HA, I am just kidding on the title!!~
Wasn't that a commercial back in the 80's or sometime ago? For Pantene shampoo? I wanted to share my simple beauty treatments! I love skin care and always am up to try new things that are recommended. I use this face mask once a week. Genetically I have been pretty blessed as far as SKIN goes....my Mom has the most beautiful skin, it still is so radiant and she gets compliments all the time.
Although, she has branched out to bigger better products, and she LOVES new products as well. This facial mask is very inexpensive however, very refreshing! you ought to try it!~
You do not have to have acne to try it, I don't have acne. This face mask is good for all types of skin.
My poor husband and kids actually get scared when they see me wear this mask!!~ Really it is a little scary.... Anyone have any solutions for the new hair growth on the chin? What's up with that? I have been plucking it...and I have told my husband if I am ever suddenly hospitalized he best keep up with my chin and bring the tweezers! I remember as a child kissing my Gram and feeling her ever so slight whiskers on my face, I think I am heading down that genetic road!

Love all these things and use them every single day!~ The last one is eye gel age defying....I do have crows feet, I guess I have earned them at 44, they are a given, but this gel seems to help a bit. The Bobbi Brown, is a new product I just tried. My friends husband is a big wig at a department store and he gets all kinds of free stuff, she gave this to me, and I have to say I LOVE it, it has a great smell too, kinda sexy beach like. The Oil of olay color recapture tint...my Mom turned me onto, love it and it is all I wear now in place of foundation.
Thanks for checking my goods out. Have a great day!!~

Status on my hair growing process.....I now can wear a little hobo pony tail...that is what my Son Jack calls it...been many years since a pony tail:)
Labels: beauty tips
I love Rene's idea...it is so much fun seeing what everyone uses to keep themselves looking beautiful!
Hi Debbie, I loved reading what your fave products are. Olay products are super! I've been using them since I was 17, so for like 10 years now. ;-) ha! Okay, a few years more than that. But they are so great. Thanks for sharing your faves!
Tony is also instructed to pack the tweezers if I am ever hospitalized! Can't wait to see if a reader has a better solution! This aging thing...awww! I love my skin mask, too! Isn't it great to be able to pull your hair back, especially on those hot summer days!
I use many of the Olay products too. And at just turned 50, I still have oily skin. But this is supposed to be good for wrinkles I hear. I have just discovered some fab Mary Kay products too. Maybe I should join the party and post bout it. I sure enjoy your fun blog.
I love this party!!
Olay products are my favorite!!
Debbie you are so brave to show yourself in a mask...LOL
when I was newly dating my hubby he took me home and left. I went in to do the whole nightly routine thing and put on my mask. Wandering around the house while it dried, the door bell rang. It was my date coming back to get something he forgot...I was mortified to say the least.Me standing there in my green mask and my hair pulled back... He didn't mind too much.. He married me after all
: )
Thanks for the tips! I'm a sucker for masks... it just makes me feel like I am spoiling myself in a good way! Although, it does seem to get a few scared looks from the hubby! haha
I love this post Debbie! Actually I'm still chuckling just a tad. Thanks so much for linking and I am putting that mask on my list. I never pass up a chance to scare my guys ;^)
Well aren't you cute and brave wearing that mask for all the world to see. I will have to try that. I love the way a mask feels. Is pretty scary though.
Love this party! I joined in, too! 5 was hard because I love Oil of Olay products, too!
I knew from the title of the post on Cottage and Vine that it had to be you!!!
Great pictures!
Well, quite frankly I do hate you because you are so beautiful...LOL! You are gorgeous! Thanks for the tip on the products, I have been trying to find something to use in place of my foundation for summertime.
Way too funny! As if my bedtime routine weren't scary enough, this mask would finish it off! You are one brave woman to show yourself to the world.
I remember when Grand ma was in the hospitalshe could not talk but made signs with her hands and i said tweezers and she shook her head yes with a smile :)the picture is funny Deb
i have that beach in the oil and perfume i like it to you forgot to put we also use Eucerin Q10 i love that stuff and roc night cream with retonal.Well this was a nice supprize to see today.Love Moma
Oh you are funny and you crack me up!!! I'm referring of course to your post title and your first line of disclaimer right after it.
I'd say you ARE beautiful, and I'll try my hardest to NOT hate you for it!
The part that is hardest to not envy is the youth - - - - I'm older than dirt, so I should know!
