I thought I would share this cute little shop we browsed in Raleigh, North Carolina.
It reminded me of some of you gals.
Very pricey shoppe, but fun to browse. I thought some of you may appreciate these antlers though, they were quite fancy shmancy.
I liked how some were displayed too.
Look Fleur de lis, love it. |
Speaking of antlers, the other night we went out around dusk time and we saw our family of deer just hanging out on the neighbors lawn. They do not even get startled by people. They come up to my back porch like it is normal, and just stare. I stare back, they are so beautiful. As you can see this post I have had for while now. I forgot about it.
Thanks for stopping by today.
What do you think about Antlers and decorating?
I remember at one time it was strange to see deer heads and antlers on the walls, now it seems to be all the rage. I can tell you for certain, we will NOT be decorating with this motif. I really don't think it fits in the Old World, style. Or maybe it does... I do like the look though!
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Labels: Fleur de lis, North Carolina, under age drinking Raleigh-Durham North Carolina
How strange, I just uncovered 3 sets of mounted antlers in our garage yesterday-then purchased a can of flat white spray! My GF was a hunter-these are probably 40-50 years old! The crest is covered with faux fur and they are mounted on plywood. I am hoping to easily peel the fur off for painting. We have a contemporary house on 4 acres of wood-our style is European/Scandinavian-so I think the antlers will work-mounted on my stone fireplace. Thanks for the chat!
No antlers at our house. I do have a deer skull, though. We also have a herd of deer that lives in the woods behind our house. The boys found it while hiking in the woods, picked it up, and brought it back with their bare hands. Yuck! After boiling the skull for an hour, I let Snuggle Bunny bring it into his kindergarten class during S week. S is for skull. It lives in Whirling Dervish's room now.
You always share such great pics.
Rhut Ro!hehe!...MrNLOL is an avid hunter, me I love to take pictures of wildlife, but,sorry, he has an entire room upstairs, dedicated to just this:deer antlers and mounts, I would have already posted about this room, but didn't want to offend nobody, maybe I can post something tasteful one day as not to step on no toes, but anywhoo, I think this shop is awesome.
You know I love antlers and have ordered another pair. What were the prices on some of those or did you look. Those are some nice large ones that I haven't been able to afford on ebay.
No antlers in this vegetarian's house! Haha! Although, I do kind of like the white painted antlers.
Lots & Lots of antlers for us.. ( 4 men who hunt) BUT they all hang in the up north place....
Wonder what they would think if I kidnapped some & spray painted them white..??? : )
But really not my taste....
I love beautiful shops to browse in and the deer that come into your yard! We get excited when we see them! Don't care for the antlers...doesn't really fit my style but they look good in some homes...like Kim's Savvy home! ♥♥♥
Looks like a nice shop. No antlers in our home either. I have family who live in the country though with antlers in their home. Just not a look I like.
Glad you mentioned antlers cause having a place in Montana the guys have to have their antlers and ours our much bigger and different shaped than the ones I see on blogs, like we have big deer racks..so they do just fine in the Hubs Garage! What are all those little ones anyway?
P.S. deer are cute but a challenge if you want to have a yard/garden...they are big pests after the cutestness wears off as far as I'm concerned
Poor little deer. Methinks the fancy-smancy store stole your little deer's antlers, poor darlings. I am too clumsy to have anything in my house I could possibly impale myself on. Not. Gonna. Happen......
Hi Debbie,
Love the deer in the yard; the antlers not so much. Just not our style. Have a great day! no-blog Peggy R.
I would never have thought to decorate with antlers until I saw them beautifully displayed over at Savvy Southern Style. I am always on the lookout for them, but can never can find them in stores. Hmm, maybe I'll have better luck out on the trails in my Jeep. lol! =)
Neat store, thanks for sharing the pictures with us. XOXO ~Liz
Lovely store! But, I'm with you, antlers aren't for me. I love the deer, and I too have a herd of them in my yard every night!! But antler decorations aren't my thing. And those antlers are from all different animals! Really interesting to see!!
I am following your new blog, and it's in my sidebar!!!
Hi lovely lady. I love your Antler's do you remember my Tablescape with some for the centerpiece on my table.?? Debbie come over to my Give-A-Way this would look good on you. xxoo
I try not to have anything sharp around the house...lol....Great post.
I love the antlers...on the deer! haha, I love your little family of deer, too!
Not my style. They actually sort of freak me out a bit lol!
The hubs used to hunt and has some antlers but they are in his shop on a shelf and they can stay in his shop too. I have interest in having them hang on our wall, white paint or not.
I don't have any, but I do like them in the right room!
That last sentence should say "I have no interest......" haha just had to clarify.
I saw some antlers the other day when we were out galavanting around. They were wonderful and the price was right, but I didn't bring them home. There were several antlers in that store, as a matter of fact.
J has a mounted deer head in "his room" on the lower level. It was his kill, around 35 years ago. another pair of antlers in that room, were dragged up into the cowlot by one of our farm dogs. J had them mounted on a piece of barnboard. Except for two antlers I use in vignettes there are none on the main floor.
