Grateful for so much!

SIs and I...many hairstyles later, much laughter, much the pixie cuts when we where small.
I am Grateful for so very much in my life!~ But first and foremost, I am grateful to my Mom for choosing to have me, at the very young age of 16. She gave up most of her life for that choice, and I don't tell her often, but I want to thank her for that decision, as I know it was not easy to have a baby, when in fact you are a baby yourself at that age. We had our struggles, sure we did, I think Mom's and daughters in general have difficulties at some point,we just happened to be closer in age when they where happening:). I love you Mom! My Mom worked very hard as a waitress to support my sister and I after the divorce from my Father. We had absolutely everything and more that most kids had with two parents. We always came first.~ Four years apart are my sister and I, which again, I may not always tell her how much I love her, and am thankful to have her. She is truly my best friend! Sis and I are always there for each other, when the goings get tough, I can call her, knowing there is no judgment, no fault blamed and she is there to listen. She knows me better than I know myself, We are cool like that!~ I love you Ang! My life is so blessed in so many ways, I almost sometimes question it, how did I get so lucky?..... to have an awesome family, awesome Husband who is also my best friend! and no matter what loves me unconditionally, with all my faults and all! And my boys, they are the best sons a mOther can ask for! (talk to me in a couple of years ,I will let you know how that is going). I have many friends, whom in which I am grateful for. But in all honesty at the end of the day, it is our family that is truest to my heart. I love you Mike, Alex and Jack XXXOOO! Oh and LUcy too! I don't have her picture sorry Luc!
Labels: Gratitude, My boys, my family, My husband, my Mom, My sister, things to be thankful for
Great post! Family is very special. Thanks for sharing your story!
Very sweet post.
There's nothing like the love of family. :)
Great post. I know your mom is so proud of you!
There's truly nothing that compares to family, is there? I know I certainly love mine and I can tell you do too! May God's blessings be upon all your family!
Love is the most important thing in life. You are very blessed with a great family and you have in turn blessed us all by allowing us in to your home and your life. So I am greatful to have met you and to continue to get to know you and your family. Hugs to you!
Ah Debbie,
What a wonderful family you have been blessed with! Your Mom and Sis are so pretty. I am very touched by this post and so glad I have found your blog Debbie! You are definitely one of God's gems!
Great post Deb. Family is more important than anything and I know my family is scattered and not close enough.
Your Mom is very special. Which makes you and your sister that way too! I bet you make her heart with pleasure fill.
Really a lovely's something we should remember to be grateful for everyday! Thanks for sharing!
This was such a wonderful post. It's great to see so much love in a family! :)
This is a such a sweet post! I couldn't agree with you is everything. I have that sister bond too (I have 2 sisters), so I know exactly what you mean.
Thanks for your kind words on my blog. I'll be following you.
I've heard from other women about going through "stages" with their moms as they were growing up. Then as adults they become best friends with their mom.
You obviously share a special bond with your mom and sister. It's great to be so close to your family.
omg iam crying i hope iam not dieing
this was so touching iam so glad i seen it in writeing lol:0 well i would not have had a life with out you and ang that is a fact i love both of you with all my heart and soul well this is the best gift of all to know you realize it not many parents get to know how their kids really feelwhile they are still around Iam the proudest mother in the wourld to know how my 2 loveing Daughters turned out and two have 2 wonderful Grandsons and an awsome soninlaw Love moma yes you are truely GODS gems
Awww Mom, tears of joy I am thinking, they should be...Ang and I turned out pretty good huh? Well we have YOU to thank!~ XXX 000
AWWWW, you made me cry too! Love you both! XO XO
Debbie darling thanks so much for sharing your story. You have a lovely family and an amazing mum for all she has done for her children, my tiara is off to her. Family is the most importaant element of life. I am delighted you were blessed with a fine one.
Love & Hugs
What a beautiful family, and how beautifully you spoke of each family member. Very touching. laurie
Hi Debbie!
What a beautiful family! I wanted to cry when your were talking about your Mom! So sweet. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us!
Hi Debbie,
You said it all so well. It's all about FAMILY! My hubby and I were discussing family and siblings in general about 5 minutes ago. I could go on and on, but you've got it good, and I'm slightly envious! My family (my sisters and I) aren't as close as I'd like. Choices and lifestyles can drive people apart. BUT, my two girls are 7 years apart in age and as close as two sisters ever were. It makes me so happy! We have our little family, and my hubby's relatives, and I feel we are so blessed to have them in our lives.
