Summer love had me a BLAST! Partay is ON!
I seemed to be loving green and blue this summer. |
My Roo's all got a fresh coat of Avocado green. |
Can't forget my thrift store score from last can see my OPRAH video at the bottom of my blog for the before. |
Not only is this a fun full week long Blog party girls, there are lots of giveaways too!
I am a scentsy rep and truly adore this wonderful wickless product.
I have put together a little basket for one lucky girl.
Shasta daisy plug in,
two scentsy bars, Ocean breeze, and citrus sun tea.
Coconut lemongrass hand sanitzer,
and very cute count your blessings embroidered tea towel.
I do have a online partay going on now, if you would like to browse.
- Link Up any post past or present related to this parties theme
- Be sure to link back to your original post and not just your url (main blog address)
- Please post the Blogger Block Party button (code located above and in sidebar) in your post so others can join in the fun! (MANDATORY)
- Visit another guest. We love it when you party with our other guests! Please take a moment and visit some of the other posts and leave some comment love! This is what makes a party so much fun!
- We'd love it if you'd share the Blogger Block Party on your Facebook Pages and Twitter (use #BloggerBlockParty in your tweet) (Not mandatory but we'd appreciate it!)
Hope on over to Vanessa's and check out her kick off with
Summer Activities for Kids
Any participant in this party is eligible for my scentsy giveaway, so be sure to leave a comment.
Hey, I would love to have you as a new friend too!
Southern Hospitality
And Susan for MM

Labels: outdoor garden tour of our home, roosters, Summer paint projects blog party
Hey Debbie...I tried 4 times to get the party button to load into my post. I couldn't get it to work. So I pasted the blog button with your link right underneath. Have you had anyone else tell you they had trouble? I was so frustrated! I will try again later. Maybe Blogger was just being a pain. Oh...LOVE the blue table! Thanks for hosting this great party.
yeah! So excited that the party has started! Everything you painted looks so lovely. I love what you did with the candle holder and the pot and cute!
So glad to be back partying with you. I love your summer deck, it has come together fabulously. Are you signing copies of the magazine if we send them to you? I want to say I knew you 'when'
Debbie I also had trouble with the party button, and did the same as Ann did.
It all looks so inviting and relaxing! Love the pot inside the glass - thing :) -- hope you're able to enjoy it all without getting eaten alive by mosquitoes where you are! We have to stay in the screened gazebo -- can't enjoy the yard or porch at all this year!
Thanks for hosting Debbie! I love the little piece you re-vamped! It looks so cute with that yellow pot in it!
Same problem here with the party button -- it doesn't seem to be a complete url . . .
I've tried several times to get the button to work, Debbie. I gave up and just linked it to your blog for now. I'll be back in a bit to try again. I need to go have Father's Day supper on the patio with J, at the moment. Back in a bit.
Thanks for hosting!:-)
Hi Debbie! Thanks so much for hosting this fun paint party. I thought about taking the rock painting seriously, but since it's been 103 degrees here for 4-5 days in a row now, I decided against it.
Of course, your projects always look great! You always inspire!
Hi Debbie!
Love this big party! I ended up copying the button and url address to your blog - I couldn't get the url to the party post to come up, so I just used your general blog address.
Don't you love technology- especially when it goes berserk right at party time???
Thanks for the fun!
Debbie, Seeing your gorgeous deck makes me want to come over and help you celebrate the kick off of the Blog Party with you (and drink all your wine!)
Thanks for hosting!
I just love all of your sprucing. Everything looks so pretty!!!! I love what you did with the urn and the blue paint. Very nice! :)
Love your porch Debbie, thanks for hosting this great party... hope your having a great weekend..
Hey Debbie, Thanks for hosting the party! I had some issues with the Self Crop part of Linky Tools and ended up with no photos, so please feel free to delete entries #17 & #23. I was able to re-enter them using the Auto Crop.
all linked up my fellow party host!
Debbie, your lantern touchup looks fabulous. I linked 3 projects to the party (not sure if there is a limit?) but I honest-to-goodness could not get the button to attach. There does not seem to be an image file referenced in the html. So I added a text based link. Hope that is ok. Thank you very much for starting the blog party week! ~Diane at home sweet homemade
Hi Debbie, Thank you for hosting! Love your deck, looks like a fun place to relax. and I love the new color on your candle holder.
Your deck is looking good, Debbie! A far cry from when the windstorm blew in a few months ago! Thanks for hosting!!
Thanks for your quick note Debbie, I have the revised html and everything is fine now. Really appreciate it. Oh, and your deck looks awesomely fabulously relaxing. Ahh :) ~diane at home sweet homemade
Hi Debbie ~ First of all, thanks for hosting! I love your green paint, it really pops on your deck.
I, too, had trouble with the button. So I hope my link is ok.
