Change is good! please tell me YeS!~
Only for several hours, but with that being said it was a bad several hours.
Talk about petrified. I actually could not speak for over an hour. No words would come out of my mouth.
Ask my husband!
Debbiedoo's is still not solely mine.
Not to mention, there are always problems with blogger, commenting, adding to my blog roll, and just day to day annoying stuff.
From what I hear, Word press is user friendly and there are a lot more things you can do on your blog.
we shall see.
BlogHer is the leading cross-platform media network created by, for and with women social media leaders.*
I see some have done so.
It is work, in a sense, a fun enjoyable sense.
I finally feel like I have a job, a job that I love to do.
I get to share all my silly ideas with you and even get some chuckles in here and there.
I get free products and I love to test them out. Then I get to share with you what I like or do not like about them.
Well, you certainly see what I share here with you.
I am pretty content with the little I am making.
I feel as though I have grown as a person. NOT changed, but grown!~
I have felt that actually since starting the Newbie party and helping other bloggers grow as well.
It was time for me to grow with you, in my own way.
I see some high opinions out there about blogs with ads, content, their parties they throw, etc. basically what they just do not care for. Hey, I respect that, but really I am in no place to judge, and never was.
I tried that route before too. Early on into blogging, I just did not get it!
Don't look at them is what I say. Let's face it, you only have 152,395.00 {really have no clue how many} other
Home and garden blogs to choose from.
As long as the blog is neat,orderly and has good content, that's the ticket!
I hope you see it that way too.
I am so scared and excited at the same time about this transfer. Am I going to lose friends and readers? I sure hope not.
I know there is no longer the google friend connect.
So please, find a way, through linky, email, bloglovin, facebook. I will be here, and hopefully my blog post get directed to the new blog accordingly.
Thank you for listening and being part of my day to day life.
Your friendship and loyalty mean a lot to me.
If you are a word press blog I would love to hear your opinions, even if you are NOT, I still would love to hear your input.

Change is good...I just hope I don't get lost!! New friend through LINKY!!
I am looking forward to seeing how it works for you. I have been contemplating the move to Word Press myself in the future. Of course I will follow you there!
I have signed up with Linky to other Word Press bloggers, but I also found out at this time, I can still follow Word Press bloggers on Google READER...not Google Friends Connect.
Deb....seriously, I think you are making a wise move. I researched this all a while back and agree with you on the blogger changes I see out there in the future. This totally makes sense. I'm sure I will find your new one as I follow you already over on FB and BlogLovn'. Does this mean you are going off Google #. Which by the way, I do not like at all. I may be in for a change once things settle down and I get back from the beaches of Florida. Keep doing what you are doing. Glad to see a few pennies flowing in for supplies. I just adore the way you post, snap pics and write.
Thank you Kate, that means a lot to me. Thank you to all of you:)
Well said, everything will be fine and you will make even more friends.I have already joined you on linky. Have to have a little DebbieDoo's with that morning coffee.I look forward to seeing you in wordpress.
Debs! Whatever you do, I'll find you!!! lol Good luck with the transfer.
Debbie, I have been contemplating moving to WP also, but it's another expense for my blog (mostly a hobby, not so much a money maker) that I'd have to spend so I'm debating. I'm happy to hear how your blog has grown over time and that you're able to make a little money from it!! You totally deserve it for all the hard work you put into the blog and the projects you share. Best wishes on your move....I may be following suite!
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I'll be walking that new journey right along with you. I just initiated my move yesterday and like you, I am nervous about it. My husband was talking to an acquaintance, who happens to be a web designer, over the weekend and he said it is a no-brainer. That WP is 1000 x the better way to go and user friendly. I don't know what is going on with GFC. I still get all of the WP blog posts in my Blogger dashboard and tried it out by following someone yesterday on a WP blog using GFC and it let me! Who knows...just another example of uneasiness with Blogger.
Keep doing what you are doing. You are great!