We moved our paisley sofa downstairs, where I am planning an updated lodge look. The antlers we have there will remain. And maybe I'll just go back and get the ones I saw.;-)
If I were to buy those antlers, they could go up high above a door or window in our living room, where there are 18 foot ceilings for now but could easily be moved downstairs. The antlers, in my opinion go very well with the European hunting lodge sort of look or French Country. At the moment, as we prepare the living room for the new furniture, I can see a definite Euro. look happening.
I can't get into the antlers craze. Nice shop though!
I don't like antlers at all, I'd be very spooked out having a pair hanging around. No former animal parts for me unless they're going on the grill for dinner!
Oh my antlers indeed! None yet...I want an antler chandelier...My husband was super surprised to hear it but hes jazzed too :)
Great shot of the deer! As for antlers, last fall I was rummaging around in my garden shed and found one antler and had absolutely no idea where it came until my oldest said he found it on his uncle's property and brought it home. Since I was decorating for autumn at the time I added it to the decorations. Now it is in a basket with other items from nature. If antlers are found during a nature hike, then fine, bring them home but I prefer to see antlers on the animal and not my wall.
~ Tracy
I'm loving the Antler craze, although I think I would prefer faux Antlers, unless they could tell me the animal died of natural causes and wasn't harmed to farm its Antlers.
I see all the antlers everywhere, however, I don't think they are for me. Kind of gives me the creeps. Hugs, Marty
We have deer all around us here, I looked out the window the other day and one was standing at the end of our driveway, I just went on with what I was doing.LOL
The antlers are fine, I do like the painted white ones though!
No antlers or deer heads for me. Maybe it's because I live in Louisiana & it's never been that unusual to walk in someone's house & see a deer hanging on the wall looking at you. I just don't want that. EVER. My hubs has been told that if he ever kills one that he deems big enough to mount, it WILL NOT hang in the house.
Hmmm...I'm wondering what store this is? I'm in Raleigh!
Mary Ellen
I live in WI where hunting is as normal as walking and talking ...
BUT no antlers will enter my house.
I have "sheds" in my home but not antlers that came from a kill.... although I saw a great pair and really may have to get them!
Living in a hunters' town, I see a lot of antlers and even deer heads in many homes so it does not bother me. I don't think I will have one hanging on my wall though, nothing against it, just do not have any more open walls, lol. Thanks for sharing the neat shop!...Christine
My son-in-law has a real deer head with antlers in their family room... ugh. I've never liked dead animal heads on the wall. That being said, I think I would like JUST antlers with maybe some sparkly thingies or bobbles hanging as a unique chandelier. Just don't mount the entire head of the animal on the wall... it's gross.
antlers are definitely not for me. but i often see things that aren't for me when i'm out, and think some other blogger would love this. that just cracks me up, that something could remind me of someone who you don't actually know. i love that about blogging!
Thanks gals for all your input and opinions on antlers. I thought more like them. Kim from Savvy Southern Style does do them right, so perhaps after you see hers you would change your mind.
This shop in Raleigh, is near UNC, that main street down there...great place to go!
Love many of the pieces in this store, wish I was their with you, so I could take home a few pieces for my home!! Ok, so keep giving us the variery that makes life fun and exciting!! Looking forward to you sharing more places in your neck of the woods, did you get a website for this store, so we can shop on line from anywhere?
I've often admired antlers, especially when I've seen them painted in bright colors. That being said, I'm not feeling it for my home. I'll just admire from afar.
Congratulations on your new site picking up pace, Deb!
I enjoyed your recent posts. :) :)
This shop in Raleigh, is near UNC, that main street down there...great place to go!
UNC is in Chapel Hill. So, I'm thinking NC State, which is in Raleigh. Will have to check it out the next time on that side of town.
Those were some fancy schmancy antlers! And that one pic was arty farty too! *winks* My hubbs has a couple of sets of antlers in his "Den of Death" *cue creepy music* He doesn't even hunt...just likes em! I don't mind the naturally shed antlers. I think they look wonderfully textural. But shoot Bambi?? NO WAY!! We have the deer wander through our yard too and I just love it! Never as big a group as you have though Debbie. Lucky Bucky! Lol! Vanna
I really don't prefer this look or to decorate with antlers or mounted animal heads. Maybe the only place where they halfway look at home is in a big lodge made of logs with a big stone fireplace. LOL sorry Debbie if you like this look, it's just not for me.
You know I love me some antlers. I would have to in order to be married to my hubby!!! Love the deer in the yard!
Shoot! When were you in Raleigh? I would have loved for you t stop by my shop! More up your alley!! Where were you with the antlers???
The fleur de lis, would have drawn me right inside. How fun! They didn't kick you out for taking pictures either.
Debbie, I remember as a young child being frightened by the deer heads hanging on the wall in my grandmother's home. This year I asked my sister (whose husband is a hunter) to give me some antlers to mix in with the greenery on my mantel. Once I added them, I decided I didn't like it. I'm just not a hunter at heart. ;-)
~ Sarah
Your right I have seen antlers everywhere! White of course. Personally....they won't be in my house!
I really like antlers, but don't have any of my own. The other day someone walked into a local taxidermy shop and stole a set of white tail antlers. Apparently they go for $6,000 on ebay. Explains why I don't have any :)
I have a couple of found naturally shed antlers that I use in in decorating with natural elements...they are old and bleached out, I use them with bird's nests, beehives, etc...
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