Today I want to touch on Linkie parties. Are you a link and run type of gal? Or do you STOP and take the time to visit some others as well?
A lot of the larger linkie parties, the gals link and
run. Which means, hey if you want to come visit me great, I may visit you back.
I try to at least visit a couple of the participants. What I am finding though, is I get very little comments from these parties. Which tells me, who cares you joined anyhow. Now I ask, should I waste my time on some? Some parties are more intimate, like
Jenny Matlocks, those are just a few great examples of a
REAL linkie love party. ( Oh and did I mention me?)
You can always count on a wonderful support system of visitors and comments.
And you can always count on those lovely ladies visiting you.
In fact I have not even participated in Jenny's now in a week or so, just because I can't go visit all the participants and I feel bad if they come over to my blog and I do not return the favor, as most of those participants are not my regular following, so I normally do not even see them, except for that special day of participating with Miss Jenny. So Miss Jenny that is why you have not seen me. Time is a factor these days.
Now don't get me started on a few hostesses, as I already know how you gals feel about that one.
Some I have never even seen at my blog or
comment once, in 9 months.
I know, I know, they get hundreds of participants, so it may be impossible.
The majority of my comments, are all from you lovely loyal followers....which I DO LOVE YA!
It was like a light bulb went off, and I said to myself, do I really need to link to so many parties? It takes so much more time to do so.
WE ALL love comments, that seems to be a motivating factor for posting right? wrong? We look for feedback, advise, praise, showing off something special, a tip a trick, etc. etc.etc.
Nothing breaks my heart more than going over to a gal who linked to 5 parties and she may have very few comments if any sometimes. She may be a new blogger and looking for some activity, more of a following, etc.
How I got a following? I commented on many other blogs, many, many other blogs, this in turn may have brought the gal to me.Now I just about have time to visit all you lovely cool cats. And again, I do visit a few participants when I link up to a party.
I did however, early on join those follow me, follow you blogs, and that was nothing but a numbers game. I rarely ever saw those girls again. I will say I did receive a few, lovely loyal gals from just that. So it is
QUANTITY in my ever so humble opinion.
My topic is
LINKIE PARTIES. And gals none of this post is an actually fact, I am only speaking based on my experiences. You may have other feelings and experiences, and that is what I want to know and get some feedback.
Now for me it is time to shorten my list of parties to participate in. I love the parties that I feel a connection with the gals, I respect your time and what you have posted, and I truly want to take my time to make that visit. I do not like to feel like a little fish in a big pond sorta one CARES that Debbiedoo's joined your party! Therefore you won't miss me anyhow!

Labels: linkie parties, Open Forum