Finally, a new bedroom set is in the makings for us.
Although our current set is still in good condition, it is going on 13 years old, and the style is really not what we like anymore.
Our minds have been swirling with ideas.
I thought this is going to be fun, because you all will be coming along this bedroom makeover with us.
Most everything current must go. I will be keeping the trunk and the bench.
Even my fun colorful French posters...GONE....
Here are the every changing Master bedroom looks no particular order here.
This picture down below of our bedroom was
This last one was my most popular. The bedding was from Better Home and gardens purchased last year. I still love the fun fresh colors.
So now that you have seen the ever changing Master bedroom. These are just some of the new looks and styles I am going for. I do need some help though.
I am really leaning toward a wrought iron bed frame, paired up with a wood sideboard and dresser.

I like the look of the wrought iron. If we can have a farmhouse, rustic, look, that is what I am going for.
I like the frame only on this, I certainly do not need a pull out in the master bedroom.
Call me crazy, but this last one...I kinda like it.
So as you can see I am all over the place here.
Would love any and all ideas. There are so many talented women out here.
Any suggestions would be appreciated. We are starting from Scratch.
The wall color will remain the same. The drapes are iffy, depending on what new bedding we wind up with.
I still want to have color, whimsy yet a romantic feeling.
Sherry for her Open house party
Sugar and Spice Before Blogging party
Labels: art deco, colorful, french posters, wrought iron bed
Deb, I have an Iron bed that is almost identical to the first picture and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I've had it for 5 years and don't think it will ever go out of style!!!
I can't give you any advice because I think your room looks awesome! I can understand the need for a change, but I love how it looks. After looking at your pictures of your bedroom it made me want to do something with my bedroom. when I married my husband I had to marry his massive 400 pound aspen log headboard. It's unique but an eye soar and takes up the whole room. I want to buy a king bed just as an excuse to get rid of it!
I do love the iron bed, but keep the great bedding from better home and gardens! Cant wait to see what you are up to.
How fun! A wrought iron bed sounds delightful. Our master bed has both wrought iron and wood details. Kind of a compromise between both worlds.
I had to laugh at the trundle bed! What a great idea when the hubby get's out of line!!! he he.
I love that BH&G bedding! I think it would look fantastic with that second metal bed. The second one would look great with the bench in the window that you have in your last bedroom pic. Is the bench staying?
Haha, I'm still laughing at the pullout bed! I have no advice other than definitely go with the wrought iron!!! I can't wait to see what you come up with:)
I LOVE the second bed! I think you should get that one!
Debbie you always do such a nice job I know what ever you pick it will look amazing... But for my two cents I like the first iron bed ...
Oh, what to do, what to do! I really like the iron-look, but if your room is large, it would need to be hefty & not dainty. I think that paired with some wood pieces would be lovely & flexible with whatever you choose for bedding. I'm excited for you & can't wait to see what you choose.
I LOVE the look of a wrought iron bed. I will tell you from someone who has a wrought iron bed...not too comfy when you try to lean up against it. As long as you're cool about piling up pillows, the look can't be beat and it is a classic look that will never go out of style. I love the Pottery Barn one the best.
Yes, a wrought iron bed gets my vote. I love it's classy look and it will never go out of style, it goes well with everything! Have fun with the makeover, it's always exciting to change things up a bit!
I think the wrought iron would look lovely in there. love your paint color already. I am starting the same room soon and I am so unsure of what I want. Will be anxious to see what you end up with.
Hi Debbie, Have fun making over your Master Bedroom. I love the second iron bed but with a darker finish on it. I can't wait to see what you do with your already fabulous Master!
Debbie, actually that last one goes so well with your mix of Spanish style in your house. So funny that you showed us the old rooms. I am changing the kitchen as we speak and was going to show the old kitchen. I just hope the man will start his part tonight.
I love the first iron bed for you..the second one is nice, but I think would look better in the darker finish. Brighter colors definitely suit your personality more, so don't go too light. I love your wall color and will go with anything you choose. As for the window treatments... it will depend on your bedding. Try doing a mood board. That might help you confirm your choices.
