Putting My SecrEt poweRs to The TeST
You may also view more of my outdoor projects...I have some great outdoor transformations here, all using spray paint, went from DRab to Fab! Hope you enjoy!
I am not a gardener, never was. My Mom and Grandmother however, are and where very good!~ My Grandmother could grow Rose bushes like not other. SHe was the envy of all in the neighborhood. My Mom, she can grow anything she touches, she is just amazing! Well this year I decided to put my secret powers to the Test, and I willed My Garden to grow. So far it is working, and I wanted to share some snippets with You all!~ Now don't mind my Secret Power head Gear, and Don't laugh, I was very Serious about This. Please enjoy my garden preview. I also tried some topsy turveys this year and can't wait to get some tomatoes, when I cast the spell on the plant a couple of weeks ago, I was a little apprehenisive, but WOW they are going crazy already.
I bought this cute butterfly from Michaels, not sure what to do with it, so I stuck in my planter

Labels: outdoor garden tour of our home
I love, love the ritual you did. LMAO! I think it worked. Again, another perfect project! You rock! Will you come do that ritual at my house for rain?
Debbiedoo - - -
I've been wondering about this for a while, but am afraid I'm being really unobservant (not a good thing in a science teacher) so I hesitate to ask - - - but curiosity kills the cat, and I'm about dead - - - so I've just GOTTA ask - - -
Is there are reason for the (what appears to me to be) random capitals in your post titles?????
If they're just meant to capture attention, they've worked as far as I am concerned!!!!
I noticed - - - you have a lovely photo of a yellow flower and the stamens are VERY clear, I can almost FEEL the pollen tickling my nose!!!
Oh my!!! That is quite the head gear for spell casting!!! Is it official??? Your plants look beautiful and I love the shot of the chairs in focus through the plants. Just beautiful! Come cast your plant growing spell on my stuff! I swear I did two pots last Saturday and the trailing thing I planted was dead on Sunday. I was pretty sure it never made the transplant on Saturday, but I tried to hold out hope!
Beautiful flowers and lovely work, Debbie!
I love vine growing up the side of houses and places...how pretty!
Liesl :)
Debbie you're so funny! I love your projects. I have some I want to start to I just have to wait till after this week. It's a busy one!
Love the colors, as usual, Debbie! Your yard is beautiful! I think the flower is a passion fruit blossom...not sure, though.
I've fallen behind this year on my gardening...you've inspired me to get out there this weekend. :o)
Amazing what can be accomplished with a simple can of paint. Looks amazing! I have those topsy turvey thingys too. Still in the box from last Summer but maybe this year with my daughter a little older, I'll actually get to plant them.
Lovely photos as always - definitely spring in the air and your garden is blooming! Have a wonderful weekend
Debbie, What a fun post! Love your newest blue accents on the flower boxes! I like the idea of the hanging planters. What a great spell...will need to give it a try...does it help to keep bunnies away, too?
Have a fun weekend.
I love jasamine. I had and I stess HAD one in a trough near my kitchen door, which I felt needed trimming back, it had become too woody, alas I think it will not flourish. So tommorow I will be hitting the garden centre to replace it.
I am sure yours will smell as beautiful as it looks green with envy
iam laughing my u know what off well what ever it takes right and it sure looks like it working .If that plant is a pale purple it is a lady betty they are very hearty bloomers .Happy blooming cant wait to see prize winning tomatoes :)
Too cute....
First I love your new header! Second I love your superhero picture!
I also love pretty flowers....I will have some outdoor pics soon...my next project!
Your vine with the buds-a-burstin is called Clematis. It will come back every year and bring you lots of joy.
wow! you too have a magic touch! your garden is soo colorful :) love it!
Looks like your magic powers are working, Debbie! Keep us posted on your garden's progress! I scrolled down and checked out your plate post...you know I love it! I had similar adventures on RMS. Blogland is a kinder, gentler place! lol Happy weekend...Debbie
Can you send your secret powers this way? It's still to cool out to plant flowers here! I can't wait to start planting. I picked up that green butterfly at Michaels too! Have a great weekend! ~Marcy
:-D ! ! Hope your spell works! One of my neighbors keeps telling me I have a green thumb, but I really don't. I buy tried and true for my courtyard - gets a lot of shade in the Summer, which is a good thing as it saves on the utility bill. I plant, fertilize, water and hope for the best. Sometime I try something new, but have had a lot of failures.
Enjoy your weekend.
Everything looks beautiful, as usual, Debbie! I love the transformation and the colors that you have chosen. Have a wonderful weekend! Karen
Fantastic secret hair gear. So far it looks like it's working LOL. Good luck with your plants they look great.