Yes they say change is good.
I follow you through Linky and google and, and ,and.
I am leaving it up to you to see the changes in Word Press.
You are at least the third person this week that I know that is changing to WP. I can't wait to hear what you think. I have been completely unable to back up my blog (even following your instructions to a T). Months ago it worked, but haven't been able to do it since. That freaks me out daily.
Well, you can get on it and let me know how it goes and I may switch later in the year.
Yay!! I just switched to WordPress about a week ago...loving it so far, and I am such a baby blog compared to yours! Can't wait to see what's in store for you!
I'm proud of you. Change is good. I've been thinking about doing the same. I look forward to being with your through any change you go through. Blogging friends forever, my friend!! You are going to thrive!!!
i hope it makes signing in easyer i have to go to google dashboard now to sign in .It took me awhile to figure out even how to do it lol
Hi Deb, never fear. Everyone that visits you and likes you will be back and will head your way. I don't ever think it is good to make decisions based on fear of change, or what if's...I think you are doing the right thing. Blogging is it's own world, but we have to set the standards in it while we are doing it and not let IT dictate how we should blog, or be held back because it IS A SACRIFICE (losing followers). I am glad someone has hit this topic head on. You have to set your own standard...most of us are finding our way too. I decided long ago not to follow the Blog trend...but to set my own standards while following the blog pattern. (In sewing terms..I'm using blog patterns, but using my own material and making it my way!)
I think a year from now you will look back and be so happy you did what you did!
Go Girl!
Look forward to hearing all about how you like the changes. I will find you somewhere. Hugs, marty
I wish you the best with whatever you do.. I have you on the bloglovin thing so hopefully I can find you..
Hi Debbie,
You know I will follow you where ever you go. I adore you and your blog. :-)
Good luck with your new move. Please let us know. I've heard good and bad about WordPress, so it will be nice to hear it from you.
Debbie, I just started blogging in November, so I am very new. I'm also a baby geek. With that being said, I use Wordpress and really enjoy it. It's configurable, has an easy to use interface and really does have some very nice features. Right now, I'm not even using one of the premium themes, and I'm able to "change the look up" quickly and easily.
Rest assured that your followers will still be there. We will follow you, no matter which platform you're using.
If you have any questions in particular, feel free to email me. I'd be happy to answer you. And, if I don't know the answer, I'll try to find it for you!
Liz Chaisson Thompson
Hi Debbie, you will "Rock" the new move just like you rock everything else. Good luck and your friends will always be here for you!
Change is great! I was on blogger about a week and my wise son, signed me up for GoDaddy and wordpress and I love it! I'm sure I only use 1% of what's out there, but I love what I am using! Don't worry, change is great!
Have a wonderful day,
Good luck with the transition over to Word Press Debbie. I have considered it too. I would love to hear more about Blogher. Have a great day!
I'll be sure to follow any way I can. You were the very first Blogger to reach out to me and I have been following ever since! Debbiedoo's - You ROCK!
I'll also be paying close attention, as I don't have a clue as to what I'm doing, but am also interested in Wordpress. Blessings!
Best of luck with your move over to WP, Debbie! From what I've seen of other bloggers that made the move, they have been very happy with it. I'm sure you'll pick it up quickly and it will give your blog a more professional look.
I'm sticking with Blogger as blogging is more hobby than work to me, but I agree some of their recent changes have been aggravating.
Wishing you much success! :)
Hi Debbie...I totally love reading your blog, but I have no idea what your talking about, lol...I'm just one of your faithful followers, which brings me to my panicky question...where would I find your blog now? would you live directions or an "idiot's guide to how to follow an awesome blogger" somewhere? Please do! Because I don't want to loose contact with you. Good Luck with your change! as long as you believe in yourself, everything will be fine...the rest will follow!!! Big hug! Lizy
The new feeds should be redirected to the new blog, that is what I am told. So hopefully it will work out that way. Thanks everyone!
