X marks the spot!
My favorite day of the week, with my friend Jenny, Jenny I got your number.....Jenny Matlock Alphabet Thursday, and here is her phone number....867-5309 ( I am soooo corny I know) I thought where do I turn to? and then I thought I got it, I got it!! so let's have a good time this week!~
I am wondering just how many X's are going to be out there. I am betting we will see a lot X-rays...so I decided to put my little Debbiedoo's twist and humor, and get some X-tra brownie points from the teacher. So what exactly is an X-ray?
- A relatively high-energy photon having a wavelength in the approximate range from 0.01 to 10 nanometers.
- A stream of such photons, used for their penetrating power in radiography, radiology, radiotherapy, and scientific research. Often used in the plural. Also called roentgen ray.
- A photograph taken with x-rays.
- OK, we knew all this right?
Seeing I started off on such a serious note, I will end this segment with some mammo humor....hope you enjoy, go for your MAMMO soon if you have not done so.!

Well you see guys we can arrange something for you as well....

Yep that is what it feels like when we leave!

Then of course they go and change the guidlines on us. What does your Doctor say? I have been going every years since I am 39. I really hate going every year, however I would rather go every year than not....
Perhaps you have never had one either.....this is the time to go....

You are so funny, Debbie.
I haven't had a mammogram yet, but it's so nice to hear what I have to look forward to!! :)
Great post, Debbie. There are a lot of women that put off getting their yearly mammogram~I am one of them. But it is SO important.
I really enjoyed your tongue in cheek look at this and the cute cartoons! Thanks!
Hi Miss Debbie! I have voted for you everyday since your post. Your numbers are growing! :)) Woohoo! Exciting! I hate going for my mammogram but I do it anyway! This is a nice and important reminder to everyone!
Debbie great X post!! I have been racking my brain for this one. I agree lots of X-rays. I am thinking of something else! Let's hope it works.
I like that you're spreading awareness on important issues. Add the responsible citizen part to your Oprah profile video!
Debbie, you are always good for the soul! I love the manogram!!! I am still laughing!
I'm still voting!!
Love this post! Very informative and also hilarious! That first cartoon is just too funny!!! My mom went in for a routine exam and they found a small lump. After some tests they discovered it was cancer. She had surgery asap and then treatment. That was almost two years ago and she's been clear since. SO SO SO SO important to get checked out every year. Catching things early is vital.
The "manogram" was hilarious!!! This was a great post, Debbie. I've been going almost every year, since I lost my mom at such a young age, she was only 43 years old. I've been voting for you, too!...Michelle
I am 50 and haven't ever had a mamogram. Every time I go to the gyn she gives me a slip to go, but I never do. I keep saying that I am going to have breast thermography done instead, which detects tumors earlier than a mammogram, but I haven't done that either! Thanks for the reminder!
Great post Debbie! Love the humor of course. I am one of those that put off mammos. I have been averaging about every two years (unless the doc nags me).
As soon as I received your email about your audition I voted and created a button for my sidebar. I voted again today. Good luck!
~ Tracy
thanks for stopping by! My doc is starting when I turn 30 since breast cancer runs rampid in our family.
Debbie, thanks for the informative x post and the good laugh!! I needed that.
What a good post and so important! I had my first one when I was 36, its so important!
Oh and I voted again! :)
I am a RN and am faithful with my preventative care. I say I have had my boobs "smashed in a cabinet!" when I get my MMG. Good Post. ~olive~
thanks so much for the reminder.....but I still think ewwwwww when I make the appointment. HOWEVER, my Mom and Grandmother both had BC, so I hae no choice. Have a blessed week. Sandi
Wonderful post, Debbie!
My way to remember to go yearly to my GYN to get a mammogram prescription is to schedule my appointment during the month of my birthday. That way I hope to ake sure I'll still be here to see another birthday!
I'm voting and voting! :-)
♥ Pat
Hi Debbie, I love your sense of humor combined with a very serious reminder. I hope everyone out there is listening and goes and gets there yearly Mamo, thanks for reminding all of us that we should never be too busy to do this for ourselves and our loved ones!
OK... I am overdue...I'll go, I'll go...
Voted & voted & voted & voted & voted some more :)
Good Luck!!! I want it to be someone I know ( & like :)
Hey Girl! I just saw your post on La Bella Vie and love that you are along for the ride!
I thought about doing the garage salen part because my friend, Bonnie at "Creative Decorating on a Budget" does it and it looks like a hoot.
And girl, without a doubt you could be the next Oprah if I do say so...and I just did by voting!
WO Hoo yoiu go girl!
I like you tie in with X! Great info and such important info. I am technically too young for one, but was having some weirdness happen and pressed my doctor and she sent me. We have a great breast care center here...everyone was fabulous and it rally did not hurt much.
yeah, I am due for one soon ... like last week soon ... great post Debbie, and wow, you are early for X day ... you are really going for those brownie points this week tee he he