Oh my goodness, what a great post. You made me smile! Your pictures are so bright and vibrant. Another project done to perfection....bravo!!
Have a lovely weekend! ~Liz
Oh my word Debbie! You are such a riot! Love your new header. Garden looks fabulous!
~ Tracy
Everything looks so pretty!!! Hilarious by the way...love that you put a spell on them!!
I can't grow anything to save my life!!!
Your mysterious flower is Clematis. It is hardy and should return year after year. I am not a fan of blue, however, your periwinkle is lovely.
You are cracking me up girl, love this post!! Also adore all the blue in the garden - it's my absolute favorite!
OH my goodness how cute are you!?! Does that game really work?? The garden looks lovely!! I'm still staring at a dirt hill :( Everytime we get a chance to start working on it- it rains!! Then of course the days we can't, the sun is shining bright!! Have a great weekend!!
hummm, ummmm, confuscious say, I think you will have many, many new plants and a berry beautiful garden! Now take that silly thing off your head. haha
I think your spell worked wonders, Debbie! Your garden is bursting with beautiful color!
I like the paint color you choose fr your planters, and I can't wait to see how those topsy turvey tomatoes turn out!
I think your spells are going to work, I can just feel it! :)
Your periwinkle planters are awesome!!
O.k. Everyone is skirting around the issue, so I am going for it!
What is that contraption on your head and what is the thing-a-ma-jiggy in front of you????
Curious (and nosy) minds want to know!!!
Well, you sure have a green thumb now...maybe I need to look for some secret power head gear, too LOL! Love your header- great pics and love the font, too!
Your plants and the flowers are gorgeous, Debbie. The spell worked!...Christine
Ok first on my funny font sizes I use. I like to be whimsy and little different, and it is a bit eye catching, hence, I use it. Second the head gear that is called mind flex, you are suppose to be able to move the ball from shoot to shoot using your mind, it was hilarious. Let me just say my mind is all over the place.
well since your Powers have become so Powerful could ya beam some growing magic over my way , pretty please?? you are a riot and all your flowers and plants look TERRIFIC~!!!
Power to the People
May the POWER be with you
Pentunia Power
You crack me up!!! That is funny stuff! I will be able to sleep now tonight because I know that they aren't about to take you off in a little white jacket!
Okay, I need some of that head gear! It is obviously working! I've been thinking about trying a topsy turvey. If I can get that head gear so I can cast a spell on it, I may try one today! Fun post, and pretty flowers. Thanks so much for linking to Favorite Things Sat. laurie
Oh Debbie, I love your head-gear and the expression on your face. I can the "Om" from you.. Beautiful photos and what a great garden you have...(Voted, too)
Looks like you're off to a good start. What is that beautiful flower that "came back from last year"? So unusual, and I love the color.
Oh, that is fantastic!!! I love how you have not 1 but 2 pieces of stemware filled with refreshment to cast your spell!! That is very classy! Yes, whatever you did it is working. Your plants are beautiful! And you are ahead of me on painting. My outdoor furniture is half painted, had way too much help(5 yr.old). But were getting there.;)
OMG!! You are a witch! :-D Sorry, I'm not trying to call you names... just saying that the magic spelling is working. :-)
Well, your outside space looks as wonderful and clean as your house inside. Congratulations!
The "flying" tomatoes thing looks easy and clean. Maybe I should try one (or two, I love this vegetabe/fruit) in my porch.
Can you tell us your secret spell? :-) Maybe it's lots of dedication, hard work, love and happines...
I mam going to get some spray paint tomorrow and "do" all my boring black metal containers orange or purple or yellow...I haven't made up my mind yet but thanks so much for the idea. Also, I am a great plant grower and onw of my secrets is composted cow manure, it's cheap and a great way to feed your plants and adds soil!
Begoluna, have you been talking to my hubs LOL?!!~ Nice to see you, it is nice to see an old RMS friend that I do not have touch with anymore. You and some others I really enjoy seeing, and others I do not see, I miss them too!!~ Have a great weekend:)
You are too funny! And my dh thinks I am nuts to take pics of food..I have to show him this!
Love the Krylon, Wal mart has the best price here..
That is a clematis in case no one id it yet. I don't know which one..something something Young? I didn't read all the comments so maybe someone told you already!
Great post, D!
Oooh! I just love the periwinkle blue! I am going to have to get some of that for sure! I have an Adirondack chair that is looking a bit worse for wear, and I think it would look perfect in this pretty color! Great flowers, too!
