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About Giveaways and a catch!

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Debbiedoo's: About Giveaways and a catch!


Diy, thrifty home decor decorating ideas on a budget. Painting furniture, stenciling projects. Turning trash to treasure.

Friday, October 1, 2010

About Giveaways and a catch!

 HA, there is no catch, read on.......
So we all see giveaways so often out here in Blog land. One of the driving factors is to get more of a new following most of the time.

I have done two giveaways since my blog opening back in January. One was my personal handbags that I did not use anymore, and the second one was a CSN giveaway. CSN has been a big giveaway deal out here. The internet shopping store is awesome! I will say that. I recently had a choice of a review or a giveaway. I chose the review. My code was for $60.00 which is pretty generous. I was not sure what I would get with it, and after pondering I wound up with some awesome bar stools. Two for 60.00! Can you believe that? After tax and shipping they cost me 10.00.

I have another opportunity coming up again soon, at THAT  time I will be doing a giveaway instead of a review and that comes, WITHOUT any criteria at all. What I mean by that is you will NOT have to follow me in order to participate and possibly win. I want my following to be a loyal, more authentic following. One of which, we engage with one another on occasion, share ideas, inspire one another. Kinda like my reality life. Peeps are NOT my friend because I give them something.  I care about friendships, showing kindness to one another, perhaps inspiring. So,based on my experience which is not much, giveaways and a new loyal following really do not come hand and hand, IMO.
You do know, I can share a good craft, I can share a bad craft, I can share a smile, a lending ear, and I can offer you my friendship...and on occasion a good story to tell. Oh and let's not forget the advise I need on occasion.

So I am just putting it out there, that my next giveaway comes without any stipulations at all!
NOW, if you want to follow me, that makes it authentic to me. Some of the gals who did choose to follow me, during my giveaways, I actually thought it was a start of new friendships and interaction, I only felt a disappointment to see them unfollow me after the giveaway. So based on that, and not that alone, I have decided two things. I will only participate in giveaways that I  already follow the blog , or I will only participate in a giveaway if I really like the blog and want to follow. It will not be based on the GIVEAWAY stipulation.....gosh I hate rules I just realized that HAHAHA!!~  One disclosure I would like to make, is I have no problem with the giveaways on other blogs and their criteria. I only speak on my behalf, my personal feelings, and my personal experience.  You will never see a giveaway again on my blog with a become a new follower stipulation.
Sorry if I am off base, or offend anyone by my feelings...feel free to share your own on this...perhaps we can learn from one another's thought process. One more thing I would like to add is I went back to my giveaway posts and looked at all the entries who were new followers.  Based on 207 entries, and around 40 new followers, I have seen one gal since, and a lot of the others unfollowed me. So these are my own stats, and again based on my experience and thoughts on this.

HEY here are my new barstools!!~ They are getting a mini makeover, because the top was a little too light.

These are just a sneak peek, I have some projects brewing here at Witchville Debbiedoos!
DON'T forget about my GARAGE SALEN PARTY....I am seeing some awesome scores this week.  I have to tell you too, this week my hubs and I went thrifting, and let me just say some of you gals really score on your prices, because I saw some of the same stuff I see out here,  for a lot of money.  I told my husband I know too much about thrifting now and prices. Or maybe I am just too CHEAP!

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Blogger Jane, Naples, Florida said...

I love this post and your idea of
not having to follow to enter a
giveaway. I am going to copy you
and do the same for my next giveaway! Thank you for this...

PS I also love the stools! Great

Flora Doora

October 1, 2010 at 1:31 PM  
Blogger Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas said...

Oh my goodness... Count me in!
Have a terrific weekend!

October 1, 2010 at 1:35 PM  
Blogger Jemsmom said...

You are brilliant. I don't even enter in a lot of giveaways because I don't necessarily follow that blog or want to. I am trying to keep blogland as simple as possible! Sometimes that is soooo hard! You are a clever one!

October 1, 2010 at 1:40 PM  
Blogger Mel said...

I'm already your friend (follower) :)

I recently had a giveaway and I really wanted the gift to go to someone that was already following me. I figured it was my way of saying thank you for liking me and my stuff regardless of if I had a gift to offer you.

Turns out only 6 people entered, so the odds of winning were pretty good.

I have only entered giveaways on blogs that I already follow.