I am anxious FOR you, Debbie, but also proud of you for moving forward. You have such a good blog and I know that you will not lose your following. One way or another, we will all find you~ xo Diana
Good Morning my young friend..Girl no matter where you go people will follow's not about blogger typepad or word press it all about you girl and how much we love ya..You'll be wonderful no matter where your at..
I see your blog growing to where you can make a living from it..Just the other day I was reading about the Pioneer woman and she makes over a million a year just blogging..Your right up there with her my friend..
Just keep doing what you do reaching out to people..Hugs and smiles Gloria
I've been thinking of switching to WP, but haven't had the guts to do it yet. I do own my own domain and the move from blogspot to that was enough to give me hives. So I'll wait and see if your move goes smoothly.
I really don't think that the people who sign up to "follow" us on our blogs actually use GFC to actually read us. It's more of a "I like you" thing, than a functional reading tool (or maybe I am the only person in the world who doesn't use it for reading blogs). There are so many other ways to read blogs - readers, facebook, twitter, just bookmarking the blog pages, etc, that I think GFC and the Linky thing are antiquated (now I've just pissed off the Linky lovers). So in a nutshell, call me nuts, but I don't think you will lose readers (page views)!
Thanks for the info on Blogher. I have loved it so far and only lost one follower because of the ads.
Hi Debbie,
Oh I hope it works out great and that you enjoy Wordpress!!!
Will there be a re-direct from here? In other words, will people who come here be able to click a button and reach the new blog?
Sending (((hugs))) your way,
good luck with the switch over,, I have blogger and dont really know alot about wordpress so I cant offer any advice. Hope I dont lose you in the move though.
Good luck with the change over. I am new to blogging and I am on Wordpress and so far it is good. Don't worry you'll be fine.
You know we will always find you Debbie, so don't let that part worry you. Good luck on your change. Good to hear about the Blogher network. I've signed up and now just have to do the paperwork. Hope you have a fantastic day!
Holey Cata Debbie, you had me scared to death with your post title. I was so afraid of something terrible. I am so relieved that WP is the issue. I hope it all goes smoothly for you, (wow, I can breath easy now). I will still be a faithful follower and be there for you. Prayers for an easy transition.
Hi Deb, I agree change is good, if we didn't change we wouldn't know what was behing the door that the good Lord is ready to open for us!
To me Word Press is scary only because I don't know alot about it, Blogher too! Do you have to be invited to join it? I'd love to know!
I'll follow you no matter what, you can't get rid of me! LOL
Oh I am So EXCITED for you... I knew you would eventually move... :) It really is the best choice... You know that I moved right before Thanksgiving... I think I almost had a Panic attack when she pushed the button and finally transferred me over... I felt like I needed to run back to blogger the moment I saw the WP dashboard... Do you remember the Picture I showed of my husband wearing a sign he Made.. That was because I was GLUED to my computer for DAYS trying to figure everything out.... Come to find out it was ME making it difficult it Really is so Very easy and user friendly.... You will LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! Oh on the Blogher I always thought you had to be asked to be with Blogher...?? Well have fun and breathe easy... Don't be like me and Panic... LOL!!!
I'm anxious to hear what you think, I've been contemplating some changes, too. I'm following on linky so I'll still be around!
We'll hang in there with you! You were there for us. ~ Maureen
Ever since Kristin lost her blog, I've been contemplating moving to Wordpress. With my business blog, that would mean TWO blogs to move and the expense hasn't been worth it to me yet.
I really appreciate everything you have said. I'm so glad we "met" and I really enjoy your posts, and how you seem so "real" here on your blog. I read tons of blogs and I don't get that genuine feeling from all of them. You are the real deal!! Thank you for being so gracious. I will make certain to be able to follow you even after you make the move!
I certainly understand! Blogger has been such a headache and so very frustrating... Are you doing the change yourself or having it done? I'm such a technically challenged person that it's all Greek to me!