Thank you so much for linking in, and for starting this conversation!!
Have a great week!
Heidi - Heart and Home
Awwww, such a sweet post! And your mom's comment almost made me cry.
Wonderful tribute to your family Debbie --they will be honored to read this! We often don't tell the ones around us that we love them as much as we should ..nice job!
debbie, thanks so much for visiting my blog again the other day...i love comments! you family is precious! your story is heartwarming..
such a sweet post. l love it!
What a great post. It makes us all stop be thankful for our family too.
OMGoodnes... I'm so happy you found me, because now I can follow you. I love your blog, and will definitely catch up on some reading.
Thank you for stopping by CoachYourMind and sharing your thoughtful comment. Such a bummer about the bb team, but glad to hear he found success at the Y.
Thanks again for saying hi.
Oh, family is just another way God shows he knows us, He gives us the things we need and want by giving us a family. great postLezlee
My mother had me at 16 we have that in common.
I loved what you wrote on this post. It was so heartfelt. You are a sweetie!
Wonderful tribute to your mom. So very sweet and makes me think of my own. She has enjoyed watching me live my life and do things she never got to do...she had me soon after she turned 18.
PS-You are too funny...I have followed people before without "following" until one day I realized (I am pretty sure I follow you...I'll check) and I have been unfollowed a lot this week...maybe people are Spring cleaning.
Yes, you certainly do have a lot to be grateful for! You are a very lucky lady. Your mama is beautiful and she has two equally beautiful daughters:)
I enjoyed reading that meme, Debbie and getting to know you just a bit better.
Your mom should have standing ovation. She obviously did a great job, while young and alone. Cudos!!
Beautiful sentiment, and inspiring post to reflect on the blessing in our lives, Debbie!
Family and friends is what makes you complete :)
What a great post, a beautiful story about a great lady ~ your mom! You and your sis are so blessed to have a wonderful mom! ~Marcy
Hi Debbie!
Very touching! Thank-you for sharing your heart!
THESE are the IMPORTANT things.....
Happy Gratitude Day!
That is just the sweetest tribute to your family:-)
Oh - please excuse me, Debbie -- I'm blind. This post is so touching. It's wonderful to hear a daughter speak so highly of her mother, because as a mother also -- you know how tough it can be at times, huh? Your mother is a very brave woman, and I wish that I knew her personally. You make up quite the threesome, don't you??? You are also all so cute and photogenic. This post touched my heart and I want to thank you so much for sharing it on the Boardwalk Bragfest!
Wonderful pictures and post!
Funny when I think of pixie haircuts, I think of Prell shampoo!
Hi Debbie, What a beautiful post. The three of you look so much alike and all of you are lovely.
This is definately something to brag about for the Bragfest. Have a great day...julie
such a wonderful and heartwarming post! all credits goes to your mom for bringing up two lovely daughters! and for inspiring you to become the mom as you are right now! :) love this post!
So sweet! Im glad I stopped by, you made my day!! I stay home with my daughter and sometimes I think we see too much of each other :) My mom has always been my best friend and I hope my daughter and I will be the same. It's a fine line to walk sometimes.
All the BEST!
What a wonderful post!! Love the montage of pictures too!
I am truly heartful HAPPY for you and your family. I have no cherish you and so do we, all your bloggin buddies. You never cease to bring a smile to our face and joy to our lives..I know personally I am happy to be in the same world with you.
Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to leave such warm, loving comments, I know it means a lot to my Mom and family as well....XXX000
I'm so happy that you are bragging about your family. Stuff just isn't the same as a great family. Good for you and you all are beautiful!
Relationships are great blessings, aren't they!
What a great post. I'm so glad you joined us for thankful Thursday today.
I love this. It made me cry for a bit- ah!
i LOVE the picture with your mum, you and your sister- you girls are very pretty!
I love this post. How very precious is each individual life and how special a mother, sister, and family you have. Some times the heart just overflows and is overwhelmed with gratefulness? Words can't always capture it, but you did a pretty great job with yours. Thank you for sharing this.
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