~HiStory of the Front PorCH~
"Porches are as synonymous with American culture as apple pie. While not unknown in colonial times, they rose to nationwide popularity in the decades before the Civil War, and remained in fashion for almost one hundred years. Ironically, the very social and technological forces that made them both popular and possible were eventually responsible for their decline." -- from Kahn, Preserving Porches
"Nobody thought much about the front porch when most Americans had them and used them. The great American front porch was just there, open and sociable, an unassigned part of the house that belonged to everyone and no one, a place for family and friends to pass the time."
Labels: Front porches
Ok, you have made my night with the last pic!!!! I love porches and wish I had one. I do have a little space by the front door that I'm going to be sprucing up pretty soon. Thanks for sharing and the laugh!!
OMG!!!!!!!! That is horrible/hilarious!!!! What is sad is you know that is a real picture! I do love a front porch, minus the toilet thing. I have always said that I will have a front porch on my next house, and I haven't had one yet!! We have a little one now, but I adore our screened in back porch. I hope to be able to spruce it up this year! Thanks for the pretty and not so pretty pictures!!
HI Debbie! Thanks for visiting my Letter F and leaving such a cute comment..
I loved this post! I can't remember not having a front porch and I've lived a lot of different places. But some of them were not much more than a step to sit on...but nevertheless, a porch! Love your humor also...what a *cutie* you found (O:
Stop over again sometime. You may like my other blog too,
All My Yesterdays. Grab a cupasomething and sit a spell..
O.K. you have gone over the edge now. I think you seriously need help!! That is too funny. Love the history of the porch though and no I have a stupid stoop!!
Ok Kim my husband would be so offended, really a man must be a man!
Hey Debbie, Houses with a front porch are my favorite! We love to sit on ours & watch people walk by on a nice evening. My grandmother used to sit on her front porch with her sisters in the evening & crochet things for her hope chest. I have some unbelievable items that I can't imagine making. Crocheted lace on towels, pillowcases, crocheted bedspreads, tablecloths & of course doilies.
You have a nice big front porch good for sittin' on. That guy in the last photo would love a nice porch like yours because it would fit an old sofa & his pot! LOL!!!
Pam I am laughing my head off......
I am laughing out loud!! That last picture is hilarious! Wonder if his couch is on the other side of the porch?
On a serious note...I love love love porches, but don't have one! Would sell and move for one!!
I really enjoyed all your pictures and your page looks great with the new background and banner!
Have a great evening:)
Aldi's charges a quarter for the same reason they have no grocery bags--to save money. They don't need someone in the parking lot to retrieve all the grocery carts. People do it themselves to get their quarter back.
I think the resurgence to front porches is interesting. For a long time it was all about back decks but I think people realized they were missing the charm of a front porch. I wish I had one. In the small PA town my husband grew up in, everyone had one, and everyone at on one in the evening.
You've changed your blog! Change is good, Btw … who's the dude on the toilet
O.M. and G!
Holy Shit!!! (no pun intended) OMG, I'm laughing out loud. What a surprise after viewing all those beautiful front porches!!
I love to be shocked and you definitely came through!!
Thanks for directing me here Lol!!
we bought our house a few months ago...and I finally have my own porch to sit and relax on....a dream come true....
interesting last photo btw...it's as frightening as it is funny!!!
I love front porch! Like you, I like to sit there and watch the kids play, and listen to nature. Your front porch is gorgeous, and so inviting..
Hi Mumsy, none of these pics are mine, I will post come Spring!!~
oh Debbie what a post! I love it=) thanks btw for visiting my blog, hope you find it interesting...will follow now!
lol!! Thanks for the laugh.
A nice porch is really the only thing that I wish that our house had.
Following you right back from A Wilson Family Adventure.
WOW! I wonder if his backyard looks any better... :-D
Hi Debbie,
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I have a front porch and a back deck on my house. It is great to sit and listen to all our brids here in TN. The last picture looks like one of my kin folks in the back woods of Arkansas. I love it, it is hilarious. Love your new look on your blog. I thought that your boys were very cute too. I am glad to still see them on the side of your blog. Linda
I can't imagine a house without a porch! In summer's way past, it was the evening entertainment -- sitting on the porch and visiting with neighbors.