Debbie, that vine w/all the blooms is a clematis. I cannot grown those to save my life, so I am very envious, of that! I'm sure someone already told you that, but didn't have time to scan your comments tonight. Love these photos, you are too funny! That jasmine is looking pretty fantastic too! I'd say you have more of green thumb then you think!
Always enjoy your photos and blogs, it's just all so alive! Have a great remainder of the weekend.
Oh please share your Secret Power Head Gear. I am such a bad gardener. Yours is looking beautiful. Love the colour you sprayed your planter.
Same periwinke I used on the back door awsome with reds and yellows. And fencing too!! wink wink. The gal who bought our house asked us to sell the back patio area as is. So we are. less to deal with and she loved it all. those wobbly birds liked it to I am sure!
Can I borrow your headgear? I need help. BEAUTIFUL.
You Ms. Crafty-Decorator lady need to hop over and check out the new blog hop coming up with 504 Main and 4 other super fab blogs...I know you can do something cool with our products.
I'm guessing the plant is some kind of clemantis or honey-suckle.
I love the Debbie Doo shade of blue.
You casting your spell is the greatest shot. It should be included in your blog header. Really.
Aha, so that's how you make everything look so beautiful...secret powers!!! That was a very cute and funny post:) I love your new header BTW!!!
Vegas was sooo much fun! My man goes back to work tomorrow...sniffle sniffle...but I can catch up on all the blogging I missed:)
Cute post!! That picture of you is so funny. You look so different in that pic. I wish you would come cast your spell out on my back deck. It needs to be beautified soon!!
Oh I really enjoyed your post. It was so very light hearted. You should stop by my post for nothing more than to check out by blogger id.
Great post, fantastic pictures and mosaics! Love your garden to! Hope you have a wonderful new week!
Oh my how I wish I could do that too lol.
Family Portrait
The flower you ask... what it was I think its a clematis...my mom has a purple one.Trish
You have mastered your spell! YAY! Your plants look grgeat! And the planter box is adorable in blue
I love those chairs and your baskets will be splendid in such a short time!
What a riot...that spell you cast worked! I love your garden, love the butterfly from Michaels...it looks great in the planter. I'm going to try to find one here. Fun post!
Super photo essay and I love your use of secret powers. You garden is lovely and this is a great choice for MYM.
Here's mine.
I love the flowers! you did a great job. :)
Happy MYM!
Mine is here.
Oh we all are! We are immensely proud of you! I love that you do so many great things in the same time that i breathe and plan to breathe again! It is amazing :D
p.s. love the butterfly sitting there. the spell did work! and look how!!
i am green with envy and yellow with delight! i love your garden :-)
I love your work. You're so creative. Also, your plants that lovely flowers.
Lovely flowers and great post:)
Cute post, and lovely planter. You are creative and I enjoyed your photos.
What a pretty garden!! I love the paint color! I just saw in our KMart circular that Krylon paints are on sale for 2 for $7!! I will have to go and check it out!! I love to spray paint. Check out my Pink Saturday post for my latest spray paint project.
Amazing what a can of paint will do, and you chose the right color! Happy Blue Monday, Debbie.
You are too funny! Seriously, this gardening stuff is not so easy..love the periwinkle paint you used.
The planters turned out FabUlouSly.Random is GoOd, DebBie...RoCk oN;P
Your flowers look beautiful, Debbie! Love your new header,too! The pink flower you asked about is a clematis. And your jasmine vine looks awesome. I love jasmine and gardenia but they're annuals (or houseplants) here.
Happy Blue Monday and be sure to stop by my giveaway.
too funny! Debbie Debbie how does your garden grow...LOL can't wait to grow something this summer, even if it has to stay in the ot it came in all summer LOL
Love your sense of humor and your blue chairs (great minds think alike! http://websterupdate.blogspot.com/2010/04/this-weekend-and-updates-from-garden.html) Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment at Webster's Updates. Hope to see you again soon!
Hi Debbie,
Well, you're definitely doing something right - it all looks terrific!
I would say that your spells must be working. The vine is a clematis but i do not know the culivar. Keep those spells going and let us know how you are getting along. Valerie
Love, love that blue in your yard...come visit my blog and sign up for a chance to win a fairy garden door.
This was so fun to read and look through! Good for you - love it all and gotta look for one of those butterflies. Way to persevere!
Love the pictures...the plant you were asking about is a Clematis, we have grown them for years and they are beautiful!
Hi there! Thanks so much for visiting Finesse Your Nest and linking up to Shop The House Sunday! I absolutely love that periwinkle color. What a difference! Looks like you do have a green thumb after all. Love all your photography, beautiful!
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