Do you love your Bobbi Brown sunscreen spray?? I have heard that it smells really good and I might have to go buy some quickly! Hope you have a great day! ~Andrea
Oh cute picture with the mask on!!! I used to use only Estee Lauder during my first marriage, I spent a fortune on it. After I got divorced I had to be a penny pincher so now it's Ponds Cold Cream..LOVE IT...I wad it all over my face and rub it in for about 3 minutes morning and night. Around my eyes it's good old vaseline which I've done since high school.
I don't have chin hairs (yet!) but my husband, who isn't even 30 yet, grows random hairs out of the end of his nose which I love to pluck:)
How cute are you in the mask!?! ;) I use the same Olay products! Going to have to check out the other ones!! Anything to help me look as great as you do! ;) BTW, how long do you plan on growing your hair out to?? My profile pic is from last year- that was the longest it had been in YEARS!! I keep cutting it to above my shoulders but I think I like the profile pic length better so going for that again ;)
Olay... what a beauty you are. Better go splash my face, now that you reminded me this Monday Morning.
Kate xoxoxo
I am so glad you posted about Bobbi Brown's Beach fragrance because I have been wanting to try it and your review made me put it on my list to try. Thanks!
I use that cleanser but I'll have to check out the other products. I've never seen that mask before.
I do remember that commercial but not what it was advertising.
Off to find that Bobby Brown stuff - i need a beachy scent! great blog :)
I use that same mask, I love it! Your skin looks great, taking good care of your skin every day is so important... I was blessed with good skin as well, and I am afraid I have not developed good habits because I could get away with it looking good even without proper care. I need to get on that! And I love the stubby ponytail! What are your hair plans anyway? The cosmetologist in me can't help but be curious!
I use that mask all the time. I love it. I remember my mom and sister using it when I was little.
I love how cutely honest you are. I love how cool you are about everything!! I am learning from you. Huge lessons.
I think your beauty lies in your openness! Love it.
The pony tail, I looked at in the mirror from the snap- cute!!
I use the same Olay face wash. It is great! :) And I need a good skin mask- just always forget to look for one when I am at the store.
Hi Debbie! I wanted to let you know that I awarded you something on my blog. You can accept this award here: http://framefanatic.blogspot.com/2010/06/my-first-blogger-award.html
I have tried the Mint Julep before and it feels really good on my face, it tingles. You have very nice skin, all of this must be working :D So funny about the chin hairs, I'm in the same boat.
Haha...so cute in your mask! Thank you for sharing all of your beauty secrets today. They must work, cause you are such a cutie.
Oh, Debbie Darling, you are beautiful inside and out! I love your gorgeous smile! I've been looking for a mask and have had a hard time finding something. I'll have to try this out! I do like learning new techniques from your younger gals. I'm so olden, I need all the help I can get! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I already left a comment but had to come back to say that I bought some of the Definity at Walmart today, going to try it in place of foundation. Unfortunately I do fight break-outs and I'm 53. Where do you buy the mint julep mask and as far as chin hairs, oh yah I pluck. Nobody ever told me I was going to have chin hairs:)
Oh my gosh Debbie, you had me laughing hysterically about the wisker thing!! Thanks for the tip...your skin does look fabulous!!
Love the Mint Julep mask too! Also, a good remedy for broken out skin is the "aspirin mask". Crushup a handful of plain aspirin, add some honey, or just plain water, apply and leave on for about ten minutes and gently exfoliate off with a wash cloth. Helps skin glow!
Hey Debbie!!! Been out of blogland and getting caught up, hope to post soon. Love the Queen Helene brand and the still love the Cocoa Butter lotion. You look great!! Thanks for sharing your products....Michelle
I use 4 out of 5 of your products! I love the mask! I scare my husband when I use it too.
I love how you keep it real Debbie! Leave it to you to look cute in a facial mask... I have been blessed with good skin from both sides of my family but since I am getting older I do not want to take any chances! I am a Mary Kay fan. I have been using MK products for a long time but have only in the past few years started using the skin care products on a daily basis. A little goes a long way.
~ Tracy
Am I mistaken or has no one addressed the CHIN HAIR! OK, so I don't have chine hair, but I have had a few wild hairs in my life and I am telling you run, run, run, right now to electrolysis! It is the only way. I hate kissing an old lady on there cheek and you feel the stubble...Keep on top of it if you ever want a kiss on the cheek from me!
Debbie, You are just the cutest...you always make me smile, no matter when I stop by. Love the products you use and hey, I have to ask, what is up with the chin hair, it really makes me crazy! Why as we age does that happen? Can anyone answer that one for me, hah! I hope you have a great day and by the way your have something green all over your pretty face, ha ha!