Everyone will follow you ~ don't worry about that. Just do what's best for you, ok?
Yes(!), change is good, Debbie! You're following your instincts and movin' on up! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on Wordpress once you transition ... are you doing this or is someone doing it for you? You know I'll find you at your new *home!* xo
I cant wait to see and read about the transition to Wordpress. Your blog is awesome... you are awesome and I'm sure you are making the right choice for you!! And umm.... I'm about speechless now thinking of my blog disappearing. How does that happen? How do I back up my blog? I should do that!
Im not sure about all of the other ways to follow blogs. I usue the Google Friend Connect, it is so much easier to see what I have to read on my dashboard... but other blogs that dont have that I save the link as a favorite and just visit it often. I guess I will have to use Linky more now that everyone is switching!
I will follow you wherever you go. I am sure you were very thoughtful in considering a move. What an exciting time for you. There is nothing wrong with getting a little compensation for the hours, time and energy you put into your blog. Good for you =) Your blog still looks and feels like Debbiedoo's too me and that is all I care about =)
Yes, change is good and I think we're all getting frustrated with Blogger these days. I haven't been able to update my blogroll in ages now and I have so many wonderful new blogs I'd like to put there:( What's up with that?
Can you please do a tutorial on how you switch over once you've done it? I have so many issues putting new posts up that it's really turning me off blogging altogether.
As for your ads, they don't bother me one bit. In this economy, if you can make a little bit and still be there for your guys then that's a great thing:)
Beautiful photos Debbie! Sometimes computer changes terrify me too! I was having a lot of problems with Blogger until I "ungraded my browser" to Firefox (and sometimes those terms boggle my mind)... and will probably stick with for now.
I still have you on Google friend connect but should that change I'll find you:)
I'd love to hear more from bloggers (like you) who are earning money with their blogs, and how all that works.
Good luck with Word Press hope all goes well!
Hugs, Sherri:)
Hey Girlfriend, you're on my blogroll, I have to check in with you everyday. Always love seeing what you're up to, and all the antics! You're doing what so many of us are just thinking about! xoxo
Debbie, congrats on the move. I'm going to follow you however I can (probably on facebook). I also want to thank you for hosting the newbie parties. My blog will be 6 months old at the end of this month. Your newbie parties have helped it grow and I have made some great 'bloggy friends' because of it. So, THANK YOU! And good luck with the move:)
Don't worry Debbie, I will hunt you down! Enjoy your day my friend, Gail
I'm still able to follow WP blogs on Google Reader, but I'm following on LF, too, and will follow the new site address with LF when it's up and running.
Will you be using a host migration service to help with the move? Or are you reading up on all the techy stuff right now?
This posting is why I come back all the time and read you.
Down to earth, giving and creative C:
Good luck with Wordpress. I'm thinking of doing the same.
I'm finding Blogher frustrating right now as I'm not getting a lot of feedback but you've just given me the courage to contact them again.
Debbie, I have a good friend that has used Word Press from the start. She was never on Blogger and she always says how much she loves it. Sometimes change is very good, specially after all the time you have been blogging.
I know you will make it work and it will probably end up being the best thing you have ever done. It is scary to think you may loose your blog after all the hard work you have put into it. I believe Debieedoo"s is the best blog out there! I love everything you do, have learned so much from all your post and, I actually look forward every day to sit down for a few minutes with my cup of coffee and read your post of that day. I hope I will still be able to do that when you change to WP, you are many times my inspiration and I am honored to know you.
Big hug
I don't know piddly squat about Word Press but I DO know that you won't lose readers and followers. We love you for you...makes no difference where we have to go to find you....we'll go !! :)) and....we'll find you.
I lost my entire blog last week for about an hour and couldn't even get up out of my computer chair for an hour....too weak to walk.
Now, if all goes well and you promise to hold my hand along the way, I may go over, too.....*shaking scared to just think about it.....
and....I sure do need to make money somehow so maybe I need to look into BlogHer...i know nothing whatsoever about it....
xo bj
All the best and much success in all you do!!