I'm still a few years off from my first mammogram. I'll start when I'm 40, I guess. I do the self exams, though. I'm hoping they invent something better than that squishing thing by then.
So true!! Don't put off a mammo!! As a cancer survivor and a nurse, I know how crucial early detection is. Because of early detection, I did not have to have my kidney removed when a cancerous tumor caused a blockage from the kidney to the bladder in the ureter.
I had a breast biopsy last Oct. because of an area with irreg. margins on my last Mammo and I remain cancer free 5 years later so don't put it off. Also go for those colonoscopies after age 50 , it could save your life!!!!
Ok Debbie, I am voting for the "manogram"! Too funny! Now I am off to vote for you again!
Those are some funny pictures! I finally got to watch your video, and of course I voted!! Good luck!
My mom is in remission from Breast Cancer. I've been checking for years and years now. I had my first scare 2 years ago when I was 28. It was just tissue thank god. It is very important to do the check. Voting for you daily girl:)
great toons to make a very serious point :D
You are too cute!
Thanks for visiting-and becoming a follower-of our silly little blog!
Also, thanks for bring a bit of humor to such a serious topic.. It makes it a little less scary for those of us who are still mammogram virgins!
I voted for you!
ha ha!!
4, 763 votes so far!!!!!!!! amazing.
you're gonna win, i just know it.
i voted 5 times.
Thanks for the very important post. Mammograms are so important, I'm getting mine soon.
Thanks girlfriend! I have been busy. Blogging takes alot out of you when you do two in one day! Good thing it was overcast today and this was my stay home day. I'm not sure how much we will be on the water as it is insane here too on the 4th! Lots of reckless boaters! We will most likely be lakeside or will go out in the sailboat where they cannot help but see us! Take care and have a wonderful 4th! You don't need to post this to your blog if you don't want, just wanted to say thanks for all the support always! I appreciate it! Gotta go cast another vote for you today too! :))
Debbie, once again, good luck on your audition! I have voted, but it sounds like you can vote again so I will try tomorrow...when you get your show you can walk us through mammograms and we will say...we remember her when she used to play Alphabe-Thursday. Hugs! Joni
I haven't mammo'd it yet. I've been nursing babies forever, and I don't think they'd appreciate milk in their machine!
Visiting from Alphabe-Thursday.
I'm headed over to check out your clip.
Fun blog about an important subject!
Dear Debbie,
Great take on the big X-word and good humour for a good cause!
I too chose the word X-Ray, but left the technical side out of it. (Or left it to Wikipedia!)
As far as the mammogram is concerned, I must confess that I have not been willing to do it. But you are right. I really should get myself checked.
Funny, informative and important post!
Best wishes,
Anna's X-words
Great post - in this province we're funded every year up to age 50 and every other year thereafter.
I voted, but I think it's a lost vote as the blurb said voters must live in the US.
This was a great, informative post Debbie. And it was fun too! The Manogram cracked me up. Good luck with the audition video, it's really great :) Kat
That was HYSTERICAL! I love the manogram comic!!!
Thank you for the timely reminder! Oh, and I just voted as well. Good luck!
Oh boy, do I have mammogram stories for you.
But I won't hijack your post...except to say...if you're afraid of having one done ask for the Digital ones. Waaaaaayyy less uncomfortable.
This was a really X-cellent post.
I'm a little annoyed at your for sharing my number, though.
Did you have to sing that to write it down?
I've been voting every day (where do some of those people get 8,000,000 votes? Craziness!) and I'm off to vote right now again...
But before I go I wanted to give you an A+ for a wonderful link!
And here it is:
HILARIOUS POST! I am reaching that age...I don't want to (I have none) I have heard that makes it even better!!!
perfect post! Love the cartoons to the mammograms! haha
...and how exciting is your chance at your own show! I just saw your video and you are a natural...I will head back and vote.
Blessings & Aloha!
(Can't wait to hear the results!)
Great X post. Very important.
Xcellent X post :) !
Those cartoons were so funny!
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You are so right, mammograms are so necessary! I also enjoyed the comics, they are a hoot! Thanks for the reminder of what we need to do for ourselves.
what daring and fun x post...
you make me smile!
Thanks for the "gentle" humorous encouragement. It is important and you are a caring one. :) Hope things are going well with the voting. I'm headed there now.
If it takes graphics, humor or Nudity...LOL...spread the word about this issue...:) :)
Great post!!!!
please come visit me at:
Where I too joined in the X-
Isn't Ms Jenny's class the most fun?
Funny and Wonderful - Xcellent on a reminder to everyone to check themselves and to have their regular checkup....Great X post for everyone....bkm
Cute post! We have to laugh about these things!
Good luck with the voting! ~ Sarah
Nicely done Debbie. However, I need to point out that your information is incorrect. Men ARE at risk for breast cancer too. It's usually noticeable in a self-exam and occurs mostly in men 60+. It does occur in younger men too. Spread the word and show your sons and spouses how to do the self-exam. If your dad is alive, show him too, especially if your mom is no longer here to show him.
What an important topic to post about! Well done Debbie :)
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