Have a great day!
Hi Debbie, your deck is gorgeous, love the blues and greens. Thanks for hosting this fun party.
Hi Debbie, thanks for hosting. I LOVE your deck with all those yummy summer colours. I am finding myself drawn to blue and green this summer too. And your Roos looks great in that green.
Blue & green are so complimentary... I love that color combo. Your deck is looking fabulous & all set for a great summer!
Love your deck. It looks so relaxing. I could not get the linky to add to my site, so I posted a "copy" of the linky. So sorry. Cant wait to see the other parties.
Your deck looks fabulous. I love it. So pretty with your blue and green. It looks so happy and inviting for summer. Great job on all of your paint projects. Of course I love your green rooster too. Hugs, Marty
Hi Debbie, Your deck is wonderful and it looks like you are up in a treehouse among all the trees.
What a great colorful patio, I am loving that rug, is it in door out door? I am such a nerd I do not know how to link a button. When I copy the button html it comes up as just html garble on my post....I am a nerd!! I have been meaning to ask someone how to do it!!! Thanks for hosting this great party!!
Your deck looks great. The rooster is adorable & I absolutely LOVE the rug!!
Looking good. Looking forward to the partay this week.
Everything is looking wonderful at your place, Debbie. Loving your green rooster..but he doesn't really look avacado to least not the 1970's avacado.
Glad your party is up and running. It will be fun to visit all the different bloggers. Have a great night- xo Diana
Hi Debbie! :) Thanks for your comment. I am so new @ this it's embarrassing to say I have no idea what I'm doing...LOL. I'm definitely coming to the newbie party next Monday! :)
In the meantime, I'm going to read many of your wonderful posts! :)
Debbie you have been a busy girl but your deck looks beautiful!! What an awesome giveaway!! Martina
I love all of your green and blue items that you have painted. That rug on the deck is awesome. Your deck looks like the perfect place to relax and have a summer cocktail.
Hi Debbie!
I love your new outdoor rug and beautiful deck.
The deck is beautiful, so relaxing and inviting! Love all the colors. I can imagine sitting in your lounge chair, sipping sweet tea and reading from my kindle.
I love your summery outdoor decor, Debbie. So pretty and colorful!...Christine
Well, your deck looks better than mine right now. I really need an umbrella for shade, but not happening right now. Love your painted projects and good turn out so far. I have so much to do plus unpack and I have to go pick up Bailey tomorrow. Thanks for linking me up while we were flying home.
So excited to be joining the first day of parties!! Love how your painting projects came out and glad to be partying with you! :)
Hey Debbie,
I've missed a couple Parties while on vacation, but I'm back and ready to blog. Looks like another great party. I love the deck by the way. The rug is perfect under the lounge chair.
Thanks for hosting Debbie! I had a problem with the button too, but I linked back by copying the pic and adding your html...anywho, I love the partay and your stuff looks great!!
Hi Debbie,
Our internet is very slow today. I finally see the comment box! LOL just to let you know your comments are working!
Cute projects! Thanks for hosting such a fun party :)
Becky C
I have been so busy that I am linking an older project- hope that is ok-
Hi Debbie! thanks so much for hosting this theme partay :)
Nice pictures, great details of this terrace.
Thanks for hosting, Debbie! Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has done!
Yay! This blog party has been on my calendar all month. So excited it's starting. Love all your paint projects! You're always such a wild woman with color. Love it! Thanks for sharing and for hosting.
Lovin the greens and blues. I would love to win the sensy gift. Thanks for being a hostess of the party :)
This is just wonderful Debbie! I love your deck and the beautiful touches, so fresh and cheerful and inviting too!
I am going to try to link up late today! Great idea!
I started a painting project, still in the middle. Glad I saw your post a past project option. I'm partying at the block party now! Lori
I have been promoting and spreading the word. I have the buttons and links in my most recent post.
The only thing that is not yet completed is a project!
Looking forward to the Country Woamn spread.
FUN painted pieces, Debbie! Your deck makes me happy! Love that you chose various colors to spread around ... what time is Happy Hour? Thanks for hosting ... can't wait to mingle with everyone. :) xoxo
Good luck this week Debbie. You guys have really worked hard at this one. Hope it is a success!! I love candles and smelly things, so maybe I will win! lol
FYI!!! You don't have a link in this post to At The Picket Fence. Just thought I might point that out. You say to check out Vanessa's party with no link.
Thanks for hosting, Debbie! I shared our summer kick-off vacation in upstate NY.
You have a fantastic designer touch! I love what you did with that glass container. It's just very creative, and beautiful!
Debbie, I couldn't leave a comment last night, so I'm back this morning to say "Wow!". Your summer deck looks cool and inviting. Love the soft cool colors you selected for these projects. That roo is pretty cute! ;-)
Thanks for hosting! Party on............