Have a great day,
Always, Queenie
I'll be there Debbie...I think you will like Wordpress. That was one of the places I considered before going to Typepad, when the old Back Porch went "poof". I understand very well how you felt about your blog going "poof".
Ads do not bother me...I still visit. I think I can add you to my google reader and definitely will add you to Linky, I am still trying to figure out how to use the "visiting" part of that, but it will all come to me one of these days. I added Back Porch Musings (typepad) to google reader and it works.....but you know how that goes.LOL
I was a stay at home mommy. I was the scout leader, all around neighborhood mom, in case of emergency and school volunteer. All my girls are in their 40's now. Even though they didn't have all the neat things other kids had and times were a tad tight, they tell me, even now, how much they appreciated me being there after school and during summer and holidays. I went to work when the youngest started first grade and the oldest started high school.
I've looked at life from both sides (isn't that a song?) and can appreciate the working mothers of the world and I know what it's like to be a stay at home mommy, too.
I completely understand your angst. I'd feel the same way if I were in your shoes. Girlfriend, you keep it real on your blog and that's what keeps us coming back. You did good, you are doing good, and you will continue to do good because that's the kind of person you are. xoxo
Congratulations! This is a very big step for you, but everything will be fine.I've been on Wordpress since I started blogging, only because my step-sons (who make their living programming and making websites)told me that was what I should do. Wordpress is easy to us. If I can use it, anybody can. I probably don't use half of the things that I could. I learn more about it all the time. But the best thing is that you will own your blog, its content, etc. And everybody will find you because you're our favorite!!!
I will find you where ever you go. I want to join Blogher...they won't take me. I really don't know why...they never answer me. I have followed all their prereqs...Like I think I told you before, it doesn't seem to matter what I do to or on my never changes anything....I just keep plugging along!!
You can't hide from me so you'll have one follower for sure.
I will be interested to hear if you find word press user friendly. I seem to find blogger very user friendly, so if there is something better bring it on.
Good luck with your move...everyone is pretty happy with wordpress.
Good luck on the transition, Debbie. Hope it's a smooth one....Christine
Thank you so much for addressing this. I've watched the differences between Blogger and Wordpress with many of my favorite blogs; have been considering changing myself. I follow you because you are interesting, fun, inciteful, and sincerely helpful. I'll find and follow you as I'm sure the majority of your followers will; we need our Debbiedoo!!! : ) Will be connecting on FB next so I'm sure I won't miss anything. See you at the parties.
Other blogs I follow that moved to wordpress transitioned well in my blogger dashboard, Debbie, so I'm expecting the same for yours. If not, I'll just have to come looking for you! : )
Oh Debbie, good luck. I hope I can still find you as I enjoy your postings! Not being a blogger, other than a viewer/reader, I can only imagine your anxiety. But, I'm sure it will be fine, and YES change can be a good thing. Peggy
I will be following you no matter what!
You are a great example of perseverance and fortitude!
Can't wait to see the new changes!!
Thanks for always encouraging me.
Love ya!
Change is good and you are so often the trailblazer for the rest of us. You know I would follow you anywhere!
Owning your own blog is very wise. If I did not have so many balls in the air at present I might do it too. You have much more traffic than I do but they will follow you no matter where you are.
I don't care how you blog as long as you do. I would misss you so much if I couldn't read your blog.
I have several blogging friends who really are happy with word press.I've hadmy share of troubles with blogger maybe I will change too!I lost my entire blog once, taht was a shock and mine didn't come back.
I'll be here, Debbie Dear! Maybe when you get the change all figured out, you'll share and we'll follow! :)
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Debbie....I started my blog around Christmas time last year and use Wordpress...My son is a software developer for a major marketing firm specializing in commercial blogs. He said that Wordpress was the only way to go...he stands by their "behind the scenes" security, etc. They do not allow Java Script but for a good reason...
