, enjoy being 45...and 50...and 55. I am 63 now (AAAAUUUGGGHHHH), and let me tell you, I woke up one day and didn't recognize the person looking back at me. It is scary how quickly it all changes and there is nothing (short of plastic surgery) that you can do about it. I have seriously thought about a neck lift, that is really all I HATE about myself right now. YOU are adorable and like I said, please enjoy these years!!!!! XO, Pinky
Your hair is super cute!! And you do NOT look 45 :)
That is so cute and fun and so perfect for your face Debbie!
Look at all the comments you got! Us women love seeing cute hairstyles!
I really like your hair and it looks like this new cut would be so easy to fix in the morning. Amazing you got such a good haircut at a "cheap" place. Every time I've tried one of those type places, I've had a bad cut. Then again I usually hate any cut from any place. Finally I learned to just tell the stylist to do whatever they think would work with my hair texture and face because I'm bad at picking styles. I've had much better luck with hair cuts since then.
BTW, I normally don't love Lucy, but I do love YOUR Lucy. She is adorable!
I love your hair!! 45 never looked so good! I'm supposed to be on the cottage charm giveaway blog-hop but I just love your blog!
I'll definitely be back to catch up!
Super duper cute cut. I get my hair cut at Great Clips most of the time too! I used to pay big bucks eveery single time I would get it cut, but I dropped in Great Clips when I was in dire need of a haircut one day and the girl did a great job. Plus I have a super simple hairstyle (boring), so there's not a lot she can screw up.
And you know that 45 is the new 25. All the cool people are getting older.
Debbie, I love your's really fun and flattering! You are a very young looking 45...wait another 10 years and you'll look back at photos of 45 and realize you looked fabulous!
That's the same price I pay! And it looks really cute to boot! Try turning 45 in November with a daughter turning 4 a month before your birthday. And you think you are tired! Ha!
Love the hair! Takes quite a few years off. No more mom hair! ;-)
Thank you everyone for your sweet sure know how to make a girl feel good! XO
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