Good morning everyone!
hope this day finds you all well, and COOL! Well, COOL I am not. Crazy hot here in the South this summer.
Wanted to share my top three most clicked on links at the newbie party this week.
I have a few concerns first I would LIKE to mention, and this is mostly for the newbies.
FIRST off do realize I do this party, for you. I started it because, I know how it is to be a new blogger, and I know how you feel to be a fish out of water.
My gratification is that, I get to see your blogs grow, and I too make new friends along the way.
I pay to have Mr. Linky, and I take my time to visit every link, and comment on the most that I can.
SEEMS, my guidelines are not being met by many who link up.
I should NOT have to remind anyone at this point to add my link or button, yet week after week, I DO.
I have decided I am just going to delete the entry, I am sorry to say.

Many hosts have asked time and time again to please turn it off.
I have also decided, I am just not going to COMMENT on those posts anymore...
way too time consuming, and really an unnecessary feature on the comment section.
OK, enough of my soap box, let's get these features underway.....Hope you understand my rant, but I felt validation to address it.
I Have tutorials and blogging tips
HERE, if you are new to blogging, they certainly will benefit you to read them.
My Friend
Dee, is on a real creative flow these days...
check out these cute pillows she is making...
She has some great tutorial as go check it out.
Next up....
Jan took us on a little tour in to Bon, Secour, Alabama. Lots of history there, not to mention these awesome homes.
Last on the list today, but never least...
who shared her little cottage tour with us...
Tricia has a charming home, and she is a great decorator...
so hop on over girls, and welcome these newbies if you have not already.
Thank you...have a great day!
I have a lot going on this month with the boys, and we are getting ready for back to school.
It has been a wonderful summer, however, I look so very forward to favorite time of year.
If I blabbed about you, please feel free to grab my button.
One more blab for the day...
You only have a few days left to get in the MOUNTAIN of GIVEAWAY, so go throw your name in the hat
Labels: blog features, Newbie blog information
Hi Debbie!
Thanks so much for including me in your post.
I'm having a great time crafting.
I have met so many wonderful bloggers through your newbie party! Thanks Deb and enjoy this few days before school starts! HAVE FUN with your sweet family! ♥
These look like wonderful posts, Debbie. I will stop by.
I am up to my elbows in Annie Sloan wax....well, watching it dry that is. So while I have a minute I am doing a tad bit of visiting. Glad I stopped by.
Your rant is my rant.;-)
Rant on, girl. I will check these girls out.
hahahahah..Kim I knew you would love my rant:)
I hear you, Debbie!!
I'm with you Debbie. I do not understand why anyone at the level that most of us are to need to word verificiaion. I've been noticing more and more blogs have this lately, and it's incredibily frustrating, especially now that we have to have that extra step to sign in on so many blogger blogs these days. Sad to say, there are so many times I've commented, only to lose the post because I didn't see the verification thing until after I've started to close the box. So annoying!
I love the Newsbie Party and hope I'm linking properly,, well I know my links work because I check them.I don't blam you for the rant and I'm afraiod I might have been more aggressive,, you have so many you respond to I have no idea how you can stand stopping to do the stupid idiotic perfectly useless word verification,, its nothing but a pain in the you know what and it does absolutely nothing,, you have to moderate anyway people,, it does nothing but tick people off, get it wrong and , have to do it again,,BLH!!! I told I could rant ,, it just bugs me!!!I have a bit of problem with vision and transferring letters like that,, I have stopped commenting on some because of this,, sorry,, I feel better now,, love you Debbie Doo's,, all my family know who you are,,you're well known up here in Northern Ontario!!I talk about you often,, its because of you I mangaed to too actually blog,, as I said I have a brain injury from an accident that challenges me and you were so helpful,, here I am since April,, thanks again,,
Debbie, you are a wonderful hands on host. I don't know how you find the time to encourage as many participants as you do. You have every right to rant. However, some new bloggers are still struggling with the technical aspects of a blog, but won't admit that they aren't sure how to add a link or even remove word verification. I know, because I have suggested your party to quite a few talented newbies. I had to figure out quite a bit on my own, including linking. But, I got a lot of help from long time bloggers. Although some may be ignoring the rules, some may just need a little help. Please ask for help so you can continue to participate. If you can't figure it out through Blogger, there are a lot of helpful "bloggers" out here.
Thanks Ladies.....I realize some newbies just don't know or understand. When they ask, I help them. I will say some of which I am speaking of is a repetitive pattern, they join other parties I see and have links up and buttons on their posts, so I know they get it. I WILL HELP you girls...JUST ask!
The ones who get it are just rude! You have every right to delete! Like I said, you are a wonderful host, and deserve respect.