Thanks for the tip on the mask! It looks like it would be a good one! I will have to try it. Men are so funny about masks aren't they? I think they secretly want to try them out too! LOL! By the way you are looking lovely there dear, positively glowing! Keep it up!
Loved this post....I'm always looking for good new products. I'm sorta a product junkie!! I really want to try that mask. Can you get it at Target??
Debbie, thanks for checking in on my blog, I love my grandbabies so much. Next month I will get my 5th. I really like looking at your blog. I love your ideas for the beauty thing. I will be 53 on Saturday, and I am really seeing the wrinkles lately,so I am going to try your suggestions. As for the chin hair, I was blessed to have very dark hair and I married a man with dark hair, we have a son and 4 daughters all with dark hair, so when my girls were old enough we all went through a lazer process and got rid of the facial hair. I know I will have some grey ones appear, but I love it. Twizzers work great though. Have a great day. Karen
Debbie, thanks for checking in on my blog, I love my grandbabies so much. Next month I will get my 5th. I really like looking at your blog. I love your ideas for the beauty thing. I will be 53 on Saturday, and I am really seeing the wrinkles lately,so I am going to try your suggestions. As for the chin hair, I was blessed to have very dark hair and I married a man with dark hair, we have a son and 4 daughters all with dark hair, so when my girls were old enough we all went through a lazer process and got rid of the facial hair. I know I will have some grey ones appear, but I love it. Twizzers work great though. Have a great day. Karen
I put on a mask 2x a week. No crows feet yet but I know they will be coming. I've been using age defying products since I was 19. Ye I'm crazy lol. I love Olay products. I'm gonna try out the Queen Helene, maybe the black heads will go bye bye!
I thought I had inherited great skin and then my baby came along and then rosacea happened. It has come for long long visit! I do swear by Aveno Positively radiant moisturizer though.
Thanks for sharing!
though i'm a mary kay user, but i think olay products are good too,
and without a doubt, you're pretty in and out debbie...have a nice day and thanks for stopping by my blog!
Love the mask photo, Debbie~ no wonder you have such beautiful skin! I used electrolysis, it works well for the stray hair, it's harder to get rid of them if you pluck...laser works, too...
I used to use that mint julep mask in college! Now I am trying to buy independent, artisan-made lotions and toiletries. There are a ton of great products of etsy, I am working my way through them.
I've never been able to keep any kind of skin regimen - except ProActiv...which helps keep the odd zit away.
I love that you shared yours and your pictures! Fabulous!!
Those odd chin hairs? Just wait until you're post menopausal! You'll likely be dealing with upper lip hair to wax and also eyebrow hair that keeps needing trims too. What I'm telling you is, it doesn't get any better. Keep good tweezers handy. :)
Only you can look good in a green mask!!! Where do you buy it? I am going to check out Walgreens and my ever faithful Walmart. I have horrible skin. It is so blotchy. I have started using Oil of Olay and really like it. I am going to get me some of that color corrector! Thanks Debbie!
Now that's strange! I just said "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" yesterday as I walked by my kids with my hair color processing. FYI - not a pretty sight.
Like minds Debbie!!
Hi Debbie,
Thanks for stopping by the other day. I've been meaning to get back over to your adorable blog for ages now. Loved this post. I'm always curious to see what other people use. :-) Have a great day!
Facial hair is evil. Let's just leave it at that! :)
I may need to check out the Olay product. Sounds great! And I could use a good facial mask, while I'm at it. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such sweet comments on my outdoor candles!
I haven't done the mask thingy for years, and my makeup these days are just lipstick and eyeliner..
Your blog is so full of life. Say, how are you enjoying this heat?
Now I've gotta try that mint julip stuff. :-)
thanks for sharing your secrets :) im a fan of Olay too but I need to make sure it should be fresh from US.. otherwise, some of those manufactured outside of US they lessen the ingredients to make it more affordable.
I can't wait to try the Mint Julep mask! Thanks for sharing your fave five
I love Olay products too. I am going to have to pick up that mask. I could use some pore shrinkage and I love anything with mint! I have recently tried these facial peel pads from Avon which I like.
I had a friend who is gorgeous and awesome and turned me onto great products..Oil of Olay is one...that do the work of the more expensive products. I still use them! I am intrigued by the mask...I was using a chili pepper mud mask...but it is expensive and "HOT."
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