I did have someone follow me in order to be included in the giveaway, she obviously didn't read my "current follower" stipulation. When I went to her blog, it turns out that she trolls for giveaways and enters any she can find. I thought it was amusing.

October 1, 2010 at 1:45 PM  
Blogger Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

There you go reading my mind again. Crazy how you can do that! Count me in. Such fun around here :)

October 1, 2010 at 1:48 PM  
Blogger Pam - @diy Design Fanatic said...

I don't enter a lot of giveaways either, but I love CSN! I won one of the few giveaways I have entered over at DIY SHowoff awhile back and got a great rug for my walk in closet!

October 1, 2010 at 1:48 PM  
Blogger Pam - @diy Design Fanatic said...

I forgot to tell you, I love your new bar stools!

October 1, 2010 at 1:49 PM  
Blogger Pam Kessler said...

Now you got me wondering what you are doing with the barstools?

I think it's weird that it seems a lot of stuff that goes on in blogland revolves around the number of "followers" you have. It seems like such an arbitrary thing to focus on, since followers can be "bought" (yes, I like air quotes) - the you follow me, I follow you type things. And just because someone "follows" you does not mean they actually read you or for that matter actually follow you in any traditional sense. So why all the focus on this somewhat meaningless number?

Now, I would assume advertising possibilities and revenues would revolve more on how many visits or page views you get each day rather than how many "followers" you have. I mean if you have 500 followers, but only 30 visits per day that tells the advertisers that you are not as read as your follower number would suggest and their exposure would not be as great.

October 1, 2010 at 2:29 PM  
Blogger Kathy@ Gone North said...

Know something, I think that post says a lot about your character. I really enjoy your blog, am so new to this that I am not quite sure on the etiquite about it all....
Thanks... (PS.. again so new I am not sure how to join the party :).. the whole grab a button thing... I will spend some time, figure it all out & join the garage salen on Fridays :)

October 1, 2010 at 2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so right about giveaways and Followers. I do not follow any blog just for a giveaway, I only follow if it's a blog I've just connected to and I want to Follow them.

I recently received an email from someone pretty new to blogland, saying she was having a giveaway and didn't have many people sign up. I loved that email so much that I went to her blog, loved it, and signed on to Follow. Not because of the giveaway, but because of her.

I think of Followers like the numbers on the scale - those numbers change (although it's not easy to see the fluctuations), but I'm still the same person. Numbers (Followers) can change on our blog but we are still the same blogger, with or without the giveaway. That's probably a bad comparison because we want to see the scale numbers go down - usually, and the people that like to Follow our blog - numbers go up. Geeze, I was making a point and between the crazy lines.

Now that I've bored you with this little essay, Follow me because you love me and my crazy blog, not because of a giveaway. And,I know you already, not just do, but Debbiedoos!

October 1, 2010 at 2:36 PM  
Blogger mle said...

I love that you speak your mind - many times it's what people are already thinking anyway but haven't voiced. I prefer quality vs quantity too : )
thanks for hosting this giveaway - & your stools are great!

October 1, 2010 at 2:43 PM  
Blogger Linda @ A La Carte said...

Well you know I am with you on this one!! I am currently having a giveaway for my followers (meaning the one's who follow because they like my blog) and yet I suddenly have over 10 new followers? Were they lurking but not following or just trolling for giveaways. I don't want it even advertised on other blogs. Sigh...but I digress....I agree with all you say and I understand wanting followers but I want those who like my blog not just my giveaway. So that said I love the bar stools...great bargain and is this where we enter or is this just the rant or what? I am so confused...well I'm that way a lot! Love you Debbie and you are one of the most genuine bloggers I've met!!!

October 1, 2010 at 3:04 PM  
Blogger MJ said...

Your so awesome Deb, thats why Im a loyal follower. Giveaways or not. I havent had one because If I want to give something I'll email you and give it to someone who I think would enjoy it. One day I will try this giveaway thing....until then I'll let you be the trailblazer.

I may not have alot of follower but I know the ones I have werent because I was giving something away. I understand your disappointment...your blog is so fun I dont know how anyone would un-follow. thats just rude.
but its been done to me too.
As we up her in the tri-state say girl " fagetaboutit".

Those stools are sooooo nice and rustic. Cant wait for the reveal.

