Top 3 this week at the newbie party, let the record show....

Go on over and say Hi to these gals if you do not already know them...Welcome them!~

Labels: Blog featured
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Top 3 this week at the newbie party, let the record show....Sorry for inconvenience...
Redirection provided by Blogger to WordPress Migration ServiceDiy, thrifty home decor decorating ideas on a budget. Painting furniture, stenciling projects. Turning trash to treasure.
Labels: Blog featured
Great features. I didn't know there was a feature like that on the link site. Maybe there isn't on the one I use.
I swore I was going to comment on your painted rocks!!! Blogger confuses me!!!
I put your party button on my blog, so you know!
I'm so glad your party is doing so great!!
You're so innovative Debbie!
Great newbie's featured!...I have a sunroom but it ain't as gorgeous as this!
ps...thank you my friend I appreciate you putting my first giveaway on your sidebar,you are 'AWESOME'.
Thanks, Debbie. I'm off to visit the newbies!!
Wow, I love that sunroom...I want one! I'm going to check out her blog:)
I can't thank you enough for your Newbie parties,, thats what helped me right from the start,, remember me,, the one who barely knew how to turn on the computer,, well I still have a few problems but you have helped me out a couple of times,,and I can;t say enough,, I will always promtoe the newbie party,, (sounds political) lol,,
Hello dearest, I am not back, but I felt an overwhelming desire to come by I see why I had to, that rooster!!!! I am thinking of you often and just wanted to say hello(miss ya)!
Oooh that backyard retreat looks so wonderful & would love to have it on a hot summer day! Great features as always!
Debbie, thank you so much for "blabbing" about me! You are just the sweetest!! I am so thankful that I discovered your blog and newbie party. It has been such a nice way to share my blog and find wonderful new blogs and friends.
All of us "newbies" are happy you came up with this brilliant idea :) Perhaps I should start a sophomore party... not a newbie and not an oldie but goodie... somewhere in the middle... hmmm....
Thanks again! You are THE BEST!!
So much has happened since I was featured at your newbie party...thanks so much for helping getting me started. Love Ya!
Great features Debbie! I love finding new blogs at your party and always make new friends when I link up. Thank you!
Have a great day.
WOW!! So many "hits" today on my blog! I had to come to yours to see why! ~ Thank you for "blabbing" about my blog! :) Your "Newbie" link is a wonderful idea! ~ Blessings!
Always a treat to pop by and see you newbie friends. Us oldbies are always looking for some newbies to take under our wings.
Looks like I've got some new places to visit! Have a wonderful day!
Great features Debbie. You have been wonderful to all us new bloggers. :)
Yep- You are a smart one! Great party and so much fun for everyone. I have made several new friends through your link party here! xo Diana
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