Go with your gut! That philosophy always works for me. The last one is awesome!... and since you have straight lines above the bed with the crown molding, I think the curvature detail would compliment the look :)
i love the country french rustic look An iron bed would look lovely in your pretty roomi cant wait to see what the 2 of you come up with:)
Debbie I always loved your bedroom, but totally understand wanting a change. I love all the beds you showed so I know that's no help to you!! Love the last one it reminds me of a wrought iron gate. Can't wait to see the changes. Martina
I really like the second picture you posted. Go with that look, it is gorgeous!!! :D
I actually love that last iron bed! I think it looks like an old fence that you could have found at an estate sale!!
I know, that what ever you pick will look awesome! Can't wait to see what it is!!
It looks like you have a high ceiling in there, so I would say one of the beds with the higher headboard would look good - like the 3rd or 4th. As soon as I saw the 4th I thought it was more you. You're not demure in your decor and that last one makes a statement!
I like the 3rd and last one, Debbie. Whichever you pick, I know it will look beautiful....Christine
Hi Debbie,
I love the last one! It looks like a garden gate to me too and would look great with a floral designed bedspread. Your bedroom will be beautiful no matter which you choose. Thanks for sharing.
The last 2 yes yes! I am a lover of farmhouse, and that last one suits your spanish mission to me, or in my opinion. I know you'll pick something great!
I am kinda leaning towards the 3rd one (less the trundle bed). The last one is very busy. You might have more versatility with a plain pattern. too much iron work in the bedroom might be overwhelming?? A bed is not something we change often, and you seem to like switching out bedspreads, patterns and color. The ornate bed frame may be limiting. In the end you will choose what you like best and you are the one that has to sleep with your decision. hehehe .....Or you can sleep on it and choose in the morning. sorry had to say it...
bon decision, a la prochaine.
I love bed number 1!!
And the bedding!
I keep my bedroom walls neutral so I can change the bedding colors when I feel the need!
I love wood so I can't really give any advice on a metal bed frame! Must say if your bedroom is currently #1 pic, I wouldn't change a thing!!! I love the wall colors and those pretty bright curtains. Can't wait to see what you do end up doing though, I know it will be just as fab :)
I like the first one, but you may need to go with a higher headboard. I am still in the process of our master bedroom makeover, but I am almost done! :) just the final touches, then I can post them. It was so stressful looking for furniture with my husband, and he said no to wrought iron, which made me sad, then he went and said no to a canopy! UGH to frustrating! so we settled on something we neither chose but it was ok, hope you do better. have lots of fun!
Hi Debbie,
I have a bit of a different idea to throuw out to you!
If your favorite is the Better Homes and Gardens room ( which I also really like!) then what about going for a little more freshness?
Think white iron bed ( I like the last two best), big fluffy white bed linens (comforter, and main pillows) and curtains. Then add color in your sheets and pillowcases,layers of pillows and accessories. All of this white would look so lovely against your wall color too, it would really pop! You could even paint your bench...
Anyway just a few ideas!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog and for all of the useful help for new bloggers!!
Love the last one! Reminds me of a garden gate. I like massiveness of it for a rich look. I could see it piled high with soft white or cream linens. It would hardly even need anything hanging above it. It's a piece of art in itself.
Oh Debbie how fun!! I cannot wait to see what you come up with!! If you want wrought iron, I do suggest you look at Wesley Allen beds. They are incredible and made in the finish you want. I had the "Barcelona" bed in black., It now resides in my ex-husband's house unfortunately:-( Can't wait to see the transformation!!
Debbie, I love that last rod iron bed. I agree with others it would look really good in your house. Cant wait to see what you do with it.
I love the bedding and bed in the first wrought iron bed. The whimsy of the bedding and shape of the bed are both great! I seriously love all your redo's so whatever you do will be great!
I posted photos of my bedding this morning! I don't change as often as you do though! IF...I was starting from scratch, I would get a big white duvet and go with some nautical accessories! I love navy and white stripes, some red...clean and crisp for summer time! Hugs! ♥
WOW thanks ladies. Today was our first venture out there...came up with nothing. We may wind up on line shopping. I love a lot of your ideas though..thanks so much.