October 1, 2010 at 3:04 PM  
Blogger Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

I like those and that was a great deal! I wish someone would contact me again for a review or giveaway. I know what you mean about some folks taking the time to unfollow. I think that is so silly.

October 1, 2010 at 3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie! I hear you loud and clear! You know, I feel the same as you about followers. I believe we all get excited about having our followers grow but like you, I had rather have people follow my blog because they want to not because it takes that to get entered in a giveaway! I see lots of folks ask you be a follower to be entered in a giveaway and I know it's a way to build your followers list, but I don't like it.
And like you, if you're going to have a giveaway - just have a giveaway. I've been to some of the blogs I love and they want you to go here and do this and then come back and do that. Then post here...blah blah blah...I just go away!
Well, I've written you a short story! I want true followers too.
Now I love your bar stools and congrats on the giveaway!! :)
Be a sweetie,
shelia ;)

October 1, 2010 at 3:27 PM  
Blogger Charlene Austin said...

Hey Debbie....I visit your blog OFTEN as you are in my Google Reader. I don't actually do the "follow" thing because it doesn't notify me when someone posts. This is why I love GR and have it as my home page.

I'm not big into the "number" game either and I post when I have something to share. If I remember haha. It makes it more enjoyable that way for me.

Anywhoooo....I just wanted to say that I visit your blog as often as you post but I'm just not much of a commenter. I haven't been able to join in on the Garage Salen' Partay because it seems like our city shuts down on GS's mid summer. I can't wait for spring to start getting out again. I love that you still have the party.

CSN emailed me months ago but I never replied cuz I didn't really know what it was all about. Interesting though.

October 1, 2010 at 3:40 PM  
Blogger Vanessa said...

I just keep likin' you more and more! You are always authentic and keep things real and I so appreciate that. You are a great example to we newbies out there in the blogging community. Thanks so much!

October 1, 2010 at 3:48 PM  
Blogger Katlyn said...

I will admit , a giveaway is what brought me to you but I AM HERE TO STAY! I LOVE looking at everything you have going on and all of the great crafty things you do. I am trying to get more into this kind of stuff and find that you have been a great inspiration. Thanks for all you do!

October 1, 2010 at 4:01 PM  
Blogger Randi said...

No wonder I love coming here! It's refreshing to find someone who would rather have a few followers who remember why they love coming here, than a whole herd of followers who can't remember what you gave away to begin with.

Oh, and I thought of you this morning when I was watching the news and it said the Carolinas have been inundated with rain. All ok in your neck of the woods?

October 1, 2010 at 5:00 PM  
Blogger Blessed Serendipity said...

I would love to be entered and I promise not to unfollow you. ;)


October 1, 2010 at 5:10 PM  
Blogger Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

Those are the bars tools I want and have been looking for but didn't find them that cheap!!! Awesome!

October 1, 2010 at 5:17 PM  
Blogger Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

I so agree with you that I really only want someone to follow me if they feel that we have something in common or that they enjoy my posts. I never follow someone for a giveaway. That is just not right. To follow for a gift seems very wrong to me. Anyway, this is just my opinion. I would love to be entered in your giveaway. Your bar stools are fantastic. I really like them. I love rush seats. Hugs, Marty

October 1, 2010 at 5:39 PM  
Blogger Melissa Miller said...

Goodness gracious Debbie am I reading your post correctly? You are NOT having a giveaway right now right? LOL! Your new stools look so pretty in your kitchen.

I have followed for giveaways, been asked to enter giveaways countless times and won so many giveaways I've lost count. Believe me I'm beyond grateful for that. To make a long story short I try not to enter them anymore. I seriously feel guilty as I did not start blogging for freebies or for promotions on my blog or advertising for that matter. I enjoy hosting giveaways though! I LOVE to give gifts to my friends and if that means they are followers well then...Hmmmmm? Confusing isn't it? *Smiles*

Happy weekend! ~Melissa :)

October 1, 2010 at 5:54 PM  
Blogger Traci said...

Thanks so much for keeping it really do have an inspiring and creative blog. What a great example you set for other bloggers!

October 1, 2010 at 5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel the exact same as you. I want people to "follow" me only because they want to know me, not because of what I can give them.

I only sign up for giveaways if I am already a follower and it is something I would really, really like to have.

Thanks for keeping it real ;o)

October 1, 2010 at 6:03 PM  
Blogger ~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Great toolbars, Debbie! I understood completely about making authentic friends, and I occasional visiting..Have a great weekend!