~ Sarah
Great idea for a Summer Blog Party!! This is going to be so much fun!! Love your deck and especially the monogrammed watering can! It all looks beautiful!
Hi Debbie!So excited about this party and your giveaway, I love the Shasta plug in:)!
Your deck looks beautiful, I am a huge fan of the green and am currently working it in anywhere I can outside!!
I also had trouble with the URl. It gave a little box and if you click on it it brings you here, but there is not image. I will try to add a little something and hopefully it will be fixed soon, it is such a cute button!
Your deck look well as all your other paint projects.
Thanks a bunch for this fun party.
xo bj
Oh Well! I try! I am having trouble with the party button. Could not get it on the post or even on my sidebar. I'll keep trying. I did link up to your party through your name though. Sorry. I love your blues and greens together. I have always thought blue and green is a perfect combination. I really love the shades you have chosen and they look great on your pieces too. Thanks for hosting this summer fun and I hope you enjoy your party! :)
Great Deck! I'm your newest follower.
OK girl, I'm ready for a good party! This looks like it could get wild and crazy!
I love what you did on your deck with all the fresh painting goin' on...sure wish you lived closer so you could come do some of that painting here. I'm loving these colors and what looks like warm sunny days already where you are:)
Thanks for hosting another fun party!
I can't get the button on my
Everything looks great ~ as usual! I love the ambiance of your deck.
Got it! Whew!
I am loving that green rooster. You are inspiring me to see what I can paint green.
Love your deck! Looks so inviting! Thanks for the party!
I was able to post the party button ok on my blog.
love a good summertime party.
...starting to post the Fox River Cottage wedding previews ... you and your readers might enjoy
Hey there, new follower and partier. Love your blog and your patio! Cheers
Your deck is beautiful! I'm so jealous...I love the rooster and the rug.
Your deck looks great Debbie! It looks like a fabulous place for entertaining family and guests. Love the new and fresh look you gave the vase.
~ Tracy
Way, way behind. But I'll try to play this time. I just wanted to let you know that it's great to see that your deck is back in order. What wonderful colors you have picked this year. I want that rug. I need that rug. Please, please let us know where you got that rug.
Your deck looks fantastic. I love all your painted accents.
Thanks for hosting this fun blog hop.
Debbie, Your deck looks so cool and inviting. Love your colors and all that shade.
Great post,
Hey Girl!!!! I'm back and I want to come sit on your deck! It looks awesome! I love the greens and blues together. So summery and soothing!
HI Debbie-
Lucky you- got to get the party started. I linked up and am looking forward to all the inspiration.
My best- Diane
Hi Debbie, I guess I'm just not understanding the partay lol
Are we supposed to link up our decks for this one? Well dern it, I don't have a deck lol
I love your blog!!! That tea towel is so cute!
Thanks for the party and the comment on my blog. I love the bright, unexpected green of the rooster! I'm not really a "bright" girl myself, but I love the way you pull the look off in your home. Everything always looks so happy and cheery in your house.
Hey Deb- I LOVE all the color out on your deck! It all looks so fresh and new painted in bright and happy colors! :-) Sue
Love it! Thanks for hosting the block party!
Loving all the summery colors on your beautiful deck... loved the color on the rooster.. such a gorgeous focal point. I like the idea how you used the candle holder to display a planter inside.... everything looking so pretty for summer. Thanks for hosting such an awesome party for us!~Poppy
Thanks for hosting!!!! I'm really new in Blogland! I love your work!
Love everything on your deck especially that rug!!
You keep changing your colors on me!! LOL! I am still looking for the yellow!!
Thanks for hosting!!
I get how it's all shared Saves time entering all always host such great parties.
Lucky 7 Design
great ideas! thanks for hostessing!
Your deck is so inviting!
Love it.
You are a true ROCKSTAR!!! Why oh Why, can't we be neighbors. I want to hangout!! hehe
Ok I could be here all night and into next week, over 500 folks at this party.....whew that is like one of those big Catholic weddings I once went to with 500 people HUGE!!!!
Love that shade of green, Debbie! It looks terrific against all the greens of the landscape and with your choice of blue. There all very cheerful colors. ;)
I had trouble linking in to the party, clicked the back button and ended up with two of the same exact post. Could you please delete #819. Thanks!
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
WOW!!! What a turn out!!
I hope I did it right. I was a bit confused (still am) about where, what, etc... But I'm a little slow so bear with me, lol!!
Anyway, thank you so much for hosting!! I wish I had a whole week just to check out all of the links!! They all look so interesting!!
I LOVE YOUR PORCH!! It looks amazing!! We are s l o w l y getting ours done we've lived here 12 YEARS!!! I think I'm already a follower but if not, I will be :))
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