Hi Dear Debbie! Oh, I love iron beds and good luck in finding the one you want! I love your bedroom in all the photos! Now I adore those pretty yellow drapes! We've had the same bedroom set for probably more years than you're old! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hi lovely lady. I love your room as it is Debbie !!! But the wrought Iron bed would be the one for me sweet lady. xxoo Diane
I think your room is very nice right now, but also love that first iron bed! And I laughed out loud over the trundle. hahaha!
Whatever you do to change up the room will be beautiful, I'm sure.
Have a great day.
I would definitely go with an iron bed. If I could convince my hubby one of these days, that's what I would go for.
I think the last photo is screaming "Debbie" to me, but I'm sure that whatever you do decide, it'll be awesome!
I love the first two options, Debbie. The last option is beautiful, but feels more gothic than rustic country. I'm looking forward to following your master bedroom makeover!
I love the first bed. The last one reminds me of a security gate. :-)
I know you will find the perfect bed for you...just go with what you love. As far as the decor, your talent with color will win!
Wishing you the best ~ and I'm trying to do my bedroom too. I so understand where you are.
I love the first new bed idea you showed. The way it's accented at the joints and the slight curve on the ends is great. The 2nd one is my 2nd favorite, sorry don't like the last two at all. I think you'd grow to hate the super tal arch on the one and the kind of gothic look of the other seems rather ornate. Good luck, sounds like fun to me!
I like the second to last bed frame..the rounded shape!
Can't wait to see what you
decide Debbie!
The iron is all gorgeous, it would be hard to decide.
Your master bedroom looks great already Debbie! If I had to pick, I would pick #1. No doubt you will do an awesome job on this master bedroom make-over. Can't wait to follow you on this journey.
Have a wonderful evening,
I love the second to last one. The last one is too much, too gothic looking. Love the idea of wrought iron though!
Love your sis!
Oh such fun you're going to have. I used to have an iron bed that I loved. I've had so many styles over the years and loved them all. I'm sure with your talent you'll find the perfect combination. Peggy
Debbie~ Your bedroom is beautiful! You have such great taste I don't think you could make a wrong choice!
Have a pretty day!
Hi Debbie, I love the look of iron beds. My son and DIL have the one in the first picture. I think it is timeless and something you probably would not get tired off. Thanks for sharing your bedroom at my new party.
Ohhhh...You aren't gonna get into that ropes and bondage thing are you? Just asking~
We have an iron bedstead that we put upstairs when we went to a king bed. The only "warning" I can give you is this...if you like to read in bed (propped up or resting against the back) make sure you get one with some rigidity to the rails and that they are uniformly spaced. Otherwise your pillows, etc. are always pushing back and through the rails (bars,whatever). We have had two iron beds...Our first one was awful (for that reason) the 2nd one was wonderful. That's warning... Make sure you try sitting up against the back if you do sit up to read or watch TV. xxoo Diana
I've had a metal four poster bed for over ten years. I can't wait to get rid of it. It is very uncomfortable for reading or watching TV in bed. We are always having to prop up pillows just so. But if you are just sleeping there, then they are very pretty.
p.s. I hope my comment didn't come across as negative. It's just something I wish I would have thought of before we bought our bed. :)
I LOVE the second bedding that your thinking about!! It just seems so "airy" haha if that makes sense!
I think I like the first bed the best. It is a very classic look. Have fun making your changes to the room. If you are like me, your house is always changing!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I love your current bedding and the pretty curtains! I think you would really change the look of the room just by adding the new bedframe. Good luck!
My favorite is the second one. I love the curve on the frame and the quilt is so pretty. Do you know where the trundle one is from? I really need some sort of trundle in my guest room so I have more room in there to sew.
Hi Deb, I would go with the wrought iron. We bought a Charles Rogers when we first got married and i still love it. You can pair any kind of furniture with's so versatile!
I love the first one with the wall color you have. I don't think you can go wrong with a wrought iron bed and wooden furniture. You lose the matchy matchy and you can do anything with it!!!
I want to melt into some of those mattresses! I loved every picture here. No help, am I?? :D
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