Well Miss Debbie: I think that you have the funniest F post this week (with that guy sitting on the pot!). I laughed so hard and had to show my husband!!
I love the swing; I want one of those. I'm going to stain some beadboard and put it on my porch ceiling this summer. I saw something like that on the Buffalo garden walk a couple of years ago. It was gorgeous!! Did you ever go on that tour?
PS love your new blog background!
Oh my gosh!!!!!!! To funny!! Love the new background and header!
I love porches too! I don't have one, but love to hit a bed and breakfest when I can, one that offers a porch feature will close the deal everytime! Last Photo,totally something unexpected and produes a laugh. I love your blog and you have a beautiful home, thanks for sharing!!
I do love a front porch. Well, NOT with a potty on it - - - but you get the idea.
About your prelit tree - - - yep, that's how the "creeping light failure" begins - - - one strand at a time. NOW hubby has to completely restring the lights every year so the "prelit" part is now moot.
Thanks for your visit to my blog today!
That is too funny. Putting that last dude aside, I have so many fond memories of our porch swing growing up. I think I spent half my summer there - - reading, napping, sitting with boyfriends and watching the fireflies, making out....
So Jan now I have to worry about my boys making out on the front porch? Never thought about that...beats the hallway like I use to do LOL!!~ Ahhh Fireflies just talked about those the other day...I love them and so happy my boys have had the same experience of chasing them. Thanks everyone!
Oh how are you Debb, love all the pictures . specially with a swing :)...I love to have a front porch.. even I want a back porch too. And what a picture the last one is hahaha.... just immaginefor a minute if you saw anything like this. haha LOlz
OMG! That is one of the more entertaining photos I have seen in a while. I really like the history of the front porch. I have never thought about it that much until I just read your post, but they are a from of a room on a home that is for anyone. We actually have a small home and a large deck area on the front of the house. We use it a lot in spring, summer and fall. We watch the grill, we watch all the children play, and yes my husband enjoys a beer out there as well. We have come home countless times and found neighborhood children playing on our front deck. We aren't here, our daughter isn't here to play with them, but they are still on our front deck! LOL. Thanks for that info Debbie!
I love front porches, Debbie! No, I don't have one unfortunately. I love your photos and of course that last one is priceless! :)
omg i was in shock i was waiting to see mike with a beer i love front porches i use to sit on my grandmas porch when i was little
Just visiting, liked your blog. My best friend in the world and I lived next door to each other for several years when our children were young. We traveled many miles in a swing on her porch. This post brought lots of memories. Decided to be a follower when I saw that last pic. What a hoot. However, being from the South I realize how possible this could be.
That's a riot!!!!!!!!!!!! We will never understand why houses in Southern California don't have porches: we have the best weather and no bugs!!! Although after looking at that picture, we think sometimes it's a good idea not to have them! LOL! Thank you do much for your lovely visit, just keep comin'!!!!
I love front porches. But you totally made my day with that pic! hahaha too funny!
Front porches are on my list of favorite things. Your post inspired me to sweep mine. It's the first time since November it hasn't been covered in ice!
Thanks for visiting my blog and for commenting. As you know, I am new so comments are very exciting to me.
By the way, Cowboy hates my hat so I don't wear it much around here.
Necel from the Old House in Texas
PS... You are so cute!
Was this taken in Southern Ohio??? I think it may have been! I agree with your mom, was waiting to see hubby with a beer, great suprise! When I was little, I spent many, many hours on my grandma's front porch, and it was a request when searching for a house, that it have a cement porch like grandma's. It just so happens that this house has one, yeah me!! More people should use their porches for sure:)
OMG!!! He's on the phone, kindly inviting all of us to an alfresco Victorian tea and crumpets party in his front yard!! :-D No dress code! LOL
A cuppa, anyone??? :-)
LMAO! My husband actually has that last one as his facebook profile picture! I'm a new follower.
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