October 1, 2010 at 6:33 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

You are awesome and I love the stools you choose. They look great.
We ordered Tony's bed from CSN and love it!!
Have a great weekend.

October 1, 2010 at 6:43 PM  
Blogger Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dear Debbie,

So glad I got to visit with you again. We lived some rough times but hope now things settle again, my love had a quadruple bypass on Sept. 2nd.

Sending you lots of love from Georgia,


October 1, 2010 at 7:04 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

I agree with your feelings. many blogs make you jump through hoops and spreading the word bugs me, as of course the more that enter the worse your chances are. I do not mind if it is a really big prize or something I REALLY WANT to win. Anyway, I am following, and I do not go junking every week
(disabled and do not have a car at my disposal 90% of the time) but I'd like to start sharing some of my finds.
so I'll be back sometime over the weekend with some pictures of my recent finds...I'll spread them out til I go again, LOL
Please come visit me. I have giveaways open til midnight tonight on my PRACTICAL MAGIC Party post.
and I am getting ready for the MAGICAL & PERFECTLY ENCHANTED HALLOWEEN PARTY ON 10/16 with a giveaway. and The I am going to do a HUGE giveaway as I have recently surpassed 100 followers and 5,000 hits, and 100 posts.
The prizes are geared for crafters, especially paper crafters...just in case you are interested. :) see you in 24 hours or so.


October 1, 2010 at 7:43 PM  
Blogger NanaDiana said...

Thanks DebbieDoo! I, personally, would never think of entering a giveaway unless I was following someone...but that's jsut me.

What I really like about coming here is your honesty-just total transparency...what you see is what you get...that's why I am here for by blog life,baby...and maybe beyond;>)

Sooooo...what am I signing up for?>) Hugs-Diana

October 1, 2010 at 8:01 PM  
Blogger the cape on the corner said...

hmm. now i have a conundrum. i was very excited to have a giveaway, and to see if people who were lurking would follow if that was part of the giveaway. i only enter the giveaways i want, and i follow if i have already been reading, but not following. so clearly i already like their blog. i had 1 simple goal with doing a giveaway-that i wouldn't do one before i hit 100, to see if i could do it on my own. now i'm almost at 200, on my own. i already know i can not handle losing followers, it totally depresses me. but i have never unfollowed anyone, yet we clearly know people do that. debbie, now what should i do? oh no!

October 1, 2010 at 8:37 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I totally agree with you Debbie! I would rather have someone follow me because they like my blog. I've had two CSN giveaways where I offered following as an extra entry, but wasn't necessary to enter. I pretty much followed the example of other bloggers because that's how I thought it was done. I doubt I would do that for any future giveaways. I also rarely enter giveaways unless I'm invited to one by a friend...I wouldn't follow just for a giveaway, If I follow it's because I like the blog or the person writing the blog. :)

October 1, 2010 at 8:58 PM  
Blogger FLOWERSHOPGURL said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

October 1, 2010 at 9:31 PM  
Blogger FLOWERSHOPGURL said...

Hi Debbie, You are always right on with your posts. I don't want to follow someone just because they are having a giveaway, I follow someone because I find their blog interesting and something I can relate to. You and your blog, well, I think you already know that I really relate to you and love your blog. Keep on doing what you are doing and having these conversations with us, I love it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

October 1, 2010 at 9:33 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Hey Deb, I was at: hair appt for me, volunteering at school library then back to salon for the girls hair appts today, hope to post my garage salen post tomorrow. I love you so much because you are an authentic person, and I have always been drawn to you because I feel you are a kindred spirit. I too want authentic relationships, and I have always felt that with you. So, I want you to know that I thank God to know you and I feel blessed to be your friend.
Love you!

October 1, 2010 at 11:01 PM  
Blogger Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

loved your post...I have lots of giveaways, becasue I love to give and have easy access as my shop is at my house...but I will not enter a giveaway that requires you to do anything and particularly not 20 things....I never ask anyone to do anything but comment and they are entered....period..I don't want them to feel like they have to follow, as I have no clue where we are going...I think the follow is a bit funny....
You always have great posts....


October 1, 2010 at 11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deb!! This post is awesome!! You have a really large heart and are so mighty sensible! I love you!

October 1, 2010 at 11:53 PM  
Blogger The Heskew Happenings said...