In Wordpress, the Linky system is different as you do not see the thumbnails on the post page..only when you click over...I think that may be the only drawback for some..
I feel it is user friendly for this very tech challenged blogger...I am so happy that my son pointed me in the right direction...In the future I will be hosting on my own, but still with Wordpress...
It will be fine and your followers will always be there...
They always say change is good! Let us know how it goes and maybe I'll follow and change too. You know I'll be one of your followers!!
Yikes! I'm going to double check that I am following you on Linky...will that transfer to your site on WordPress? I don't even know where folks I follow on things other the blogger show up. You helped me figure out so much stuff about blogging when I started that I know you can help me again with all these changes.
When you are 'there' I hope you will write about the how and the journey from blogger to WP and write about tips you figured out/etc.
Good for you! Everything will work out. I'm making a switch in the very near future. As anyone can see about my lack of posts... I am annoyed with Blogger as well. I also, greatly dislike the caddy bloggers. Get a life, worry about what you are doing instead of everyone else is what each of them should do.
I have you on Facebook! Encourage people to follow you on FB and Twitter. It's much easier to notify people of changes in those social forums instead of through all 15 of the ways on Blogger. Dumb! I sound grumpy. I probably am. It's all a huge hassle and needless frustration. Make the change and don't look back. :))
Good for you! We're headed over too, I'm just doing the transfer myself, so it's taking a little time. I LOVE this post Debbie so real and from the heart. Oh and just an FYI Linky Follower will absolutely show your follower's thumbnails on your blog, it's only for blogs that it can't. Blogger and self hosted worpress blogs show up just like GFC. I just noticed someone mentioned that above and didn't want there to be any
Can't wait to see your new "home"..and we'll follow right along wherever you are!
Best of luck to you, Deb. Change is usually scary, but I've no doubt that "you can do it"!
Good luck on the move, Debbie. I'm following via Linky Followers, so I should still be able to keep tabs on!
Debbie, no matter what format you place your blog into, I'll find it and keep reading! I can't do without my darling Debbiedoo's!! You've really blazed a trail for us newbies and I appreciate that so much! I love all of your enthusiasm and the support you give to everyone. You're inspiration is invaluable! Good luck with the transfer and thank you for the info on Blogher. I have thought about checking it out before. See you soon in blogland! Hugs, Leena
Goodness, your lead in gave me hives...well kind of, I thought, she is going to quit blogging, she is leaving her husband (That's where the kind of came in, if you leave him, leave him at the end of the driveway and I will pick him up) Now WP, you go girl, everyone is still in my Google reader on dashboard, so nothing changed. I would like to talk to you more about Blog Her, I looked into a while back when you talked about it, but unless I miss read it, there seemed to be a lot of rules? And I just wanted to do, what I wanted to do. I think it is the right move for you, you are documenting your life..That cannot be changed.
Congratulations Debbie,, I'll be watching the change happen with great interest...
Love reading your blog each week and want only the best for you!
Good Luck!
Hi Debbie! I made the leap to WP last fall, bought my domain name and every thing and it's been awesome! I am in a period of "regrowth" right now since I lost GFC, but I've enlisted the help of others and it's going beautifully. I love WP, I own my content, I learn new things all the time about my blog... best thing I've ever done. Come see me and tell me what you think!
Hi Debbie,
I think you are ready to make the will be fine, just think of all of the new possibilities you will be able to do with it!
All the Best,
Very exciting change! You go first and then let us know how it is on the other side :)
I (and I'm sure all of your other readers) will continue to follow you!
Good luck and no matter where you are I'll follow. My blog is self hosted and I use Wordpress, and I love it. If you ever have a question just give me a shout out. There's only 1 thing I don't like about wordpress self hosted, my template header does not allow me to change out. It is part of the whole, so if I want to change my header, i.e. seasonally I have to go through my web designer. Good Luck!
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