Sometimes you just have to have a good rant from time to time to keep us all in line! As a newbie, I really appreciate your effort to promote us, and I have made so many friends and discovered so many fun blogs that I would have otherwise never known about. Thanks for all you do.
Hi Debbie! You do an awesome job and we appreciate your newbie party SO MUCH. I know I do. You actually visited my post after I linked up to your page, and asked me to put your link on my post. I already had. I'm very particular about it and I always make sure that I link back as soon as I've participated. I noticed it happened a couple of times on other blogs as well. I think sometimes it just takes a few minutes to show up on Blogger, but your button is always there! I always make certain it is.
Thanks B, and yes sometimes I just don't see it. The word verification is my biggest rant really!!~:)
Feeling like a whipped puppy so my tail is between my legs. (Can you see my puppy dog eyes?) I think I follow the rules and I hate the word verification thing, too so I don't think you're talking to me but I'm a newby and yes, I'm still learning. Please know you are greatly appreciated and every comment you (and other hosts) make on my posts make a big difference. Some hosts don't ever comment and, well, I understand they are busy but newbies do need encouragement and you definitely give it. You are making a difference. Thanks for all you do.
Debbie it's okay for you to rant. A little ranting every once in awhile is a good thing.
Have a wonderful day my friend.
I sure wish there had been a party like this when I got started.
word verification is a pain.. Luckily I dont run into it all that often anymore.
Rant on Babe~! never hurts to get our true feelings out once in awhile.
Hey Debbie if you need somebody to whip those newbies into shape I'm your girl heh heh heh... I'll just pull out one of my antique whips.....OK I don't actually HAVE an antique whip, but I could curse a little for ya? *winks* In all seriousness though I think your newbie party is one of the kindest most selfless on the net. And you are a FABULOUS hostess!!
SO NEWBIES BE NICE AND LINK!! Or don't and stink!LOL! *winks* Vanna
And as for word verification, is that a default on Blogger that it asks for word verification? I just went into my settings and changed it, so word verification is NO MORE. That WOULD be a pain!! Thanks for bringing it our attention and thank you for always leaving kind comments!! You're the best! XOXO Laura
Hi Debbie! Let me start by saying that I would never have started a blog if it hadn't been for your tutorials. Thank you, thank you! You have made entering the blogging world much easier. I am amazed at all of the talented people out there, including you! It can be very intimidating to join a linky party for the first time! When I read your post, I immediately thought, uh-oh, she's talking to me. Thankfully I know how to link back to your page but I am embarrassed to say that I have no idea if my word verification is off or on...I'm so sorry. Once again, thank you for making us "Newbies" feel like we belong!
Hey, girlfriend, it's your party ~ you can rant on anytime! I think you've been outstanding in doing this for newbies...wish it had been available when I started. I've met some awesome friends via this party and I appreciate all your efforts!
Word verification sucks!!! I get so frustrated when responding to someone and that ding dang thing is there. It takes a lot of time and you're right...perhaps it's wise to just not reply.
Ok, off my soapbox now too! :-)
You are loved & appreciated!!
Hey, girlfriend, it's your party ~ you can rant on anytime! I think you've been outstanding in doing this for newbies...wish it had been available when I started. I've met some awesome friends via this party and I appreciate all your efforts!
Word verification sucks!!! I get so frustrated when responding to someone and that ding dang thing is there. It takes a lot of time and you're right...perhaps it's wise to just not reply.
Ok, off my soapbox now too! :-)
You are loved & appreciated!!
Hey Lovely Debbie!! Thanks so much for including me in your post! I am honored! We love to travel and I so enjoy sharing my junkin' road with others!! Now to the rant...Kim @SSS told me about word verification! I didn't realize it was still on!! It is now and forever turned OFF! Thanks for hosting the Newbie Party! I've made so many new friends and learned so much!
Oh, my, I don't know if I'm guilty or not. (I might be.) I linked on a party yesterday. As soon as I added my link and closed the party site, I realized I hadn't linked back. Then I couldn't remember where I had been. YIKES! I decided I'm going to make a list of each linky party and the day it starts. That should help me.
I don't blame you for ranting. You've tried to help me, too, and I should be better at it by now.
Thanks for continuing to do this.
Thanks for all you do for others Debbie! I do not blame you at all! Enjoy getting your boys reading for back to school! :)
Fall is my favorite too!
Always a pleasure coming here and equally great when I receive a comment, and yes word is a verification pain.
That said, have a great weekend
Thanks for letting us know Debbie, I do appreciate all that you do for us newbies and it is our responsibility to be good participants. I can only speak for me, but I am sooo not techy, and the help HERE button has solved some of that. I not only have the newbie link button added, but the bad(!) word verification turned off as well. I apologize for that. : ).. Sorry again!
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