Fort Mill High School Marching band invited to Dublin!

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Fort Mill High School Marching band invited to Dublin!Sorry for inconvenience...
Redirection provided by Blogger to WordPress Migration ServiceDiy, thrifty home decor decorating ideas on a budget. Painting furniture, stenciling projects. Turning trash to treasure.
How cool is that! I know I would be thrilled to go there...does that mean you will get to go over there as well? How fun!
Wow! That is wonderful! Enjoy your day, my friend! I'm determined to craft some! ♥♥♥
You will be going to Ireland as a chaperon, right? What a great experience that will be. Hope you get all your weekend chores finished.
How exciting for the band! What a fun trip for them. You are going to sign up as a chaperone aren't you!
Not sure I will make it to the newbie party this week. Just too much going on.
How wonderful! Will you go as a chaperone?
Congrats to the school band!
Congratulations to them Deb. I kow they are super excited and honored.
What a wonderful trip- wow- Dublin.
How exciting for them all !!!
Wow! How exciting...I don't play anything...but I can twirl a baton...maybe I could go? lol That sounds like a great trip. Do you get to go too?
Ok...I am a little embarassed, I thought I was already following you because I have you blog listed on my blog, but just realized that I never clicked the button here on the NOW I am officially following. I am number 2500. I am glad to have made your number a nice even number ;) I hope you get all of your wrapping done! I need to do some of that myself. Kristine
Congratulation to you all for such a big event! Start your savings Debbie :-)
Proud of you. What a honor going to Ireland ! So they're exciting and expecting the trip.
That is sooo exciting!! Maybe you can go along and blog to us from Dublin!!
Oh wow that is quite the honor. Good for them.
Oh WOW!!!! what a FANTASTIC Christmas gift... I am sure you are THRILLED to pieces...Will you be going with...??
Congratulations to the Fort Mill HS Band! What an honor!!! Can I tag along as a chaperone?!!!
Oh wow, that is so exciting! What an honor!
That's awesome!! I didn't realize you lived in my part of the world...LOL!! I live in the Lake Norman area...
OMG! How awesome is that. Are you going also? My husband made a stop in Ireland on his way to Afghanistan 2 years ago, they weren't able to leave the air port but he said it was beautiful when they were landing. LOL
How wonderful! I'm so excited for everybody.
Congratulations! What a wonderful experience your son will have. it's a great honor for his band too. Enjoy - Peggy
Congratulations! What a wonderful experience your son will have. it's a great honor for his band too. Enjoy - Peggy
That's amazing! So happy for them!
Wow!! How exciting! Are you going with them?
Wow! That is so exciting. Big congrats to the band! I really hope your whole family will be able to go as well. What a great opportunity!
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