I refuse to follow blogs just because they are giving away things! I have so many favorites that it is hard for me to even keep up with them much less add some that I don't like! Thanks for your candid honesty! :)

October 2, 2010 at 12:57 AM  
Blogger Traditions By The Seasons said...

I feel the same as you...YOU GO GIRL!! You always express yourself from the heart which is what I love about you. YOU ARE REAL!! =)

I need to do a giveaway soon to celebrate a year of blogging and will most likely do the same as you!

Count me in sista! ;)

Love your barstools!! XO ~Liz

October 2, 2010 at 8:17 AM  
Blogger The Decorative Dreamer said...

Oh I love your barstools. I had been offered a review about a month ago from CSN and forgot all about it! I wonder if it's too late to do it now? It was not for as much as yours but still! HMM? Anywho, I have very mixed feelings about these giveaways. I want to have a giveaway for my regular followers not just people who have only added me for the giveaway then again it is a great way to also add a new friend or find a new blog you may not have noticed before. Because we all know how word gets around quick when someone is having a giveaway in blogland! LOL! Like I said it's a mixed bag!

October 2, 2010 at 8:56 AM  
Blogger Anne said...

I love a great giveaway just like anyone else, but there are some giveaways where I'd really like to enter, but I'm put off because of all the friggin' steps you have to take to enter!!! There was one recently that had about 8 ways to enter...too much work in my book!

October 2, 2010 at 9:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is a great idea Debbie! I myself have only done a few giveaways. I get so upset when people just follow my blog to get the giveaway and then stop following me after it is over. I love seeing new followers but it is not worth it if they aren't dedicated. For my next giveaway I am going to keep it as simple as possible.

October 2, 2010 at 2:02 PM  
Blogger Cat said...

I think this is a really good idea and one that I will follow when I do a giveaway too! :)

October 2, 2010 at 7:09 PM  
Blogger Shari @ My Cottage of Bliss said...

I rarely enter giveaways because I've never won anything in my life but I agree with you--giveaways that require you to become a follower really rub me the wrong way too. It's so transparent. The blogger might as well just say, "I'm not having a giveaway to be generous; I just want increase my followers so I look like a popular blogger."

BUT...have you seen this yet? The blogger who hosts a weekly party but stipulates you must be a follower to link up! Thanks but no thanks.

Cool barstools, btw!

October 2, 2010 at 11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok this is confession time- I love giveways!! I will follow if I like the blog or think I will- I haven't unfollowed anyone. I do dislike the giveaways where you have to jump through 100 hoops and will maybe comment but not do the 100 hoops- just too tiring!! Now if it is for a silhouette machine or something wonderful like that- hhhmmm yes- I'll go through hoops!

I have had several giveaways and a comment is all I ask for !

I am actually trying to figure out how to take the number of my follower list- It seems like some blogs out there don't actually have the number of followers listed and I think that would be nice as I really am not much of a numbers gal- pretty much flunked algebra and above!

Am a happy follower here at your place!

bee blessed

October 2, 2010 at 11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOps! not much good at spelling either! that should have been trying to take the number thing OFF my follower list!

October 2, 2010 at 11:16 PM  
Blogger Domestic Diva said...

Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

I'm all about non-obligatory following.

October 3, 2010 at 1:30 PM  
Blogger chris said...

I love your blog-ship policy. What irritates me most is when someone asks me to friend them on facebook or friend the person who made said giveaway. And I can't blog about them because I don't blog.. I just read them and get great ideas from a bunch of God loving crafty peeps.

Thats my peace.

October 3, 2010 at 3:01 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

I love that you keep it real.

October 4, 2010 at 12:57 AM  
Blogger CathyH said...

I'm following and think you are delightful! I don't always keep up with reading but always check in from time to time :) The giveaways are a blast but it's also nice to see what nice and creative people are writing about.

October 5, 2010 at 10:48 PM  
Blogger saltbox

Hi. I agree with you. If/when I have a giveaway; it will be simple . . . leave a comment, no stipulations.
Looking forward to reading more of your blog.
~ Julie

October 8, 2010 at 11:46 AM  
Blogger Mary Ann said...

I have never followed a blog because of a giveaway. I have never won diddly, however, I still try for the giveaway if its something I want or can use, just not random things. Count me in on this one.

October 10, 2010 at 12:29 PM  

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